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1、 (最近更新日:2006/08/20)通过PPPoE方式xDSL接入网络的用户,每次获得的IP地址是变化的。我们不可能让别人用IP地址来访问 我们的服务器,而且普通免费的二级域名又无法应付服务器IP即时的变化。所以,需要申请一个动态域名,通过 服务端对域名指向的实时控制,达到无论服务器IP地址怎样变化,外部用户在任何时候都能通过此域名来正常访 问服务器的目的。在国内,有一些动态域名提供商,比如比较有代表性的 3322.org ,但功能都比较单一。在这里,我们选择人 气、评价比较高的国外动态域名提供商 no- 提供的动态域名。当然,按照您的个人喜好,选择任何一个服 务商提供的动态域名都能实现同样

2、的功能,只要您知道相应服务商提供的动态域名的设置方法。动态域名的申请1 打开 no- 的用户申请页面 http:/www.no- 分别填入前五项必填选项(名、姓、E-mail、密码和密码的确认)以及后面的How did you hear about us?(通 过什么方式得知no-的)的选择,其他选项可填可不填,然后一定不要忘了在最后的是否同意协议Cl have read and agree to the followi ng terms of service)一 栏上打勾同意协议。3 这时去邮箱中查看邮件,会发现从no-发来的账户激活邮件。邮件正文中,有一个标题为“To activate y

3、our accou nt please click the followi ng URL:”的链接,点击这个链接,在弹出的浏览器窗口中会出现激活成功的信息。4 然后到no-的主页上用刚刚申请的用户名和密码登录。然后会出现用户控制面板,点击左边Hosts / Redirects菜单中的 “Add”。 No-IP.comTHE i&YNAMiC LEa心%LogoutDomain 5e-archi:| azirriSeairdi Members AreaVOUR NO IP Hosts / Redirects辽亘点记这里加入一牛新的域名Welcome!You have sueceasfully l

4、ogged into No-IPs member section. To start using bJoP空 services please select a menu rtern on the left hand side.ManageManage Groups You r Nol P Notices News UpdatesApr 13,2005Come visit our new Blog! The blcg will serve as an inlormative source for the smalller day to day changes to our site and ot

5、her infcirmation that might be interesting to hlo-IP end users.Upgrade to Enhanced Plus Managed DNS Domain Registration SSL Certificates Mail Monitoring Squared Backuo DNS-You do not have any notices at this time -Check this spot for important information regarding your 曰匚count such as expiring serv

6、iu贾 and trouble tickets.Jul 30, 2004Text Records and SPF Wizard!Create DNS terf (TXTrecords includingSPF records. Sender Policy Framework (EPF) helps identify spam and viruses tiy checking for forged email senders. Test recartis are availbleto No-IP Enhanced and hlo-IP Plus users. More In1o h勇日:/八丁涉

7、“山愛陀阳:jub山inil 在加入新域名的页面中,填入你的主机名(这里以本站的digeast为例),以及域名的形式(这里以默认的 “no-ip.info”为例),“Host Type”一项选择“DNS Host (A)”,然后其他选项保持默认,点击下面的按钮Create Host”, 顺利的话,会出现加入主机成功的页面。图样如下: No-IP.comTh E i&N Ahn C Din5= LEj心医YQUftNa-IP.| GOE + Search口Qiriaiii Search: |Logged In As:rrCurrent IP:型&。Add a HostYOUR NO IP Hos

8、ts I Redirects AddManageManage GroupsUpgrade to Enhanced Plus Managed DK Domain Registration SSL Gertificates Mail Monitoring Squared Backup DNS Vour AccountFill out the lollowing fields to configure your hosl. After you are done click Create Host to add your host.Hostname InformationHostname: dieas

9、tno-ip.infoHost Type:Q DNS Host 的 广 DNS Host (Round Robin) r DNS Alias CCNAME)Port 80 RedirectWeb RedirectIP Address:Own a domain name? Use your own domain name with our DNS system. Add your domain name now or read more for pricing and features.View HistoryAssign to Group; | | View Groups | Add Grou

10、pAllow Wildcards;厂时叫川帕Fe呃FvFpTirI rTIAllnn域名建立成功后会出现成功建立的提示页面,如下: No-IP.comrHE QYNAMlC UNS- LEMlEltDomair h:comSaawliLogoutWUR NO-IP Hosts I Redireds* AddManageManage GroupsUpgrade to Enhanced Plus Managed DNS* Domain Registration* SSL Certificates* Mail Monitoring Squared Backup DNS0 Add aHstThe ho

11、st digeast.no-ip.infD resolving tohas successfuly been added to ciur system.New additions will take upto S minutes to become live on our DNS servers.域容建立成功! 匚迂匸少:/7 www七Mui;。淫#ub上d山在服务器端控制域名以上域名申请过程,我们可以在我们的自用pc上面完成。管理域名的过程也同样能够在pc上面完成,但每 次更新ip地址后都要手动通过网页来更新是没有效率的。这里介绍在服务器端对域名进行控制的方法。1以root用户登录服务器,下

12、载no-ip域名控制工具。ro ot sample # wge t htt p:/www.no- nt/linux/noip-ducTinux .t ar.gz下载域名控制工具09:13:38 http:/www.no- .tar.gz= noip-duc-linux .t ar.gzResolving www.no-. ting to www.no-||:80. connec ted.HTTP request sent, awaiting response. 200 OKLength: 99,421 (97K) appli

13、cation/x-tar100%匚二二= 99,421 98.67K/s09:13:40 (98.42 KB/s) - noip-duc-linux. tar.gz saved 99421/99421ro ot sample # tar zxvf noip-duc-linux .t ar.gz 展开被压缩 tar 文件2配置no-ip域名控制工具rootsample # cd noip*进入展开后的no-ip域名控制工具目录roo tsample noip-2.1.3# make编译源代码ro ot sample noip-2.1.3# make ins tall 开始建立if ! -d /u

14、sr/local/bin ; then mkdir -p /usr/local/bin;fi if ! -d /usr/local/etc ; then mkdir -p /usr/local/etc;fi cp noip2 /usr/local/bin/noip2/usr/local/bin/noip2 -C -c /tmp/no-ip2.confAuto configuration for Linux client of no-.Multiple network devices have been detected.Please select the Internet interface from this list.By typing the number assoc


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