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1、U1T2Secion A. Material analysis本节课是一节听说课,主要活动是1a, 2a和3a。另外,在本课学生还将了解到一些西方国家的标志性建筑、自然风光和名胜古迹。II. Teaching aims Knowledge aims 能够听懂、正确朗读并应用新学习的单词: excuse, me, name, America, Japan等; 能够正确使用be动词am, is, are的不同变化及缩写形式。 能够用英语熟练表达询问姓名,国籍的方式Whats your name? Where are you from? 能够正确运用特殊疑问词what, where, who引导的特

2、殊疑问句。 Skill aims 能听懂有关询问姓名、国籍等基本情况的简单对话或叙述; 能运用图文就表示询问姓名、国籍等的基本情况的话题进行简单的交流; 能根据已学音标的初步知识拼读单词;能正确地朗读对话,并能注意语音语调; 能写询问对方基本情况的简单句。 Emotional aims 能够与同学积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践,培养友好互助的精神; 能有兴趣用所学的功能句进行口头对话; 使学生乐于接触并了解异国文化。. The key points and difficult points Key points 正确使用表示询问姓名、国籍等的表达方式;正确使用人称代词:you, they,

3、形容词性物主代词:my, your;正确使用Be动词am, is, are的一般现在时在不同情况下形式上的不同变化; 掌握缩写形式Im = I am, theyre = they are, whats = what is, arent = are not, isnt = is not; 掌握元音字母a, e及辅音字母p, b, t, d, k, g的读音规则。 Difficult points 特殊疑问词what, where, who引导的特殊疑问句及缩写形式;Be动词am, is, are的应用; 元音字母a, e及辅音字母p, b, t, d, k, g的读音规则。. Learning

4、strategies 运用图片教学能帮助学生理解和掌握教学内容。. Teaching aids录音机、教学挂图、闪卡、黑板和多媒体。. Teaching procedures一 Practise the dialog between teacher and students.A: Excuse me, are you Jane? B: Yes, I am. A: Excuse me, are you Michael? B: No, Im not.A: My name is Sally. Whats your name?B: My name is Li Ming. Whats your name

5、?C: My name is 二 Join the pictures and countries together.三 Learn 1a.(影片)Sum up : be from “从来,来自”,表达某人的籍贯或来源地。 “Where +be+主语+from?” 意为“某人来自哪里?”Where 用于对地点提问。四 Practise in pairs.(Ss and Ss)五 Listen to the tape and complete 1b then practice.六 Learn 2a.(影片) Let students try to recite .七 Sum up:Where ar

6、e they from?句型结构为: Where +be+主语+from? 句中的they是第三人称复数,译为他/她/它们,后面的be动词要用are。如:他们来自哪里? Where are they from? 他们来自美国。They are from America. 他们来自日本吗?Are they from Japan?He is from Japan. / She is from England. 句中的he 和she 是第三人称的单数形式,译为他/她,后面的be动词均用is。如:他是Kangkang。He is Kangkang. 她来自英国。 She is from England

7、八 Look at the pictures and practiceWhere are you from? I am from China. I am from CanadaThey are from Japan.九 Summary1. Where are you from? Im from Canada.2. Are you from America? No, Im not.3. Where are they from? 4. He is from Japan.5. She is from England 十Homework1. 抄写本课的生词、单词、音标及汉 语各两遍。2. 背诵课文1a

8、和2a。 . Blackboard designWhere are you from?Section A1.Whats your name? Canada Sounds:2.Where are you from? Japan /V/ /2/ /1/ /e/3.Are you from Canada, too? America /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /G /4. Excuse me, are you? EnglandYes, I am./ No, Im not. 5. Who are they? They are Maria and Jane. 6.they are = the

9、yre教学反思:1、 学生学习的积极性高,较快掌握拼读单词的方法。2、 新的对话理解较好,且同学之间对话较好。U1T2Section B. Material analysis本节课主要活动是1a和2a。通过看、听、说,复习询问姓名、国籍的表达方式,并进一步学习对第三人称基本信息的询问“Who is she/he ?”,“She/He is ”,“Where is she/he from?”此外,学生还会了解到英美国家在姓名表达方式上与中国的不同. Teaching aims Knowledge aims 能够掌握并应用新学习的单词:look; 能够正确使用be动词am, is are的一般现在

10、时在不同情况下形式上的不同变化; 能够正确使用人称代词:she, he;能够用英语熟练表达询问姓名、国籍的方式:Who is she/he ? She/He is .Where is she/he from? She/He is from.Is she/he from.? Yes, she/he is. No, she/he isnt. 能够正确运用特殊疑问词where, who引导的特殊疑问句。 Skill aims 能听懂有关询问姓名、国籍等基本情况的简单对话或叙述; 能运用图文就表示询问姓名、国籍等基本情况的话题进行简单的交流; 能正确地朗读对话,并能注意语音语调; 能正确使用英文句子的

11、书写格式和单词的大写规则。 Emotional aims 能够与同学积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践,培养友好互助的精神; 能有兴趣用所学的功能句进行口头对话; 使学生乐于接触并了解异国文化。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points 正确使用表示询问姓名、国籍等的表达方法;正确使用人称代词:she, he掌握Be动词am, is, are的一般现在时在不同情况下形式上的不同变化; 掌握缩写形式 Whos = Who is ; Wheres = Where is 2. Difficult points 特殊疑问词where, who引导

12、的特殊疑问句;Be动词am, is, are的应用;单数句型和复数句型的互换。. Learning strategies 通过学习中西方姓名书写顺序的不同,了解中西方文化的差异。. Teaching aids 多媒体、黑板、教学挂图和录音机。. Teaching procedures:一 Look at the pictures and practiceWho is he? He is Jim. Where is he from? He is from Canada.Who are they?They are Kumiko and Zhao Lin。Where are they from?Ku

13、miko is from Japan and Zhao Lin is from China。二 Learn 1a.(视频)Compare:He is Li Ming. 他是李明。 Is he Li Ming? 他是李明吗? No, he isnt 。 He is Yukio.She is from Canada. 她来自加拿大。 Is she from Canada? Yes, she is. 她来自加拿大吗?让学生观察总结:他们的不同在于都是be(is)动词 的位置发生了变化,同时句子的意思也发生了变化,由陈述语意变成了疑问语意。这就是:be动词的陈述句变一般疑问句的变法:将be 动词提前。

14、事实是肯定的 ,就用yes 回答,事实是否定的,就用no回答。Look at the pictures and practice。Who is he / she? He /She isIs he/she? Yes,he /she is.三Practice the sentences between Ss and Ss.(根据实际情况)四Look at the names and write down Full name: Tom Cruise Full name: Zhao LinFamily name: Cruise Family name: ZhaoGiven name: Tom Given name: LinFrom: From: America From: China五


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