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1、五年级第一学期英语复习题(一)班级 姓名 一、重点句型 there be 句型 肯定句:可数名词:如果有一个物或一个人(单数),就用there is, 如:There is a map on the wall. 有两个或两个以上就用there are.如:There are three girls in the classroom. 若既有单数又有复数,根据就近原则:There is a book and two pencils on the desk. 不可数名词: 表示存在的是不可数物质名词(如 水,头发,沙子,面包) 都用there is:There is some milk in th

2、at glass.但是用容器等可数物质装此类物质则看可将容器物质看做可数There are three cups of milk on the desks. 一般疑问句: be 动词提前, some 一般改成 any Is there a book on the desk? Are there three books on the desk? 一般回答: Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. (单,不可数) Yes, there are. / No, there arent. (复) 特殊疑问句(对数量提问) How many books(复数)are there

3、on the desk? There are three.(表示什么地方有什么的问句?) Whats in the desk? There is a book. 在课桌里有什么? 有一本书。 (注:Whats that in the desk? Its a book. 在课桌里那是什么? 是一本书。) Whats on the wall? There are some pictures. 在墙上有什么?有些图片。 注:无论回答是否单复数,问句都为单数问 (不能说成What are on the wall?)否定句 表示什么地方没有什么东西There is not a book on the d

4、esk. 在课桌上没有一本书。 is not= isntThere arent any books on the desk. (否定句some 改用any) 在课桌上没有一些书。 二、重点句型 can句型 表示表示某某人的能力,会如何如何 肯定句 人称 + can + 动词原型 I can swim. 我会游泳 否定句 人称 + cannot +动词原型 cannot=cant I cannot swim一般疑问句 Can + 人称+ 动词原型? Can you swim? 你会游泳吗? 特殊疑问句 What can + 人称 + 动词原型? What can he sing? 他会唱什么?三

5、、重点句型 like (一般现在时)句型 表示个人喜好的句子。 基本句型(第三人称单数除外): 肯定句: 人称代词+ like + 名词/动词ing I like monkeys. I like dancing.否定句: 人称代词+ dont + like +名词/动词ing I dont like monkeys. I dont like dancing. 一般疑问句:Do like? Yes, do. / No, dont. Do you like monkeys? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.特殊疑问句: What do + 人称代词+ like? What do yo

6、u like? What do they like? 四、现在进行时 当表示现在正在进行或正在发生的动作时,通常用现在进行时表示。肯定句 构成: 主语 + be (am / is / are) + 现在分词V-ing (+ 其他)What are you doing? I am singing. 你在干吗? 我正在唱歌。What is he doing? He is singing. 他在干吗? 他正在唱歌。 What are you doing? We are singing. 你们在干吗? 我们正在唱歌。否定句:Be 动词(am, is, are)后加not. He is not maki

7、ng cakes. 他不在做蛋糕。They are not listening to the music. 他们不在听音乐。一般疑问句:Be 动词提到句首,句号变问号,如Is he making cakes? 他正在做蛋糕吗? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt. Are they cooking now? 他们正在做饭吗? Yes, they are. / No, they arent. 特殊疑问句: What are you doing? What is he doing? What are they doing?注: 一般现在时 与 现在进行时 比较: I have br

8、eakfast at about six thirty. 我大约六点三十吃早饭。 I am having breakfast now. 我现在在吃早饭。Do you watch TV in the evening? 你晚上看电视吗? Are you watching TV now? 你在看电视吗?五、第三人称单数情况 have has 选择: 一般现在时的肯定句中 主语是第三人称单数用has 这类主语有 He She 外还有类似 Miss Li My brother Liu Tao The doctor It The cat等。其他情况都用have. 主语是第三人称单数时,在一般现在时的特殊疑

9、问句中,助动词应为does,而不再是do , 同时,has 应恢复为 have. 即不能说: What do he has? 而应为:What does he have? What do you have? I have What do they have? They have What does Mike have? He has What does he / she have? He / She has六、实用词汇运用 1 look for 寻找 Im looking for my father. 我正在找我的爸爸。 find 找到 Can you find your English te

10、acher? 你能找到你的英语老师吗?2. show their things to each other. 互相展示各自的东西 Show 把.给人看,出示 Show me your book. 给我看你的书Show your book to me. 把你的书给我看看Can you show us your new watch?你能否把你的新手表给我们看看?(注意动词show后面的代词用宾格代词us 而不是we,介词to也是)I you he she it we you theyme you him her it us you them 同样接宾格的有: help help us, teach

11、teach us about shapes drawdraw them 3. We all like our toys. 我们都喜欢我们的玩具 all 在句子里的位置: 在Be 动词句子中 的Be动词后, 在行为动词(do型句子)句子的行为动词前 如: We are all here. 我们都在这里。 (all 在动词are 后)We all like playing the table tennis. 我们都喜欢打乒乓。(all在动词like前)在一些词组中与中文顺序不同,应注意: 我所有的老师 : All my teachers4. The milk and the fish in the

12、 fridge are for me. 在冰箱里的牛奶与鱼是给我的。 注意介词短语后置 (相当于形容词放后面) 类似: The boy in the tree 在树上的那个男孩 The boy is in the tree. 那个男孩子在树上。 How to +动词原形 How to ride a bike 怎么骑自行车 How to sing this song 怎么唱这首歌 5. What shape is the kite? 这个风筝什么形状。 (此句结构与what colour句子相似,注意单复数时 主语与谓语动词一致) What shape is this clock ? Its a

13、 circle. What shape are these clocks? They are circles.6. This is the sun. 这是太阳 (太阳月亮世界 等独一无二的名称单词前要加定冠词the)7. Why dont we make one? 为什么我们不做一个呢。(我们何不做一个呢) Why dont we + 动词原形(词组) 表示建议 相当于 Shall we? 的句子 Why dont we buy a new ball? 我们何不买个新球呢?8. Here 倒装句Heres.for you. Heres a lamp for you. 这里有盏灯给你。 Here

14、 are somefor you. Here are some balls for you. 这里有些球给你。 A: There are not any chairs in the classroom. B: Dont worry. Here are some chairs for you.10. would like1. They would like to buy things for a Halloween party. 想要(做) I would like to = Id like to + 动词 Id like to watch TV with you. 我想和你看电视。 Id like + 名词 Id like 2 hamburgers. 我想要两个汉堡包。11. with 和 后置在后面 Lets go to school with Mike. 让我们和Mike上学。 We like playing table tennis with our friends.我们和我们的朋友喜欢打乒乓。12. do ones homework. 做作业(do my homework /


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