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1、小学英语演讲稿范文 小学英语演讲稿怎么写下面是小编为大家搜集小学英语演讲稿范文,欢迎大家阅读。 小学英语演讲稿范文一 Ladie and ntleen, God afen! I#9;m verygld to stad eran gveyoua shrt speeh toaymy topc s &ldqu;youthrdqu;。 yu ll like , d fou the potancen ur youthsotht mre cher it. Fist want to s you soe queions: 1、Doouknw what yoth 2、How oyu mater yoryotho

2、uthYut i not time ofif,t isastateof mnd ; it snot rosces , re lips an supple knees, it i matter of e ton :iis the freshn; it is the freshneo e eep spings olife Yuth me temperamtal pedomianc of uage oe timdi ofthe apetie,foravent overe love of eas Thsoftn eists in a mn o 60 or than a y o 2 . bod gw o

3、ldmerely by number of year . e rowold by deseig ur idas. Yer rinkl he sk , but giveup enthuismwrils the soul Woy , fr , elf &ash;distus ow the ert ndtur t spit back o u eter 60f16,there is in evr human being ;s hert the lue fwonders, the unfailing ile appite of what;s nextad te joy of te game

4、lvn. Ithe cent o you het and my het tr#39;s a wireettio : s longa it reeives mesagesof beauty ,pe ,cheer,courae and poer from mnd fr te infine,solongas you re yo . henthe eralsrdon, and yur spiritisovered wh snos of cyicis nd the iceofessimism, theyo re gwold ,event 0 ,b aslo a ur erialsaeup ,tocac

5、avs fptmim, there is hopeyou ay die young at 0. Thank ou!小学英语演讲稿范文二I hveben in Univrsitfrbotoe yearuring m sa re,I cam toealizethuniversiy ifeislik drinking cke. We expeiece l stesof life er, sur, swet, tternd hot. I am romProvc, which fa away fmhere. I ofte is my m, friend, ndeltives hmtw. However,

6、 c'eehm vey oftenS oninessalway kes e comny. I sa htIan&39;t e tre th the. Lukyfor ,life inuirst richan colrul. it ore fre tie,we cno anymore thin besides stdy, suc as jningscities clus, and tang par-ime jobs.Such tivts no nl meurie more orfu,but lo hel s rve l kins ofskils.The niversit s a soie

7、t minature, what w learnherewi benfi orfuue life. r ath li wil noalwabe smooh.eacks ca be avodedFailg a important xam, brek p wit by r girfrend, rrefsedby aprmisg pany, such etbcs ae elyo get u dow. Soeime e fell so frusd thwe evn burst nto tear. Drinkin okeiswonderul,despite te undeirble conequ

8、e hicups.It s bittr,sur anpeppey, ut alsoseet. Andyou&3;l even fe exited ate lping dn a glasA ollge eperen ispt of growing u We cry, sml, fall in lve, get hurt, eav, learn ten e ecme betterperson.Universitle islke drinkingcoke. I';m expeen it.And I ow, Ienjoyit! 小学英语演讲稿范文三 H,eern! M name s XXX

9、. Ty my oic s:&ldqu;I Lve glish&rquo;Enlih i now ue verywhereinhe world, ta bcoe he mot irtant language n ineret.Learingnlsh kseme confiden nd brin gret plsure. When I eight, my fathersetme a nglihscol. At thre,Iplae gams a sn Egsh sog wth other chdrene I dscred the beauty telanuag, an beganmy colru

10、ldramin he Engish orld. Eveyay, I red Englis foowi te ta. Somtimes, Ilie wtching Es mviesforchildren, suchasFindn Nemo, HrrPottrad s o. hese ovie noty mrved mynglish,ut asogaveme a lo offn. Outlo Englis also helme a lot imyEnglih Stdes, I hv een waching this proaor nely tw yers I ho Icaavelaround the world meday w togoo Aeica, becauseeica oe ofthe mo devloped cuntrsn the wo. I als wanttgo t nland, becse Englishriinted England. I ove Enlish,ngls s coe parofyie.o you english, myfiends If you d, ce with me. L&rsuo;s njoyth fun ofleaningnglih built i da.&qo; Thatrsuo;sl,hak yo!


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