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1、自我介绍英语小短文自我介绍英语小短文5篇 自我介绍是把自己的.情况介绍出来,有书面语和口语,可以用国语也可以用外语。以下是小编搜集整理的自我介绍英语小短文【5篇】,欢迎阅读,供大家参考和借鉴!更多资讯尽在自我介绍栏目!自我介绍英语小短文一ell, everone!M nam isXX, yu can aso cal me XXX.I study t o.Xmdeshool now. Im toutgog ike rading ooks alone. am also fond o litegto musc. I love counry usi.I likwatching carons,to. B

2、ese of panescartons,I n speak a ittleJaanesMe Imcry! m te onitressofur class now. wil t towok hard r teachrs adcassmates. A lo f eoplsaiI waagod chid. ut Iill try m bs o correctmy idvantags Imtryin tbe a rfcgirl Thksfor lsteig.自我介绍英语小短文二God mornin ! It isreallymy honot hae hs opporunt frnerview,I ho

3、p canmke goderrmancety Im confident at can sced. Now iwil introue myelf brifly .I a 26 yar ld,brn in hang prvnce . I a grdutedfrom ingdo unvrs. my mar is letonic.ad it mbahor egreeafterm gruationin tyear of 202XI spen most of myti o stdy,i ve pased C4/6. and i he acuire bsic nowlee o mymajr ring mys

4、col time. I think Im ago tem plae ad Im aprson ofrat honety t therlsoI m able o or undegreat esue That all.Thank you frgiig e thchace. 自我介绍英语小短文三Goo mrning/aftrnneveryne, my nam is m currtly studyin inheUniversity o Yn Nnraeling Culture. y pne numr is ,E-mailaddrss isImi h eparten of econocs,accouna

5、t. mhoping oget a joon accounterora brr.自我介绍英语小短文四Hell ,everybod.Mnaes *,Imfro *.It al a fntay pce,eole the are vryfrinly and helul.Theree alo someplaces o intress iny homeown,I lov ad hope hat yo an vsitetsomeay.I was gaduated from * ScolUniersi,its asoa icescol. Therre 3 ppl in m famiy,ou kno,my p

6、arentsand.Wlov c otherand live hap li.I usal ay alames in myspaetime,and Ithink Im od at baskball.Myeais to play abasketball g with i-Kbee y :) So,yu see,Im real an asygoing u(如果是女的就说al)。 Thats al,thank you.自我介绍英语小短文五 M name is XX.I a a studentin cls 1,grde X of XXXShoolI lkeEnglsh very much nd like

7、 singsing ,o. I g t scool five dyseveyweek y schlis no far fm my home,and i nceshool.here rels o techersandlotsof sudts in my ho.Thre are lsses i ychoo .My his ece is goo, myEngsh teacher good,toI lovethem a ot Tereare myfthr,my mohe and I in mfamliy oh of parens lv me ad lov them tooThis is m a lovey girl. Thatsall Thn you!


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