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1、八年级英语期中复习 Name 注意:本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。共100分。考试时间为90分钟。第一卷(共60分)一、听力(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)A、请听句子,选择相应的答语。(听一遍)1. A. Carrots.B. Fish.C. Vegetables.2. A. Yes. Im well.B. Yes. I agree.C. Thats nice.3. A. No problem.B. No, I couldnt.C. Yes, you might go there.4. A. A giraffe.B. A goldfish.C. A parrot.

2、5. A. Hes tall and thin.B. Oh, this is Simon.C. Hes my father.B)你将听到5句句子,听完每句句子后,选择与其意思相符的图画。(听一遍)6、7、 / C)你将听到5段对话,听完每段对话后,选择正确答案。(听两遍)11. Why was there a fire?A. Because an old man wasnt careful with matches.B. Because an old man left the stove on.C. Because a little boy played with fire.12. Does

3、the man believe there are ghosts?A. Maybe he believes there are ghosts. B. Yes, he does. C. No, he doesnt.13. How did Jack go to work today?A. On foot.B. By bus.C. By bike.14. Whose drawing is the most beautiful?A. Millies.B. Simons.C. Sandys.15. What can we know about Li Lei?A. Hes friendly and hel

4、pful.B. He likes playing football.C. He wants to be a doctor.D)你将听到一段短文,听完短文后,选择正确答案。(听两遍)16. When did the family go out for the holiday?A. Last May Day.B. Last Sunday.C. Last week.17. How did their car move?A. It moved very slowly.B. It moved very fast. C. It could not move.18. How long did it take

5、 them to get out of the town?A. About half an hour.B. About an hour.C. Two hours.19. What suddenly came to them?A. A strong wind.B. A car.C. A bus.20. What did they think of their trip?A. It was pleasant.B. It was funny.C. It was sad.二、单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1. A small goldfish about 4 grams.A. weig

6、hB. weightC. weighsD. weights2. Wang Fang put the fire with a blanket and helped her neighbour .A. up; outB. out; outC. on; onD. into; up3. You are too busy, so you keep any pets.A. ought toB. ought not toC. couldD. should4. Look out! The knife is very sharp. You cut your finger.A. needB. mustC. sho

7、uldD. may5. Mum, may I go to the cinema? No, you cant. You finish your homework first.A. canB. mayC. mustD. cant6. We saw elephant in the zoo. elephant was from India.A. a; TheB. the; AnC. an; TheD. the; A7. Wang Fang is of the five basketball players, but she plays very well.A. thinnerB. thinnestC.

8、 the thinnestD. very thin8. The old man always thick glasses and works very hard.A. puts onB. takes offC. dressesD. wears9. My brother is so fat too much food and little exercise.A. likeB. thatC. becauseD. because of10. Peter is friendly. He never a bad word about anyone.A. speaksB. tellsC. talksD.

9、says11. Its wrong to dirty water into the river.A. throwB. takeC. pourD. rush12. All the people should do their best the work.A. to finishB. finishC. finishedD. finishing13. What kind of food is , Chinese food, Japanese food or the western food?A. most deliciousB. more deliciousC. the most delicious

10、D. the more delicious14. Listen! Can you hear the boy in the next room?A. to singB. singsC. sangD. singing15. Im 1.70 metres. Yao Ming is 2.27 metres. I am Yao Ming.A. as tall asB. taller thanC. not as all asD. so tall as三、完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)December 21st is my grandmas birthday. Ill go back to

11、my hometown 1 my parents. Yesterday evening our family 2 the presents for my grandma.“ 3 can we buy for my grandmas birthday?” I asked.“We can buy her a big suit,” said my mother.“My sister 4 me yesterday. She said she would buy clothes for my mother,” said Father.“We can buy her a big 5 and some ve

12、getables.” I said.“My brother, your uncle, told me he would prepare the birthday 6 .” my father said to me.“Can we buy something 7 ?” asked my father.We thought 8 . At last I shouted, “I know. We can buy 9 some Wahaha!”“Wahaha?” asked my father. “Why?”“Grandma is 10 . She lost some of her teeth. If

13、we buy her some Wahaha, she will drink it and get all the calcium(钙) she needs.”( )1. A. andB. withC. forD. at( )2. A. looked forB. talked aboutC. foundD. heard from( )3. A. WhereB. WhichC. HowD. What( )4. A. calledB. tookC. saidD. made( )5. A. pearB. appleC. cakeD. orange( )6. A. suitB. dinnerC. pr

14、esentD. dress( )7. A. othersB. anotherC. otherD. else( )8. A. hardB. ofC. aboutD. over( )9. A. sheB. hersC. herD. us( )10. A. strongB. oldC. tallD. thin四、阅读理解(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)AA man has a cat. He likes her very much. At mealtime the cat sits at the table with him. The man eats with a knife and a fork, but the cat eats from her


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