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1、八年级英语(下)第一次月考试题姓名 考号 班级听力部分一、 听句子,选出你所听到的单词。(5)1、 A. cold B. thunder C. showers D. show2、 A. history B. story C. alone D. pound3、 A. duck B. wait C. fact D. white4、 A. rose B. rise C. wrote D. white5、 A. place B. playground C. football D. underground二、 听句子,选出合适的答语。101、A. Its sunny and warm. B. Its 2

2、0 degrees. C. I am cool.2、A. Its March 28. B. Its Sunday. C. Its 6:003. A. Yes, I like. B. Yes , I do. C. No, I like.4. A. five B. Three C. Four5. A. Good idea . B. Have a good time ! C.I ts nice.三听短文,选出合适的 答案。(10) 1、 Which is the best season of a year?A. Spring B. Summer C. Fall2. In the text , wha

3、t will happen in spring?A. The flowers come out . B. Trees turn green . C. Both A and B.3. Which season is a nice time for traveling?A. Spring B. Summer C. Fall4. What is the writer doing to do in the spring holidays?A. Go fishing B. Go cycling C. Flying kites5. Is MISS Ward a Chinese teacher?A. Yes

4、 , she is. B. No , she isnt . C. No , she doesnt.笔试部分一、 语言知识。(10)( )1. There _ a thunder storm tomorrow.A. Will be B. is will be C. is will D, will have( )2.The boys are reading _.A. In the sun B. under the sun C. below the sun D. in sun( )3.There are some birds _ the trees.A. In B. on C. at D. of (

5、 )4._ people will visit China for 2008 Olympics Games.A. Million B. 9 millions C. Millions of D. Million of( )5. We cant live _ water.A. With B. without C. use D. and( )6. He is a doctor,_ am I.A. Such B. so C. neither D. either( )7._ the weather like in Beijing?A. Hows B. Whats C. What D. How( )8.

6、My little brother is scared _ dogs.A. To B. of C. at D. for( )9.People _ any flowers until May.A. Will see B. dont see C. wont see D. see( )10. The sun _ in half an hour.A. Set B. sets C. setting D. will set二、 完形填空。(15)There are four seasons in a year . They are spring , summer , autumn and winter .

7、 Among them spring is _1_ one . When the weather _2_warmer and warmer ,flowers start to blossom . It _3_the spring comes. The sun makes _4_grow better and the daytime becomes _5_than the night. A famous Chinese saying ”The years work depends on(取决于) a good start_6_ ” tells us that spring is the begi

8、nning of a year . People in the season should make their plans for_7_. In spring , it _8_”green” to the world . Everything in spring is full of vitality( 活力). Spring is _9_ ,so I like it very_10_. ( )1. A a better B. the better C. the best D. a best( )2. A. gets B. turn C. comes D. has( )3. A. is B.

9、 shows C. becomes D. speaks( )4. A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something( )5. A. short B. shorter C. long D. longer( )6. A. in the morning B. in the spring C. in a day D. in the beginning( )7. A. their study B. their work C. the new year D. the new term( )8. A. can bring B. can take C. can

10、t bring D. cant bring( )9. A. hot B. cold C. beautiful D. earlier( ) 10. A. well B. better C. best D. much三、 阅读理解。(20)A Every one talks about the weather . Its the most common topic of conversation , for example ,” Isnt it a nice day?” “Do you think it will rain ?” All this is the way of starting co

11、nversations. Many people think they can tell what the weather is going to be like . But they hardly ever agree with each other . One man may say, “Do you see how cloudy in the east? Its going to rain tomorrow.” People often look for the weather they want . When a farmer needs water , he looks for so

12、mething to tell him it is going to rain. He wont believe anything else. When friends have a picnic , they are sure the weather is going to become clear very quickly that they wont sit eating their lunch when is raining. Almost everyone listens to what the weatherman says. But he doesnt tell them wha

13、t they want and once in a while he makes a mistake, still , he will come closer to being correct than anyone else.1. When people start a conversation with friends, they usually_A. Say something about the weather.B. Say hello to each otherC. Talk about the clothes2. The sentence “ isnt a nice day” me

14、ans_A. He doesnt think it is a nice dayB. He thinks it is a fine dayC. He asks others idea3. When people talk about the weather ,they usually start with_A. “are you cold?” B.” What a fine day!” C. “Are you well?”4. When people want to have a picnic , they will_A. Enjoy their picnic in the rainB. Hop

15、e that it is going to be fineC. Wait until it is fine5. The weatherman _A. Only tells people the fine weatherB. Never makes a mistakeC. Will come closer to being true and right than anyone elseB Sally was born in 1980 in Ontario , Canada . She came to live in China when she was 15. Four years later she went to Teachers Training College and studied there for three years . After she graduates


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