7课 导学案模式

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《7课 导学案模式》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《7课 导学案模式(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课题: Lesson 7 : Dont Fall off the Pizzas! 课型: 授课时间:执笔: 审核: 审批:学习目标1.知识与技能:单词: result (结果;成绩), none (一个也没有;毫无) ;few (几乎没有;很少 )词组及短语:jump over (跳过) ; none of us (我们中没有人) ; catch up with(跟上;赶上) fall behind (落后) ; do ones best (to do sth) 尽某人最大努句型:I was two seconds behind Danny.(我比丹尼落后两分钟)学习重点理解课文大意,掌握语言

2、知识点及用法 直接引语如何变为间接引语教学过程自主学习,认真准备课前预习1. China _(win) many gold medals in _(dive) since 1984.2. Fu Mingxia is one of Chinas best _(跳水者).3. She won gold medals in the _ _ _(女子10米跳台) event4. Study hard, and youll _(赶上) the others in your class.5. He could swim when she was five. (同义句) He was able to swi

3、m _ 自主学习一、Text learning.1.Listen ,read and answer the following question.How many events did Jennys class invent for their classroom Olympics?Whose event did Jenny like best? What was its name? Who was the second fastest?What happened to Brian when he was walking on the “Pizzas”? How can Brian do be

4、tter next time?合作探究展示交流合作探究展示交流直接引语变为间接引语的注意事项:1.人称变化:一主二宾三不变2.时态变化:如果主句是一般现在时,则从句可以用任何时态;如果主句是一般过去时,则从句用相应的过去的某个时态。如果所述的是科学真理、客观事实、格言等,间接引语中的时态无须改变。3.指示代词:this-that these-those4.时间状语:now-then today-that day yesterday-the day before last night-the night before ago-before tomorrow-the next day next w

5、eek-the next week5.地点状语:here-there 6. 动词: come-go bring-take点拨提升1.直接引语是陈述句:变为间接引语时,用连接词that引导(that在口语中常常省略),主句中谓语said to sb.要改为told sb. 例如:“Ill go to your farm tomorrow” he said to her.He told her that he would go to her farm the next day.巧记顺口溜:取掉引号加that,人称变化要灵活,时态向后退一步,状语变化按规则。2.直接引语是一般疑问句:变为间接引语时,

6、用连接词if / whether引导,said要改为asked,没有间接宾语可以加一个。He said, “Are you interested in English?”He asked me if I was interested in English.巧记顺口溜:取掉引号加if,陈述语序要记住,时态人称和状语,小心变化别马虎。3.直接引语是特殊疑问句:变为间接引语时,用它本身的疑问词引导。“What do you want ?” he asked meHe asked me what I wanted.巧记顺口溜:疑问词引导,陈述莫忘记,小心助动词,弃它最重要。4.直接引语是祈使句:变为间

7、接引语时,句子的谓语动词要选用含有祈使句意义的动词,如tell , ask ,order等,引语的动词改为不定式。如果祈使句是否定式,在动词不定式前加not。例如:“Stop talking”the monitor said to the class.The monitor told the class to stop talking.“Dont take off your coat” she said to her sister.She told her sister not to take off her coat.巧记顺口溜:取掉引号要加to, tell / ask要记住,直引若是否定式

8、,not加在to前部。当堂检测当堂练习,检测固学根据上句完成下句,每空一词,意思不能改变。1.Im from Canada . He says . He says _ _ _from Canada.2.Well go to the park . he said to me . He told me _ _ _go to the park .3.She said,“ I have been to Beijing twice” She said that _ _ been to Beijing twice.4. He said,“Did you see Tom last night?” He as

9、ked me _ I _ _Tom _night _.5. “Have you ever been to Beijing?”. The teacher asked me. The teacher asked me _ I _ ever been to Beijing.6. “How are you feeling now”. the doctor asked her. The doctor asked her _ she _ feeling _.7. “The earth goes around the sun”. the teacher said. The teacher said that

10、 the earth _ around the sun.8. “Dont play with fire”. Fathere said to me. Father told me _ _ play with fire.课下作业基础作业: 熟记单词巩固提高: 介词填空。1. China has won has many gold medals _diving and ping-pong.2. Study hard, and youll catch up _the others.3. Fish cant live _ water or air.4. He is always telling a li

11、e. I wont believe _him.5. My father began to work _the age of 18. 6. _the Olympics, Athletes compete _ medals. 拓展延伸能力提升A.根据短文内容判断正( T )误 ( F ) Henry works in a factory. He comes from a poor family and was in school for only four years. He has to do the hard work, but he hasnt got much money. He like

12、s to watch football matches very much and spends(花费) much time on it.One evening there was a big football match on a playground. He borrowed some money from his friend and hurried there. There were a lot of people there. And all the tickets were sold out(卖光). He was sorry for it. He saw a pole(电线杆)

13、outside the playground and climbed up it quickly. A policemen came and said, “Its dangerous to stay on it. Come down!”“Wait a moment, please!”Henry said and just at that moment.The policeman heard cheers in the playground and asked in a hurry. “ Which team has kicked a goal(进球)?” “Ours!”“Wonderful!

14、You can stay there. But take care!” The policeman said happily and left. When the match was nearly over, he came again and asked, “Whos won?” “ Theirs, 3 : 2.” “Come down,” said the policeman angrily(生气的). “Such a match isnt worth(值得) watching!” Henry had to come down. But soon they heard cheers again. The policeman said in a hurry, “ Climb up quickly and see whos kicked a goal!”( ) 1. Henry hasnt got much money because he didnt have much schooling when he was young.( ) 2. Henry stayed on the pole be


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