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3、目标的若干个任务,让学生在教师指导下完成各项任务,进而按步骤完成课堂的总体目标。4、具有师生角色,学生是交际者,其主要任务是沟通,具有学习的自主性,并经常进行两人或小组活动。5、学习者个人的经历作为课堂学习的因素。任务型语言教学追求的效果是让学习者能用自己的语言知识解决自己的实际问题,让学生自主、自发地投入到自觉的语言实践中去,以完成各项任务而体验自己的学习过程。三、一堂英语阅读课教学设计1Purpose of the period(1)to have a brief review of the previous lesson in this unit(2)to read an article

4、 and a report about lost civilizations(3)to learn the reading strategy of diary entries(4)to finish a letter concerned about environmental protection2Teaching focusTo enable the students to improve their reading abilities through some practice and to increase their awareness of protecting civilizati

5、ons.3.Teaching processStep 1. Warming-up.(In groups)Step1 Lead-in.(In pairs, ask the Ss to look at these pictures and discuss which ones are natural clones and which ones are man-made. Think about how they differ.)(1)Its the most famous sheep in the world. Do you know how Dolly is different from oth

6、er sheep? (2)Are the following clones the same? If not, what is the difference?【设计说明】通过图片与谈论,让学生了解What is natural clones and man-made clones? What is different between them? 接着介绍他们的不同点,顺此话题把学生引入到新课中,同时激发了他们学习课文内容的兴趣。Step 2 Listening comprehension(during-task)Have the students listen to the reading p

7、assage and answer some questions.1. What country is the author from?2. What is one main similarity betweenPompeiiand Loulan?3. How did the rich city ofPompeiibecame ruins?4. How did the wealthy commercialLoulanCitydisappear from the earth?【设计说明】通过听来锻炼他们的听力,并在与学生的互动中,使他们初步对课文的体裁和内容有所了解。Step 3Readingc

8、omprehension1)Do fast reading and answer true or false questions.1.Pompeiiwas founded in 89BC.2.Pompeiibecame a rich city after the Romans took over it.3.The ancient Roman city ofPompeiiwas forgotten for many years until the 18th century when a farmer found some stone with writing on it.4.Loulan is

9、a small, wealthy commercial city.5.Loulan was a stopping point on the famousSilk Roadbetween the North and the West.6.There was an ancient water system that ran through the middle of Loulan city.【设计说明】通过快速阅读,培养学生迅速寻找有用信息的能力,并加深对课文的了解。2)Do careful reading and fill in two forms.(A)Historical informati

10、on aboutPompeiiand LoulanPompeiitimeeventin the 8th centuryIt was founded.in 89 BCIt was taken over by the Romans.on 24th Aug. AD 79Mount Vesuviuserupted.in 1860Giuseppe Fiorelli was made director of thePompeiidig.Loulan2000 years agoIt existed as a commercial city.from AD 200to AD 500It was covered

11、 over gradually by sand storms.100 years agoIt was discovered by a Swedish explorer.(B)How does the writer feel about the trip in these days? Complete the following form according to the text .DatesActionsEmotions15th, JulyI am inItalyrepresentingCanada.feel luck16th, JulyWe went to a lecture about

12、Popeiifeel sorry17th, JulyI saw the ancient Roman city ofPompeiihow amazing24th, JulyWe arrived in Loulanso excited to be here25th, JulyThe discovery of Loulan and its present situationwhat a pity【设计说明】让学生带着问题细读文章,加深对课文细节的理解,提高学生获取信息和处理信息的能力。同时全面提高学生的英语阅读理解能力,并通过了解作者在旅途中的情感起伏,激起学生的共鸣,从而意识到自然灾害的破坏性和环

13、境保护的重要性,实现了本文的情感目标,同时也为本单元的阅读策略打下基础。Step 4Readingstrategy(阅读策略)Guide the students to acquire the skills of reading diary entries.【设计说明】通过阅读和讨论,让学生了解作者的旅行经历并掌握如何去阅读旅游日记,熟悉此类文体的一些基本特点。Step 5 ConsolidationGet the students to retell the diary entries according to reading strategy with some key words given.(1) dates, names of places;(2) facts, historical informatiom;(3) personnal feelings, personnal opinions etc.【设计说明】通过说的活动,为学生提供运用课文中所学词汇和句型表达语言的平台,使学生巩固所学内容(文章和阅读策略)。专心-专注-专业


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