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1、Unit10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left. WordsLearning goals: Train studentsabilities of listening, reading and recognizing the words on Page 153-154 by having them listen to tapes, work in pairs and ask the teacher for help.Step I Learn to read the words on Page 153-1541. Have st

2、udents read the words by themselves.2. If they cant, have students listen to tapes and then read in groups. Make sure most students can read the words correctly.设计意图: 学生先自己拼读,然后跟读。培养学生自读单词的能力Step II Learn to remember words on Page 153-1541. Have students look at the pictures and remember “rush”, “co

3、stume”, “go off” and “lock”. rush costume go off lock/r/ /kstju:m/ /lk/设计意图: 采用图片的形式教授单词,更直观学生更容易接受和记忆。 2. Remember the words by matching itself with its meaning.A. oversleep B. by the time C. show up D. exhausted E. April Fools Day F. reveal G. flee H. sell out I. a piece of J. set off1._run off 2.

4、_ appear 3._very tired 4._dont have anything to sell 5._tell the truth 6._sleep late 7._when 8._April 1st 9._ a slice of 10. _cause设计意图: 用旧知识带动新知识的掌握,起到了复习旧知识学习新知识的作用。3. Remember the words by conversion、complex words and derivative.1) farm (n.) -farmer(n.) 2)embarrassed (adj.)-embarrassing(adj.) 3)t

5、hrill (v.)-thrilling (adj)4) end (n.)-ending (n.) 5) girl + friend = girlfriend (n.) 设计意图: 用词形变化的形式学习新单词,更容易记忆。4. Remember the words by Chinese meaning. Choose right Chinese meaning from the box below with the help of the sentences.A. 骗局,恶作剧 B. 意大利式细面条 C. 准时 D. 停止运转,出故障 E. 尴尬的,为难的 F. 空的 G. 宣布,宣告 H.

6、火星 I. 令人信服的 J. 恐慌 K. 结婚 L. 权威机构 1) He was so convincing that all the people believed him. _ 2) The food is a kind of noodles that is made in Italy, so we call them spaghetti. _ 3) He has never been late for school, that is to say he is always on time. _4) If we have any question, we will go to the p

7、olice station, because it is an authority. _ 5) We will meet many hoaxes on April Fools Day._ 6) She got married to a businessman last year, soon they had a beautiful baby and they made up a happy family. _7) I was late for class because the school bus broke down on the way to school._8) It was the

8、only one that made a pronunciation mistake during my speech. It was so embarrassing. 9) There is nothing in the box, it is empty. _10) The news of the earthquake caused much panic among people, they all ran away from their homes. _11) English teacher announced that he would leave us, the news surpri

9、sed us._12) I will fly rockets to the moon and Mars. _设计意图: 不是单纯的学生用汉语意思来记忆单词,而是让学生在句子中,通过猜测词义的方式进行学习。这样,学生不但学习了单词,而且还锻炼了通过句子猜测词义的能力。Step III Consolidation of words1. Have students check if they remember all the words by working in pairs and check each other.2. If they cant, they can open the books

10、and read them again. Then dictate them in the exercise by themselves.设计意图: 单词记忆的第一步是将音和意结合在一起,其次才是记忆音和形。这样的记忆是牢固的。Step IV Read and translate the storyMy Unlucky Day One day, I was invited to a costume party. I was very thrilled and dressed up as a Father Christmas to the party. But when I was there,

11、 I found they all wore normal clothes and they said “April Fool” to me. Oh, my god, thats not a costume party. I was so embarrassed that I fled from the party. Then in the afternoon, I went to visit a spaghetti farmer. Because that day, his daughter got married. I took the bus there. On the way ther

12、e, the driver announced the bus broken down and it was snowy outside. Panic set off among all the passengers. We had to walk there. When I got to the farmer, I was so exhausted and hungry that I ate many pieces of bread. What a bad day!Step V 画思维树My morningOthers said “April Fool to me”dressed as a

13、Father Christmasgot to the partywas invited to a costume partywas embarrassed was thrilledfled from the party My afternoonPanic set offWalked to the farm Driver announced the bus broke downWent to visit a Spaghetti FarmerExhausted and hungry Ate many pieces of bread设计意图: 以故事和思维导图的形式记忆单词,将单个的单词放在故事中记

14、忆。Step VI当堂检测一按要求写出下列单词。 1. announce (过去式) _2. farm(名词) _ 3. flee(过去式)_ 4. oversleep (同义词)_二 根据括号中的汉语意思或首字母提示写单词,并用其适当形式完成句子。1. His car b_ down on the way to work so he was late. 2. He r_ that the story was a h_. 3. He was thrilled because he would get m _to his girlfriend. 4. The story was so c _that all the people believed it. 5


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