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1、第一轮复习资料 第1课时七年级上册 Unit 1 Unit 2 第一部分:经典回放【知识清单】功能话题1.问候: Good morning / afternoon / evening / night. 答语:Please say hello to your parents. Please give my love / best wishes to Lucy. -How are you (doing)? -Not bad. / Im well / fine / OK, thanks.2.介绍:How do you do? My name is ./ Im.Im from.This is.Nice

2、 / Glad / Pleased to meet / see you.3.告别: See you later / then / soon / tomorrow! / Good-bye / Bye! Im sorry I have to go now. I must be off now.4.感谢; Thanks (a lot). / Thank you very much / for doing sth. / Thank you anyway / all the same. Its very nice / kind of you. Thats OK / all right. / You ar

3、e welcome. / Dont mention it.Its my / a pleasure.5. 年龄; How old? 颜色; What color?6. 外貌; What does she / he look like? / Whats she / he like?重点词汇1.词汇归类;基数词;身体部位;颜色;服装;人称代词、物主代词;反义词 考点词汇:thank, begin, please, excuse, where, telephone, number, grade, that, spell, double, same, friend, those, wide, round

4、, favorite, Chinese, know, right, student, knife, different, letter, give, color, picture, which, bring, photo, clothes, young, truck, computer, nurse, think, tomorrow, whose, mine, its, our, get, either, food, find, help 2.常用词组:stand up, sit down, be/come from, a high school student, in the same cl

5、ass, in different grades, film star, look like, notbutget / begin to know, give sth to sb / give sb sth, right away,dark skin, light yellow skin,fair skin, over there, look the same, different looks, good friends,look at, a pair of shoes / trousers, each other, help sb (to) do sth, go shopping重点句型Wh

6、ats your telephone / cell phone / fax / BP number? ItsI have / He has short hair, a big nose and a wide mouth. He is tall with a big head.Do you have a knife? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Does she have small hands? No, she doesnt.Who is that boy? Hes my friend, Kangkang. Michael, who is your favorite fi

7、lm star? Guess.My sister and I look different. We are in the same school, but in different grades.Please give this letter to Maria. Ill give it to her.Which one? The one with black hair and black eyes.But you look the same. We have different looks, but we are good friends.-Bring my bag here, please.

8、 -OK.Is that a cat or a tiger? Its a tiger.Whose dress is this? Its my dress / mine.Oh, lets go shopping tomorrow. It looks very nice.What does Steve look like? He is short with blond hair.He is twenty years old. Please help us find him.语法1. 掌握人称代词和物主代词用法。 2. be 动词与主语的搭配。(主谓一致性)3. 掌握一般陈述句和疑问句的结构。 4.

9、 掌握选择疑问句及其回答。5. 掌握以等What / How 等疑问词引导的特殊疑问句及其回答。6. 不定冠词的用法。 7. 掌握名词复数形式和所有格形式。【考点提示】【考点 1】词汇分类 基数词;0-20 身体部位;(hair, head) face, (brow) eye, nose, mouth, ear, (neck, shoulder) arm, hand, (finger, chest, heart, lung) back, leg, foot (feet) 颜色;red , orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, black, wh

10、ite, gray, pink, blond 服装;cap, coat, jacket, T-shirt, dress, skirt, pants, trousers, shoe, clothes 人称代词:主格:I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they; 宾格:me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them物主代词my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their; mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs 反义词 small-big / large;

11、 wide-narrow,long-short,tall- short, black- white, new-old, old-young,fat-thin1【考点 1】冠词用法 a, an, the a / an 最基本意义”一个”; the 特指,(this / that / these / those) 用a, an, the填空,不需要的地方法画/.1. Wang Tao is _ honest girl, I believe her.2. Is that your _ notebook? Its _ old one.3. Its _ X-ray photograph. Give it

12、 to _ doctor who wears glasses.4. This is _ song Ive told about. Isnt it _ beautiful one?5. There is _ report in _ todays newspaper. Its about the International Film Festival.【考点 2】 人称代词,物主代词。用人称代词,物主代词填空。1. We have a sister. _ name is Jane. We all love _ and she loves _, too. This red skirt is _. S

13、he often wears _.2. My uncle is a doctor._ workplace is here. This office is _. But my father is a teacher. He teaches _ English, and he often helps me with _ English.3. Mike Jordan is a famous basketball star. Can I have _ photo?4. Can I have _ names, boys and girls? I want to be a good friend of _

14、.5. _ is a small monkey. But _ tail looks like a pigs.【考点 3】 be 动词的运用。 单项选择。( )1. Some of my classmates_from other cities.A. comes B. is C. are D. be( )*2. 228 kilometers _ a long way to go . A. is B. has C. are D. have( )3. My mother with my father _ making dumplings. A. are B. is C. / D. am( )*4. The number of the students in our grade _about six _, but _ of them are girls.A. are, hundreds, two thirds B. is, hundred, two third C. is hundred, two thirds D. is hundreds, two thirds( )5. Excuse me,


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