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1、软件测试常用英语词汇静态测试:Non-Execution-Based Testing或Static testing代码走查:Walkthrough代码审查:Code Inspection 技术评审:Review动态测试:Execution-Based Testing白盒测试:White-Box Testing黑盒测试:Black-Box Testing灰盒测试:Gray-Box Testing软件质量保证SQA:Software Quality Assurance软件开发生命周期:Software Development Life Cycle 冒烟测试:Smoke Test回归测试:Regre

2、ssion Test功能测试:Function Testing性能测试:Performance Testing压力测试:Stress Testing负载测试:Volume Testing易用性测试:Usability Testing安装测试:Installation Testing界面测试:UI Testing配置测试:Configuration Testing 文档测试:Documentation Testing兼容性测试:Compatibility Testing安全性测试:Security Testing恢复测试:Recovery Testing单元测试:Unit Test集成测试:In

3、tegration Test系统测试:System Test验收测试:Acceptance Test测试计划应包括:测试对象:The Test Objectives测试范围: The Test Scope 测试策略: The Test Strategy 测试方法: The Test Approach, 测试过程: The test procedures, 测试环境: The Test Environment, 测试完成标准:The test Completion criteria测试用例:The Test Cases测试进度表:The Test Schedules风险:Risks接口:Inte

4、rface最终用户:The End User正式的测试环境:Formal Test Environment确认需求:Verifying The Requirements有分歧的需求:Ambiguous Requirements运行和维护:Operation and Maintenance. 可复用性:Reusability可靠性: Reliability/Availability 电机电子工程师协会IEEE:The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 正确性:Correctness实用性:Utility 健壮性:Robustne

5、ss可靠性:Reliability软件需求规格说明书:SRS (software requirement specification )概要设计:HLD (high level design )详细设计:LLD (low level design )统一开发流程:RUP (rational unified process )集成产品开发:IPD (integrated product development )能力成熟模型:CMM (capability maturity model )能力成熟模型集成:CMMI (capability maturity model integration )

6、戴明环:PDCA (plan do check act )软件工程过程组:SEPG (software engineering process group )集成测试:IT (integration testing )系统测试:ST (system testing )关键过程域:KPA (key process area )同行评审:PR (peer review )用户验收测试:UAT (user acceptance testing )验证和确认:V&V (verification & validation )控制变更委员会:CCB (change control board )图形用户界

7、面:GUI (graphic user interface )配置管理员:CMO (configuration management officer )平均失效间隔时间:(MTBF mean time between failures )平均修复时间:MTTR (mean time to restoration )平均失效时间:MTTF (mean time to failure )工作任务书:SOW (statement of work )测试:alpha testing 测试:beta testing 适应性:Adaptability 可用性:Availability 功能规格说明书:Fu

8、nctional Specification软件开发中常见英文缩写和各类软件开发文档的英文缩写:英文简写文档名称MRDmarket requirement document (市场需求文档)PRDproduct requirement document (产品需求文档)SOW工作任务说明书PHBProcess Handbook (项目过程手册)ESTEstimation Sheet (估计记录)PPLProject Plan (项目计划)CMPSoftware Management Plan( 配置管理计划)QAPSoftware Quality Assurance Plan (软件质量保证计

9、划)RMPSoftware Risk Management Plan (软件风险管理计划)TSTTest Strategy(测试策略)WBSWork Breakdown Structure (工作分解结构)BRSBusiness Requirement Specification(业务需求说明书)SRSSoftware Requirement Specification(软件需求说明书)STPSystem Testing plan (系统测试计划)STCSystem Testing Cases (系统测试用例)HLDHigh Level Design (概要设计说明书)ITPIntegrati

10、on Testing plan (集成测试计划)ITCIntegration Testing Cases (集成测试用例)LLDLow Level Design (详细设计说明书)UTPUnit Testing Plan ( 单元测试计划)UTCUnit Testing Cases (单元测试用例)UTRUnit Testing Report (单元测试报告)ITRIntegration Testing Report (集成测试报告)STRSystem Testing Report (系统测试报告)RTMRequirements Traceability Matrix (需求跟踪矩阵)CSAC

11、onfiguration Status Accounting (配置状态发布)CRFChange Request Form (变更申请表)WSRWeekly Status Report (项目周报)QSRQuality Weekly Status Report (质量工作周报)QARQuality Audit Report(质量检查报告)QCLQuality Check List(质量检查表)PARPhase Assessment Report (阶段评估报告)CLRClosure Report (项目总结报告)RFFReview Finding Form (评审发现表)MOMMinutes

12、of Meeting (会议纪要)MTXMetrics Sheet (度量表)CCFConsistanceCheckForm(一致性检查表)BAFBaseline Audit Form(基线审计表)PTFProgram Trace Form(问题跟踪表)领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 http:/ Abstract test case (High level test case) :概要测试用例 Acceptance:验收 Acceptance criteria:验收标准 Acceptance testing:验收测试 Accessibility testing:易用性测试 Acc

13、uracy:精确性 Actual outcome (actual result) :实际输出/实际结果 Ad hoc review (informal review) :非正式评审 Ad hoc testing:随机测试 Adaptability:自适应性 Agile testing:敏捷测试 Algorithm test (branch testing) :分支测试 Alpha testing:alpha 测试 Analyzability:易分析性 Analyzer:分析员 Anomaly:异常 Arc testing:分支测试 Attractiveness:吸引力 Audit:审计 Aud

14、it trail:审计跟踪 Automated testware:自动测试组件 Availability:可用性B Back-to-back testing:对比测试 Baseline:基线 Basic block:基本块 Basis test set:基本测试集 Bebugging:错误撒播 Behavior:行为 Benchmark test:基准测试 Bespoke software:定制的软件 Best practice:最佳实践 Beta testing:Beta 测试 领测国际科技(北京)有限公司领测软件测试网 http:/ Big-bang testing:集成测试 Black-box technique:黑盒技术 Black-box testing:黑盒测试 Black-box test design technique:黑盒测试设计技术 Blocked test case:被阻塞的测试用例 Bottom-up testing:自底向上测试 Boundary value:边界值 Boundary value analysis:边界值分析 Boundary value coverage:边界值覆盖率 Boundary value testing:


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