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1、撰写人:_日 期:_关于父亲节的英语演讲稿 关于父亲节的英语演讲稿1 Faer, lke a tre, alays, let hsh fligeof asidarm fo the tree ret shadeus. Year sch as te figsover he we, like, bforeInew it, we ha grw up, hie tre igradually agng, ad en the new leves are longer theirfull of viality. nnually n tird uday is fers oidy, etus sinrely sa

2、y: Fter, love ou! Hapy Faters a! Nw, e etifce of Edcatin Exmination and h nal exmapprch,I sugest thawe soul size th ime, tuy hard,wih celen reut s to he fathers gf,geat he to return, I belivhis father at thati are the mot eutiul mile! Students, mon nw! ! ! 关于父亲节的英语演讲稿 wh is usig the arm fqiu jin,fr

3、ustt p a brlliantskywho isuing h had-rinan, hay fou tbild a home are you, fate, a great nae bu ordnar! fathr of amoutan,brod-mided, hfthr rivrsto accommdt an umbla fr sso hte tay away froister father of a vesel, cayigus, rav hewind andwes,lve oward thebr! ite eysof his augte,he fathr is more lke you

4、 ar leaning against a t ip ve you ike fantay gnl drp,misten wih yhe; thrug the sumr o njo ourlove,lke bstsofbeeze, thewind lowing softly besiem; tatme o ecme ripe auum,yo ve is t me is that te rich fruits f ucess tau toeom a strong nter,yo lve he n r coninuusly gien meonidece and srength! srng, summ

5、r, autumn nd winer, the un traces frotain tim, quitlycmbe u th windand ran on yof one, so tt yoviisstud ot foge, o earestly to teac tscet et,yo snt e dauter t rde to scool is ot to be foroten,hen the dughter of late in yorsad eyes is no to e fogottn,when hesck ughter onyour aenot forget h enes of fe

6、ar,the father and daghe is no tob fron . .if the situaon can be ifcycl henextie,i alsoake your hter! 关于父亲节的英语演讲稿3 Toay d isa morle da,are h anualFate y! Depse motherl love, fatrly lvevy asa mountan. Peoleat the ame tme o clerateMter Dy nd did nt forgt hshers achievements. Somenestar theyear te recom

7、endtin of Fater ay.Year, s to celebae the fis Fathes ay At hat tme, the late father ofall eoe have to wea a te rose, h ather of the peoplalivewhile wearn rd rse. This cutoha been pased o ar. t sa tatthe sction of athrsDis a ont oer moth becaus oth sun are h most heated n, a sybo oft fthr to gi thei

8、hildren the lve ha ho. Paenal such as outains, tal and lofty, let me ooktiidan afraid t lim eat;father uh as da,and far-rig, s hat Yan and y het di ot dare pty;paera re deep are pure annt return , b lov isa btr, ificut to udernd pesinan th uattinabe Fther, ikeatree, always,et ush foliae ofa sld arm

9、othere treat shaus. Years sch asthe finrs over te ate, lke,bef I knwit, wehe rown p, hle there isgradually ag, ad evene nwlavsre n oge the hair ullof vitity. Annually on he thid Suday is fathers holday, ltussncerly sy:Fhr, loe y! apathes Da! Now, the Ctific ofEduaioEaminatinan teinal xms appoachng,

10、sgs that we should sezethe ime,sdy had, with xelent reslt s otfathr gif, ea father retu, believe his fath at hat time are tmoseauiflsile! tudnts, cme onnow! ! ! 关于父亲节的英语演讲稿4 Many earsgo, aby boy e in tis wld.Bu uortunaly, h didn coe with a cry,which ws big poble r te micalpoint f vew. Th docto, toug

11、h nd qui,urnd he aby upside don and slppedhsbotom sharply.Theby crid,ad survived At hat momen, he fathe yeldt the dotor, Wy didyo it baby e did otealzethat the docrad save te babys if.The bab creandcied, adthe father mild andlely criedaelHee e bab in his arms ndd low th docto totouch e ba anyore.nes

12、t hai,lae an etlemen,that bay wa me, and tat mn was my dad. Wheneverm mom old people thisstory,wold aaysagh a, anm dad would jt shakishead and smiequily. 关于父亲节的英语演讲稿 Wo susigthe arm ofQu in, fos t pt u abiliant sk Wo isg h hrd-woknghands, happy fo stbuild a hoe r u, fath,a eat ame butOdina! Fathe f moutan, bra-id,theatr ofrivr to acommodte anumbrel for so tha we stay awy fom dsste Fter f a v


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