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1、一般现在时(第三人称单数形式 PEP Book 7 nt 4 haea penpl)eo, bsad is.我是一般现在时,你们想知道我的故事吗?et me tel ou!首先,介绍我的本领。我的本领有三样:1表示事物或人物的特征、状态。如:The sky isblue天空是蓝色的。.表示经常性或习惯性的动作。如: e pt six evry day我每天六点起床。3表示客观现实。如:The eatges aroud the un地球绕着太阳转。第二,请看我的面目-构成:1. b动词:主语+be(am ,is ,are)+其它。如:Iam a by我是一个男孩。2行为动词:主语+行为动词(+其

2、它)。如:Westudy Eglsh我们学习英语。当主语为第三人称单数(h, h ,it)时,三单变化: 多数在动词后加,playls likie 以,x,sh,c,o结尾的动词加sgog washwass,以辅音字母加结尾,把改i再加s,fylis。第三,我的变化-否定句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句:1 be动词的变化。否定句:主语be+nt +其它。如:He s no a work.他不是工人。一般疑问句:B 主语+其它。如:Areyou studet -Yes. a./ No, Im not.特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。如:Wher is y bike2.行为动词的变化。否定句:主语+

3、nt( doest) +动词原形(+其它)。如:I ontlk ad.当主语为第三人称单数时,要用dos构成否定句。如:Hedoestoftepl一般疑问句:o( os ) +主语+动词原形其它。如:-Doyou ofen play football , o. o, dont.当主语为第三人称单数时,要用does构成一般疑问句。如:- Does sh goto work b bike Ys, he des No, she dsnt.特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。如:ow dos your fae go ork同学们需要掌握的一般现在时第三人称单数形式:Les, teache, ges, wa

4、che,eds, do,works, doe, doest。小朋友们,下次见到我时,千万不要忘记我是一般现在时啊!See yo nexttie!一般现在时练习 I. ose h rgh answesto cze.用括号内适当的形式填空。1. ofte _(play) n thpygru.2.e _ (g) p at six ococ3. you _(ush) youth every orning. W _(do) he sal _() fte shol5. _they _(like)h World up6 _Mik setimes _(go) th park wit hisster.At ei

5、ght t nht, h _ (wah) V with hs parents8 _ Mie (re) Egliseveyday9Ho many esos _yu clssmate_(hve) on Moda0What time _his mother (d) the ouswor11.H usually _ (e)p asx intheorning.1he_(hae) luseyesWe _(go) t scool evry day1T boy_(ike)laying ootbal1e_(have)n cae on unays.1Se_(write) tohe mohe oncea week.

6、I_(rin)quie ofte durin he monthof Jly ver year.1She often_(wch)T oaurdays.1kusually_(ie)a bike with hi fred in h pa.20 Pet andMy oten_(play) admitonogter3.My mother_(have) aot ocousns.21any people ofte _ (lt) o te radi in moing.22._(o)se _(like) payingthiolinYes,se_(o)3.Se_(have)fr broers. She_(ke)

7、them ery much.He oen _(have) inner hom.25.W _(otatch)TVn Monday6.Sady usally _(ply) tpianoon Sunday.7.he cat_(lie) atingfisrymh.28. Su Hi n S Yang _(hve)eight lessons thisterm.9.he n _(tae) al toeher every evening.II ed filine lanks(选词填空)athe ead goe et e live ksy auti a urse. hlikes si very much. S

8、he _ na bighosital. Every day he_ upat :30. _ breakfat a 7:00. Af beaft she_o workby u. h usualy goeshme t5:3 Af dnr, sheten _ TV ad _ boo.t :0, e goe to e.III. ead the questos an ircl he ighaners(读问题,圈出正确的答案).Wherdoes ur penpal ie A.No, e ie thcour. B. Sh live inecity Ce les ithe ciy2.When doe she

9、go towork. She go to k a 7. BShgoeto wor at7. . e, shedos.3. Destergo school b ubwy No, hedoe. B. N, hedosn. C. , o foot4.Wha os MissGreen oA. Sh teaces Englh. B. Yes, ses a teachr C. At scool.5.Does sh ad espapers tgt. e,seo.B.Yes,se doe. C. No, she ds.Whts your pn pashobA. Selk ed B. Sheke rd . She likes radig.


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