年高中英语人教版必修2同步练习:unit 1 section 1【含答案】

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1、2020年精编人教版英语资料Unit 1 Section .单词拼写1No _(怀疑) he meant to help, but in fact he just got in the way.2It _(使惊讶) us that we won the first prize.3Mary and Jane are sisters. The _(前者) is a singer; the latter is a dancer.4They were_(挑选)from many schools.5Do you_(喜欢)walking in such weather?6I wouldnt tell li

2、es to you; thats not my_(风格)7The work that must be done before building a house is to make a good _(设计)8_(除去) the mud from your shoes before you come in.答案:1doubt他确实是想帮忙, 然而事实上却只是帮倒忙。no doubt 表示“无疑;很可能”。2amazed真不敢相信,我们竟然得了第一名。3former玛丽和简是姐妹俩。前者是歌唱家;后者是舞蹈家。4selected他们是从众多的学校中被挑选出来的。5fancy你喜欢在这样的天气散步吗

3、?6style我决不会向你撒谎;这不是我的风格。7design盖房屋前必须做的工作是搞好设计。8Remove进来以前把你鞋上的泥弄掉。.句型转换1I dont doubt that my deskmate will be able to pass the 2010 National English Test._ _ _ _that my deskmate will be able to pass the 2010 National English Test.2As a reward for passing her exams, her parents bought a new bike for

4、 her._ _ _passing her exams, she got a new bike from her parents.3All the people went out to look for the lost child.All the people went out_ _ _the lost child.4Social class used to matter a lot more than it is now.Social class matters a lot_ _ _it used to.5This is my uncles house.This house_ _my un

5、cle.答案:1.There is no doubt2.In return for3.in search of4.less now than5.belongs to.完成句子1Tom went off _(寻找)some branches.2Dont take things _(属于) others.3He has given me so much help that I really want to do something for him _(作为回报)4_ (毫无疑问) he can do the job well.5The whole house went up in smoke _

6、(在不到一个小时内)6The country has been _ (与处于交战状态) its neighbor for two years.7Many people hate _ (她对待同学的方式)8Its said that the movie _ (很值得看)9The route _ (为而设计) reduce traffic jams.10_(让人感到诧异) he knew nothing about the event.答案:1.in search of2.belonging to3.in return4.There is no doubt that5.in less than a

7、n hour6.at war with 7.the way she treats her classmates 8.is well worth seeing9.was designed to10.It was amazing that.单项填空1(2014宝鸡高一检测)I dont think it is _ taking the trouble to explain the question to him.AworthBworthyCworth ofDworthwhile答案:D句意:我认为那么麻烦地去给他解释这个问题不值得。It is worthwhile to do/doing.“做是值

8、得的”;be worth doing“值得做”。2(2014邯郸高一检测) The purse was given back to the passenger when she proved that it_ her.Areferred toBadded toCbelonged toDpointed to答案:C考查动词短语含义。句意:当那位乘客证明钱包属于她时,就把钱包还给了她。refer to“指出,涉及”;add to“增加”;belong to“属于”;point to“指出”。3(2014南京高一检测)Do you think you will give me a hand in t

9、ime of trouble?Id like to do something for you _ everything youve done for me.Ain exchange forBin charge ofCin return forDin terms of答案:C考查介词短语意义。答句句意:我想为你做些事情来回报你为我做的一切。in exchange for“交换”;in charge of“掌管”;in return for“作为回报”;in terms of“鉴于;就来说”。4(2014南宁高一检测)After the floods, the survivors went out

10、 _ what had been left.Ato searchBin search forCin search ofDin the search of答案:C考查search短语搭配。句意:洪水之后,幸存者出去寻找留存下来的东西。in search ofin ones search for;若选A项,则需要加介词for。5(2014唐山高一检测)Do you still doubt _ we can overcome the difficulties by ourselves?AhowBwhetherCthatD/答案:C考查doubt后宾语从句的连接词。句意:你还在怀疑我们能自己克服困难吗

11、?doubt用于疑问句后接宾语从句时,用that引导宾语从句。6Teenagers shouldnt be _ from school although they dont do well in studies.AdisappearedBgoneCremovedDbeaten答案:C考查动词的辨析。句意:尽管他们学习不好,也不应该把青少年从学校开除。remove sb.from school“把某人从学校开除”;disappear“消失”;go“离去”;beat“击败”。7(2014杭州高一检测)Old as she was, she still _ herself to be young a

12、nd beautiful.ApicturedBregardedCfanciedDhoped答案:C考查动词词义。句意:尽管她年纪大了,她仍旧认为自己还很年轻很漂亮。picture vt.“认为;想象”,但没有picture oneself to be结构;regard.as,但此时as不能换成to be;hope一般不用于hope sb.to do结构。fancy sb./sth. as/to be“认为某人/物是”。8(2014商丘高一检测)Do you need any help,Lucy?Yes. The job is _ I could do myself.Aless thanBmor

13、e thanCno more thanDnot more than答案:B考查短语含义。答句句意:这工作我自己做不了。less than“低于,少于”;more than“超出;胜过”;no more than“仅仅”;not more than“至多,不超过”。9(2014鹤岗高一检测)Visitors are all very _ to hear about the _ love story in Lijiang.Aamazing; amazedBamazing; amazingCamazed; amazingDamazed; amazed答案:C考查形容词词义。句意:观光的客人们听到丽江

14、的那个令人惊讶的爱情故事时个个都惊诧不已。第一空用amazed(惊异的,惊奇的)来描述人(visitors);第二空用amazing(令人吃惊的)来描述物(love story)。10(2014南昌高一检测)The father went to the bookstore to _ a reference book for his son.AchooseBelectCappointDselect答案:D考查动词词义。句意:父亲去商店为儿子挑选一本参考书。choose“选择”;elect“选举”;appoint“任命”;select“精选”。.完形填空Chinas cultural relic protecti


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