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1、(a).开头句型适合discussion问题的开头The issue/ discussion/ topic/ problem/ subject about/ of (whether从句 or how + 不定式)isof great interest/ concern/ importance/ significance to/ forhas triggered/sparked off an intense controversy in the realm of The issue of -is of great interest toe.g. The issue of whether the

2、practice of requiring students to wear school uniforms will affect theirpersonality and individuality is of great interest to many people. The topic of is of great concern for e.g. The topic of whether it is appropriate and effective to use corporal punishment on young children is of great concern f

3、or many people. The subject of -is of great importance to e.g. The subject of how to resolve the problems caused by the rapid development of technology nowadays is of great importance to many scientists.* The discussion about is of great significance toe.g. The discussion about the most effective wa

4、y to provide financial and technological supports tothird-world countries is of great significance to both industrialized and developing countries.* The question of is a matter of much contention among* The problem has been widely debated in the world of* The inquiry into has triggered/sparked off a

5、n intense controversy in the realm of e.g. The inquiry into the morality of conducting various researches and experiments on human cloning has triggered an intense controversy in the realm of science对于人类克隆研究与实验的道德性所作的研究已经引起了科学界的激烈争议适合agree/disagree 问题的开头-this is actually not the case Although it is

6、commonly believed that e.g. Although it is commonly believed that conventional views about a healthy lifestyle and propers needs today, ttos tiseacasallyconduct are no longer relevant to young people Although it is widely accepted that experiences;this is simply untrue in our day-to-day;this can har

7、dly be held true in many Although it is generally acknowledged thatreal-life situations.* Although conventional wisdom has it that the reality of the situation is often farmore complicated than that.虽然传统大众观念认为,但是现状却远比这种观念要复杂得多* Although the received opinion is that,the harsh realities usually turn o

8、ut to be acompletely different picture虽然大众普遍接受的观点是,但是无情的现实往往显现岀不同的图景e.g. Although the received opinion is that schoolchildren generally benefit from watching television and using other high-tech media in their learning process, the harsh realities usually turn out to be a completely different pictur

9、e.* Although many people subscribe to the belief that- this is in fact a commonmisconception that we need to clear up虽然许多人认同这样的观点:,但是事实上这却是一种我们需要澄清的普遍错误观念e.g. Although many people subscribe to the belief that providing public library facilities and services is a waster of taxpayer s money, this is i

10、n fact a common misconception that we need to clear up.* Although most individuals are convinced that,this is actually a popular myth thatmust be exploded.虽然大多数人坚信,但这却是一种我们必须揭穿的普遍错误观点e.g. Although most individuals are convinced that their happiness is closely linked with the level of their financial

11、 success, this is actually a popular myth that must be exploded.表示趋势的句型There has been a growing trend that-an interesting tendency that/of-a common practice of/that-a widespread phenomenon thate.g. There has been a widespread phenomenon that students from rural areas find it increasingly difficult t

12、o have access to college or university education. Recent decades have seen an increased awareness of- Recent decades have witnessed a major transformation in- e.g. Recent decades have witnessed a major transformation in agricultural development, where industrial technologies are being employed and n

13、ew varieties of crops are being created, yet, opponents of this development have raised a number of difficult questions. From my point of view, this is a really complicated matter, and we need further investigations to understand the whole picture.(b). 中立关系值得一提的是完全不能确定的是It is worth mentioning thatIt

14、 is by no means certain thatIt is far too soon that为时过早的是It is not uncommon that不足为奇的是It is undeniable that不可否认的是It is unavoidable that不可回避的是It is obvious/ evident/ manifest that明显的是It is gradually borne in on sb that逐渐被某人认识至 UIt is of great interest that 广为兴趣的是It is of paramount importance that 首要的

15、是It is of great urgency that 刻不容缓的是It is +畐廿词 + suggested/argued/advised/believed that普遍认为It is widely accepted thatIt is generally/commonly believed thatIt is universally acknowledged that普遍相信的是众所周知的是强烈建议的是 It is strongly/commonly suggested recommended/ advised that It is sometimes argued that有时候争论的是几乎毫无/没有根据并非没有根据 There is/was little/no substance that It is no without substance that表达观点的句式 Advocates of 的支持者 Opponents of 的反对者Point out/ argue/ claim声称 /believe / assert 断言 / decl


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