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1、全国各大学越来越重视学生英语交际能力和实际运用能力的培养,关于低碳环保如何用英语演讲?下面小编整理了低碳环保英语演讲稿,供你阅读参考。 低碳环保英语演讲稿篇1 Hllo!I won wheerybdyno thann f thes tw wods f eergy-nsrvtionand lcrbon sme sa attr o corean ko. Dos energy-conserva save te eerg Doe ow arbon ruce carb emisio Yes, it isreallsime eoften catab them. But, doou rally drtad

2、thm aveth raly taen rot o yrbttm o her eepl Oc, heErth moterleft or richeery to cue us b jbilnt, sighed onars eerg iehstile, inexatibe, nw,thenee tatsic iniatd, e petrolmi dy upaft 60 years, t coal als mihtsul he humant uefor2 yars;ce, evod irst,te eviront question te siati wilctediften occured,ow,

3、the sstaine evepment, was togetherhoniousl with he aure thbiestopicNot diut o se,the environmentesin nse uncasingly byhe epe.F l t, theenviromnt questin stl stn, h eng csertinecdte patn, thelw-carbon les iinentlyAt eCoenhgecmat nes, thsaffets h hn dtiyte estionsloy t b nab t reac thearemetctually.In

4、 thelife,is driving the geat dsplacem auomoie,prasesincluing e fluoine air conditioin, he refrrao, inlug he phsphorus laundr powde,nson th ar coitioni he low tepeure alon ide to indin e mr thi, thelighlap i bein l all night clearly, wteockatr roound day an ngh ot rest .Teseinluece nviromenphnmon cmo

5、n occurre.Tis is rebel wi urspsitn.Aric PresidenKnny hssd: ooave to ask h ouy an knyfr , st sk fsnesfan mae y fr tountyTe owaro lif neds eryb t atcaton! The lw-cabn life frst s oe nd of life manner.So longswat, h erson ma b eo ive! Th elecrict sang,aves a and o, he sa ers, in waer, te e-nng,mae use

6、fwst,by step generai of veice .The intravenus drp, in leah pet,ll may hoseh lowcarbon ifee mer.he lowonlfis al repretingo kidhealtil, he more natrl ie styeitt etcouter-seasnood,th genationby wrks a ssn fod; Litl uses tessable prut, th geeratioby plcatedthngs;Litle ie anoverhad rveling crane, little

7、i one me te elvator,thegeeration is thbycle,cawlh staircase,wleals te lw-caron widrwa,weil have hathiebodynd mn Weblieved,o longaseerbdywrkss on,artcipan togther,umantysoorro ceranlyillbe ale t b hapr! Schoolmts, oday, our low-carbo 低碳环保英语演讲稿篇2 “w-can”isone of the mos pua bzz-wo in this a. not nly a

8、 bt al ontries ous o the op of “low-carbo”. hr, ilke to shamy on xpeearoad th you. era yarsgo, was vey lcyto have pprtuny o lie in theaustraiabouthala oth duright ime, ot only ii nythe beautifuntl scery thre, bt ls i apreciated e el cive w of proecg therevoment o, wer the evirnme rotectoniseined, te

9、beautifu ceny of ausraia il arise inymind, te clouds flying across buesky, green gastsrnkd with col flwend ovlysurlslain hapi aoghe res. s ciin ohin, if eveyoe can acvely rot t envronmet inor ailyfeand ifwewod lie red ouarbonfti,thescenryof blu ky,gr grss n lvly nialn atraiaill aprinchia, even eei.

10、buti totlly sppor te viw, tha is to say,emotinitutactin is irreleant!do ou pgelectroncftyou use the do you ith evrhin bfore ou o to lp youadut your t cen t dmr to saveenergy do you ruse wter fordifnt acvits run the houseeachofse emigl ininifiant ajustet yourdalyife cn makea dircein si te envioment f

11、 orro e alno that thing smre oforale tansittinhewrmtof heartd a wil tssowin nhalig tsen e freng cobu i lba arming nden global ooling bcming mor psing by the a,ot t eion yourwn ealth,tae awl,ridea bik ,rduceyourcarbonootri on the evionment .i s id a tiy tramscn becmbndintoaast cea, maltresanbanimmense forest, aneer il akea ice. “o-carn” no ust a uzrd but a hat pp romal er th rd anna get.so, ece arbn fotrin! educ daage!ave energy! v e world! 低碳环保英语演讲稿篇3 oc


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