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1、Unit 6 Entertainment and FriendshipTopic 1 I would rather watch sports shows than those ones.Section AThe main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是1a。. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1. Learn some new phrases:would rather .than ., fall in love (with sb.)2. Learn a useful sentence: I would rather watch sports shows

2、 than those ones.3. Learn how to talk about TV programs.4. Broaden the students horizons. . Teaching aids教具录音机/电视节目主持人的图片/一副象棋/泰坦尼克号主题曲磁带/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:5分钟)复习上一单元的功能话题,引入本课相关内容。1. (简要复习,激活学生的思维,让学生进入英语学习状态。)T: Nice to see you again. Ss: Nice to see you,

3、 too. T: Could you tell me what you usually do in your spare time?S1: I like watching TV.S2: I like reading books. T: What kind of books would you like to read?S2: Humorous story books and history books. T: Reading is a good habit. I like reading very much because I can get a lot from it. Do you lik

4、e playing Chinese chess.Ss: Yes.(鼓励学生开展健康、合理的课外活动,建立和谐的师生关系。)T:There are so many students who enjoy playing Chinese chess. Who is the best player in our class?Ss:S3.T:S3, could you teach us how to play Chinese chess after class/in your spare time?S3:Of course. T:Thank you. This is a set of Chinese c

5、hess. Now it belongs to you.S3:T:I know some students like playing Chinese chess and some students like watching TV. Now, lets begin our new lesson to learn some TV programs.Step Presentation 第二步 呈 现(时间:15分钟)利用图片学习生词、重点句型及动名词的运用,导入1a。1. (教师张贴一些著名电视节目主持人图片于黑板上。)T:Look, there are some pictures on the

6、blackboard. Could you tell me who they are?Ss: They are Li Xiuping, Wang Xiaoya and Liu Chunyan. T:Do you know what programs they host?Ss:Li Xiuping hosts CCTV news. Liu Chunyan hosts childrens programs. T:This is Wang Xiaoya. She is usually in charge of quiz shows. (板书,要求学生理解。)quiz showT: How many

7、TV programs do you know?(让学生开展头脑风暴活动,尽量多说出一些电视节目名称。)S1: TV plays, CCTV news, sports shows .T: S1, do you know anything else?S1: Cartoon .T: Good! You are very clever. Look at blackboard. Lets learn some TV programs.(利用图片导入电视节目名称,引出生词。)(板书,要求学生理解entertainment,了解educational。)entertainmenteducationalT:

8、 How wonderful! There are so many programs. But which one do you like better, TV plays or quiz shows?S2: I like watching TV plays better than quiz shows. T: I see. S2 says he/she would rather watch TV plays than quiz shows. What about you, S3?S3: I like CCTV news better. But I dont like sports shows

9、. T: S3 says he/she prefers watching CCTV news. But he/she would rather not watch sports shows. How about you, S4?S4: I would rather not watch TV. I like surfing the Internet. T: S4 says he/she would rather surf the Internet than watch TV. (板书本课中出现的重难点句式,让学生弄清其句式结构,为下一步教学活动扫除障碍。)He/she would rather

10、watch TV plays than quiz shows. would rather do sth. than sth. He/she would rather not watch sports shows. would rather not do sth. He/she would rather surf the Internet than watch TV. would rather do sth. than do sth. 2. (让学生两人一组讨论各自喜欢的电视节目,并说明原因。)T: Weve discussed some TV programs. Now, lets discu

11、ss what programs you would like to watch. Youd better give your reasons. Work in pairs. Lets begin!Example:A: Which program do you prefer, news reports or TV plays?B: I would rather watch TV plays(than news reports) because How about you?(几分钟后,要求学生表演对话。)T: Now, stop here. S5 and S6, please show us y

12、our dialog.S5: Which program do you prefer, TV plays or sports shows?S6: I would rather watch TV plays than sports shows because TV plays are more interesting. How about you?S5: I would rather watch news reports because I can learn a lot of things happened at home and abroad from it. T: Great! Next

13、group please.T: What do you think of their dialogs?Ss: Good!(对表演优秀的小组,给予掌声鼓励。)3. (呈现1a,通过回答问题加深对1a内容的理解。)(1)T: Weve talked much about TV programs and our preference. Now, lets learn what Kangkang and his friends like watching. Listen to the tape and answer the following question:What do Kangkang and

14、 his friends like watching?(听后,教师核对答案。)(2)(出示小黑板,让学生结合问题读对话,然后回答问题。) What does Michael want Kangkang to do? Why does Maria like watching quiz shows? What do Michael and Kangkang think of watching quiz shows?T: Now read the dialog again, and then answer the following questions on the small blackboard

15、.(播放录音磁带后,提问学生。)T:Could you answer the questions on the blackboard? Any volunteers?OK, S7, please! Question .S7:Michael wants Kangkang to teach him to play Chinese chess. T:Great. S8, please answer Question . S8:Because she thinks quiz shows are wonderful and she can learn a lot from them. T:A good answer!S9, could you give the answer to Question ?S9:OK. They think quiz shows are very boring./They dont like quiz shows.T:I think so. (3)(让学生再读1a,根据所提问题进一步理解对话内容。)T: Now, lets read the dialog again.(两分钟后。)T:Finished?Ss:


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