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1、海量资料下载 免费学习英语 (申请网址)You have to be a smaller size. You have to burn more fat. You have to tightenyour butt, firm your abs, fit into those skinny jeans, and do it all in 3 weeks!That just sucks.你得穿更小尺码的衣服,你得燃烧更多的脂肪。为了在3个星期内能够穿上紧身牛仔裤,你咬牙拼命减肥收臀紧腹?真没劲If youre tired of hearing all of this, and hearing i

2、t over and over again,maybe you need to stand your ground, rebel, and go against the tide. You are somuch more than just a size or a number, but living in a culture thats beauty-and body- image-obsessed isnt easy. In fact, its downright painful, especiallyif youre not a size2.如果你已经厌倦一而再再而三听到这些,或许是时候

3、站起来反抗了。你是个大活人,凭什么用身材尺码来评判你?但是,生活在这个以貌取人、不惜一切追求美丽的社会里,也确实不容易。对于体型不完美的人来说,更加悲催。Most of us werent even born that small! If youre tired of feeling bad,especially around this time of year when the weathers warming up and everyoneis talking bikinis maybe you do need a new look, but this one should havenot

4、hing to do with your weight, size orshape.更何况,很多人生来就是大尺码啊!可是你又不希望心情总是这么糟糕,尤其是现在天气渐渐变热,大家都在讨论穿什么样的比基尼,所以你也想改变一下形象但是,这并不意味着你必须改变体重、尺码或体型哦。This look takes cultivating whats on the inside. It means being fearlessabout who you are both inside and out. It means standing up and screaming at thetop of your

5、lungs, “Im not going to drop a jean size to be acceptable andvalued, Im actually perfect just the way Iam!”改变也可以是指内在气质的培养。也就是说,你得学会从里而外地接受自己,你得站起来大声宣布“我才不要为了穿上紧身牛仔裤去减肥,我喜欢自己现在的样子!”Heres a few tips on how to begin:下面就告诉你该如何去做:1. Know your heart了解自己的内心Were paying more attention to external issues than

6、 we are to our hearts.Thats why people are dying out there: if we spent half as much time noticingand tending to our hearts, we would be a lot healthier emotionally. Think abouthow much time the fashion industry, the food industry and the cosmetic industrypay to convince you that youre not OK, and m

7、ost people buy into it, hook, line,and sinker. How do I know? Because I buy it way too often as well. Invest inyour heartknow your value and change yourworld.我们对外在的关注总是多于对内心的呵护。所以很多人都会在这个症结上摔跟头。如果我们匀出一半精力关注并呵护我们的内心的话,我们的心理要健康得多。想想时尚圈、食品业及化妆业花了多大精力让你觉得自己“很逊”来着?可还是有很多人上钩咬钩、上线、中招。我是怎么知道的?因为我也上过很多次当啊!所以

8、,还是投资自己的内心吧去了解你的价值,然后作出改变。2. Cultivate it修养身心How do you tend to your heart? By paying attention to whats happening to itas the losses of life unfold. By feeding it with good kind things. By spendingtime with yourself and learning who you are and what your strengthsare.你将怎样呵护内心呢?当在生活中吃亏时,请关注内心的感受吧;请用

9、美好来浇灌它吧;请花时间跟自己相处、了解自己并发掘自己的优点吧。3. Be Fearless勇敢无畏Find your strengths and youll become fearless. Utilize the gifts youve beengiven, and impact your world with them. Be humble. Be a friend. Be generous.Give your heart away, and leadothers.当发现自己的优点时,你会变得勇敢无惧。请利用你的天分好好改变自己的生活。要谦逊,要友善,要大方,要用自己的内心感染他人。4.

10、 Love strong爱坚不可摧Pay attention to the one thing thats most important in your life: those youlove. Dont let your concern for your size, your weight or your body image robyou of life. Dont let it steal time away from those you love because youre sopreoccupied with all that mess. Risk. Step out. Say go

11、od-bye to the old way anddare to try something new. Youll feel so muchbetter.关注你生活中最重要的那些你所爱的。别让对身材体重的烦恼侵吞你的生活,别让它霸占你宝贵的时间,别为这些烦恼把一切搞得乱七八糟。很危险,赶紧跳出来吧!跟旧的生活方式说再见,尝试一些新的东西吧。你会感觉好很多!5. Be grateful心怀感恩Its hard to be grateful for something you loathe. My clients with eatingdisorders and body image concer

12、ns cant generally find one thing to like abouttheir physical appearance, but I challenge them to risk looking beyond what theysee and begin to cultivate an attitude of gratefulness for what their physicalbody allows them to do. Hold a child. Run a marathon. Write a poem. Play aninstrument. Touch a l

13、oved one. Start small, but startsomewhere.讨厌的人和事物,又怎么会感恩呢?我的客户饮食失调、为身材苦恼,对自己的外貌没有一处不讨厌,但是我要求他们试试换个角度看待自己,尽可能以感恩的心态对待自己的外貌。试着抱抱小孩,跑一场马拉松,写一首小诗,学一门乐器或抚慰所爱的人,随时从小处做起。6. Stop Comparing停止攀比Dont look at the girl at the gym, the guy on the magazine or the hot chickat the beach to judge yourself. Start thin

14、king about your strengths, yourattributes. If you feed yourself a steady diet of garbage, thats how youregoing to feellikegarbage.别总是拿自己跟健身馆女孩、杂志模特或沙滩女郎作比较。多想想自己的优点和气质。要是你总是吃垃圾食品,你自己也会不知不觉觉得自己档次很低。At the end of the day, only one thing is necessary to revolt against thesocietal norms that demand we b

15、e thin to be valued: choice. The choice to ignorethe cultural mandates and set the world on fire just as you are. A choice tolive, really live a full and abundant life where youre content with who youare, not what you look like. Go getem!最后,我们对抗社会上“苗条即美貌”偏见的办法就是做出选择。选择无视社会偏见,走自己的路,让别人犯傻去吧!选择用心经营丰富多姿的生活,为自己感到骄傲,不再为相貌烦恼。拿出行动来吧!“成千上万人疯狂下载。更多价值连城的绝密英语学习资料,洛基内部秘密英语,技巧,策略请在 网上 申请报名”洛基国际英语 竭诚为您服务


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