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1、大学三级(B)分类模拟227Part I Vocabulary and StructureSection A1、 The conference has been held to discuss the effects of tourism thewildlife in the area.A. in B. on C. at D. with2、It was suggested that the work before the end of this month.A. will be finished B. will have been finishedC. be finished D. would

2、 be finished3、 If you have three years work experience, you will be the right for this job.A. person customerB. passengerC. touristD.4、I will have begunto do the work _ 5 oclock thisafternoon.A.byB.atC.afterD.before5、, those senators are divided among themselves.A.ObviousB.ObviouslyC.For obviousD. T

3、o obviously6、He was brave; _ soldier fought sobravely in thatbattle.A. no anotherB. no othersC. no otherD. none others7、Seldom my boss in such good mood (心情) since Icame to work inthis company.A. I sawB. I have beenC. have I seenD. do Isee8、Dont thosewho are in trouble.A.make up forB.make fun ofC.ma

4、ke senseD.make sureof9、The local government has always placed astrong emphasis _ educationandvocational training.A. withB. forC. onD. to10、He had two daughters, Alice and Sarah, the of whom married anarchaeologist.A. young B. former C. elderly D. old11、It was Professor Smith did the experiment in th

5、e lab yesterdayevening.A. whom B. who C. what D. which12、We go out to restaurants,A. occasionally B. relativelybut mostly we eat at home.C. continually D. absolutely13、- Why cant I smoke here? At no time in the meeting-room.A. is smoking permitted B. smoking is permitted C. smoking is it permitted D

6、. does smoking permit14、After Janes husband died, she suffered a good deal of over theyears.A. unfortunate B. fortunate C. misfortune D. misfortunate15、Dont me to help you if you are not working hard.A. guess B. speak C. plan D. expect16、Soft drink sales in this city have by 8% compared with last ye

7、ar.A. picked B. moved C. increased D. pushed17、Last night a fire in that market, so the firm suffered a heavyloss.A. broke up B. broke off C. broke out D. broke down18、An aircraft engine consists of thousands of parts, plays a differentrole in it.A. which B.each of which C.each them D.that each of t

8、hem19、I didnt go with them to the beach yesterday. But I do wish I there.A. have been B. had been C. was D. am20、They were all very tired, but of them would stop to take a rest.A.any B.some C.none D.neither21、If I that the result was so good, I wouldnt have been worriedabout it.A. know B. knew C. ha

9、d known D. have known22、Ted isnt the tallest boy in our class, but he is taller than boys.A. some the otherB. any otherC. some of the otherD. any of the other23、You should learn to take of every opportunity to improve your oralEnglish.A. chance B. use C. action D. advantage24、I decided to as a waite

10、r in a restaurant during my summer vacation.A. serve B. turn C. take D. make25、The boys wondered the mouse got out of the cage.A. whereB. whoC. howD. whatSection B26、Who is the girl that is (tall) of the two?27、To my great surprise, many a student (agree) with me on this topic.28、With the (develop)

11、of the Internet, more and more people preferredto do business online.29、You should practise (speak)English more often.30、If you had asked him again, he might (change) his mind.31、Because light travels (fast) than sound, lightning is seen beforethunder(雷) is heard.32、Miss Li was (luck)enough to get t

12、he opportunity to work in thatworld-famous company.33、 Last-minutestudyingisnotso(effect)asworkinghardfromday to day.34、What you said has nothing to do with what we are (discuss) 35、The fast (develop)of the local economy has caused serious waterpollution in this region.Part II Translation36、No matte

13、r how hard I tried to explain how to operate the machine, they were still at a loss.A尽管我努力把机器开动了,他们还是觉得非常失望。B无论我怎么努力地说明机器的用法,他们都不理解我。C即使我努力地对机器做了解释,他们还是不相信我的话。D 不管我怎么努力地解释如何操作这台机器,他们依然听不懂。37、Encouraged by he r school championship succe s s, she decided that she should have proper coaching.A. 学校冠军杯得主

14、鼓励她让她决定请一个好教练。B. 受到学校冠军杯胜利的鼓舞,她决定坐舒适的长途车前往。C. 受到学校冠军杯胜利的鼓舞,她决定请一个好教练。38、The VIP customer can take advantage of discounted room rates on a first-come, first-served basis.A. 贵宾可以根据“先来先得”的原则,享受折扣房价的优惠。B. 本酒店按照 “ 先来后到 ” 的顺序安排贵宾入住并确定房价。C. 根据 “ 先来后到 ” 的原则,先来的客人可选择房价折扣率。39、Itisnotthatthiscomputerisoutoford

15、er,butthathehasnotmastered the skill of operation.A 不是这台计算机没有顺序,而是他没有学会操作技术。B不是这台计算机出了毛病,而是他没有学会操作技术。C不是这台计算机出了毛病,而是他没有掌握好技术去操作它。40、Once he got used to eating with chopsticks, he preferred them to knife and fork. A 一旦他习惯了使用筷子,他就不再喜欢用刀又。B 因为使用了筷子,他就不再喜欢用刀叉。C 虽然使用了筷子,但还是不太习惯用筷子。D 虽然使用了筷子,但是他还是喜欢用刀叉。答案:Part I Vocabulary and StructureSection A


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