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1、2018高二英语寒假测试卷总分;100分 时间;90分钟出卷人:眭浅予第一部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分30分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中 ,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Long ago a Native American chief named Shenandoah lived with his tribes(部落) in what is now the state of Virginia. Little is known about Shenandoah, but in some way, t

2、he soft sound of his name was given to a river. The Shenandoah River still flows in a deep valley between the Allegheny and Blue Ridge Mountains, just as it did when Chief Shenandoah lived. It is a slow moving river, soft and as beautiful as its name. Some word experts who believe the word “Shenando

3、ah” means “spruce river” because the waters of the river run through great forests of spruce trees(云杉). And this explanation could be correct. However, there is an old Native American story which is far more beautiful than that of the experts. Centuries before Europeans came to the New World, there

4、was a great lake of blue water hidden in the mountains of Virginia. For hundreds of years, Native American tribes lived near this lake, feeding on the fish from its clean waters. The Native Americans often climbed up the mountains and camped there during their long hunts for food. In the evenings th

5、ey sat near their camp and looked down at the beautiful lake. On a clear, starry night you could see thousands of stars shining and dancing on the water below. The Native Americans loved this lake, and because they could see the stars in it, they called the lake, “Clear Daughter of the Stars.” In th

6、eir language, the word for this was “Shenandoah.” One day the lake started to disappear. Its water ran out of the valley, through a break in the mountain side. The waters ran on and on until they joined another river known as the Potomac. At last, the lake was gone. In its place was only a river. It

7、 is the beautiful Shenandoah River today. However, the word Shenandoah becomes well known to people because someone wrote a song about it some years ago.“Shenandoah” is perhaps one of Americas most recognizable folk songs. Some say the song refers to the river. Others say it is about the daughter of

8、 Chief Shenandoah. Regardless of what the song is about, Shenandoah remains an American classic.“O1 Shenandoah, I love your daughter, Away you rolling river; O Shenandoah, I love your daughter, Away Im bound to go, Cross the wide Missouri ”1. According to the text, “ Shenandoah” may be the following

9、 EXCEPT_. A. “spruce river” B. the Potomac C. “Clear Daughter of the Stars” D. an American chiefs name 2. “ Shenandoah” is familiar to Americans mostly because of _. A. pure and refreshing water B. a great historical character C. an American classic song D. the mysterious disappearance of a lake3. T

10、he most suitable title of the passage is _. A. Shenandoah and Its Native American RootsB. An American Chiefs Romantic Tale C. The Mystery of a Missing LakeD. A Beautiful American SongB Americans love peanut butter. The average child will eat 1,500 peanut butter before he or she graduates high school

11、. But there is a controversy over a new peanut butter. It is called STEEM Peanut Butter. This peanut butter adds a new ingredient: caffeine. Coffee is a popular morning drink because it has caffeine and gives people energy in the morning. Even small amounts of caffeine can be dangerous to children.

12、United States Senator(参议员) Charles Schumer says.“Peanut butter, one of the snacks most closely connected with children, might have to be stored in the medicine cupboard rather than in the kitchen cupboard. This will shock the Food and Drug Administration.” Schumer wants the U.S. FDA to investigate.

13、He observed that earlier the FDA prevented plans for a caffeinated chewing gum. STEEM, the manufacturer, said, “We are selling the caffeinated peanut butter all over the world. The product provides caffeine in an easily digestible way. Caffeinated foods have been sold in U.S. stores for well over a

14、decade and are in no way a new idea. Customers tell us they want to eat the caffeinated peanut butter so they dont have to drink as much coffee or energy drinks. The peanut butter is not intended for children.” “Peanut butter has been a favorite of children for generations,” Schumer continued: “Pare

15、nts across the country have to worry about a scene in which their child might unknowingly bite into a peanut butter that contains more caffeine than two cups of coffee.” The American Academy of Pediatrics says caffeine in small amounts can help the physical performance of adults. But the academy urg

16、es parents not to allow children to take even small amounts of caffeine owing to caffeines possible negative effects on a childs heart and brain development.4. There is a controversy over the STEEM Peanut Butter because it contains _. A. fat B. peanut C. caffeine D. nutrition 5. Charles Schumer suggests that th


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