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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上初二英语导学导练能力测评(七)8B Unit 3 (Exercise One)班级 姓名 得分 听力部分(20分)一、听对话回答问题。(听一遍,5分)( )1.A.TV B.radio C.computer D.CD( )2.A.a mouse B.TV remote control C.hard disk D.remote control( )3.A.printer B.floppy C.cursor D.keyboard( )4.A.a book B.a game C.a match D.a play( )5.A.printer B.floppy C.cursor

2、 D.keyboard二、听短文,填入所缺的词。(听两遍,5分)Everyone is busy learning about the Internet. It is easy to get , so many people use the Internet every day. e-mail is getting more and more among the students. I think it has one of the most important parts in life.三、听短文,完成下列问题。(听两遍,10分)( )1.Which language do many pe

3、ople in different countries learn? A.Chinese. B.English. C.French. D.Japanese.( )2.Where do children learn English? A.At home. B.At school. C.In the train. D.On the farm.( )3.A.Is it easy to answer why so many people learn English? A.Yes, it is. B.No, it is very easy. C.No, it isnt. D.Im not sure.(

4、)4.Why do boys and girls learn English? A.Because it is one of their subjects. B.Because it isnt necessary. C.Because they can learn it well. D.Because they dont like to learn English.( )5.Many people learn English because it is very useful in their work, dont they? A.Yes, they do. B.Yes, they dont.

5、 C.Yes, but its not useful. D.No, it is useful.笔试部分(80分)一、英汉词组互译。(10分)1.出版 6.educational CD-ROM 2.赢了一分 7.connect sth. to 3.正常运转 8.restart the computer 4.用鲜艳的紫色做标记 9.press the control 5.同意某人的话 10.keep information on the hard disk 二、选用所给句子完成对话。(5分)May: Hi,Amy. Why do you look worried?( )Amy: I am afra

6、id 1 ( )May: 2 Its made of cotton.Amy: No, its not mine. Its Miss Turners.May: Is that your coat? Its made of wool.( )Amy: No, 3 ( )May: 4 Amy: Mine is made of paper,a kind of strong paper.( )May: A paper coat? 5 Amy: Its used for keeping off rain. A.Whats your coat made of? B.Its not mine, either.

7、C.I have lost my coat. D.Is it yours? E.Whats it used for? F.Where is it made? G.Thanks.三、单项选择。(15分)( )1.What machine do you use to type? . A.Mouse B.Keyboard C.Hard disk D.Floppy disk( )2.We can move the cursor the screen the mouse. A.around,in B.on,by C.around,with D.in,by( )3.She is girl. A.a 8-y

8、ear-old B.an 8-years-old C.a 8 years old D.an 8-year-old( )4.Stamps are used for letters. A.send B.sent C.sending D.to send( )5.What machine is used to put words onto paper? . A.Keyboard B.Sceen C.Printer D.Floppy disk( )6.The program of this channel was so that everyone felt . A.boring,bored B.bore

9、d,bored C.boring,boring D.bored,boring( )7.He was the who the game last year. A.designer, design B.design, designed C.designer, designed D.designer, has designed( )8.Every time you pass a level,you a gold medal. A.get B.will get C.to get D.have to get( )9.We saw a strange cloud a question it in the

10、game. A.have,on B.with,on C./,in D./,written for( )10.Now,start the given words, dont ask any help during your writing. A.from,to B.with,for C.from,with D.with,to( )11.Its very convenient for your study to have on the computer. A.a cursor B.a program C.hard disk D.an-dictionary( )12.The hard disk ha

11、s a lot of , so we can keep many things on it. A.memories B.memory C.stories D.storing( )13. this CD-Rom, you can learn English on the computer. A.Put on B.Put in C.Turn on D.Push in( )14.Knives cutting things. A.are used B.are used to C.used to D.are used for( )15.We will go to many places of interest in Beijing, to the Great Wall. A.covers B.covering C.in cluding D.in cluded四、句型换转。(10分)1.Three thieves were caught last night.(对画线部分提


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