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1、中国地质大学长城学院本科毕业设计外文资料翻译系 别: 工程技术系 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 姓 名: 耿东 学 号: 05211520 2015年 4 月 8 日我国包装机械行业主流发展方向已经明确我国的包装机械产品由于品种少、技术水平低、产品可靠性差等原因,面临着激烈的国际竞争。在这之前的发展道路上,国产包装机械,由于价格低廉,确实深受欢迎。但随着行业要求的提升,药企对包装机械的要求逐渐多样化,价格已经不能成为竞争优势。我国与国外现代的先进的包装机械的差距还很大,最主要是技术上的大差距。技术开发的成本在设备总成本中所占的比例越大,设备的技术含量越高。国内的包装设备技术含量占整个设备的




5、的包装机械制造企业很容易通过全球化采购获得一些关键零部件,从而迅速提高设备的技术水平和可靠性。在一些技术含量较低的产品上,目前中国生产的很多包装机械,已经可以满足美国市场的要求,并最有可能在短期内获得突破性进展。但在全自动打包机、贴标机、封箱机和机械手等设备上,中国制造的机械还无法同德、意、日产品竞争。通过技术的提升和优化,实现高端包装设备的国产化是指日可待的,而通过高新技术的不断应用和推动,武装和强化行业的整体水平,我国也将朝着世界包装中心的方向不断前进。随着自动化程度的提高,包装机的 操作、维护和日常保养更加方便简单,降低了对操作人员的专业技能要求。产品包装质量的好坏,直接与温度系统、主机

6、转速精度、追踪系统的稳定性能等息息相 关。机器运行后,薄膜标记传感器不断的在检测薄膜标记(色标),同时机械部分的追踪微动开关检测机械的位置,上述两种信号送至PLC,经程序运算后,由 PLC的输出Y6(正追)、Y12(反追)控制追踪电机的正反追踪,对包装材料在生产过程中出现的误差及时发现同时准确的给予补偿和纠正,避免了包装材料 的浪费。检测若在追踪预定次数后仍不能达到技术要求,可自动停机待检,避免废品的产生;由于采用了变频调速,大幅减少了链条传动,提高了机器运转的稳定性 和可靠性,降低了机器运转的噪音。保证了该包装机高效、低损耗、自动检测等多功能、全自动的高技术水平。自动包装机所用传动系统虽然应

7、用功能比较简单,但对传动的动态性能有较高的要求,系统要求较快的动态跟随性能和高稳速精度。Chinas packaging machinery industry mainstream of development has been clearlyChinas packaging machinery products due to fewer varieties, low level of technology, product reliability was poor, facing fierce international competition. Prior to this developm

8、ent on the road, domestic packaging machinery, due to low prices, really popular. But with the upgrade industry requirements, pharmaceutical packaging machinery requirements gradually diversify, the price has not become a competitive advantage.China and foreign contemporary art is still a big gap be

9、tween the packaging machinery, the most important is technically a big gap. The cost of technology development in equipment proportion of the total cost, the higher-tech equipment. Domestic packaging equipment technology content accounted for about 3% of the total cost of equipment, some even less t

10、han 0.3%, of course, very few projects can reach more than 20%, overall equipment level is not high, the device uses a restricted supply of materials, on the fittings level is not high.According to Yu-Chi Industry Market Research Center for digital printing and packaging technology more and more rec

11、ognized by the market, the short version of the print endless, personalized printed packaging brand has become one of the effective tools to attract business customers. The worlds leading beverage company Coca-Cola has put it into practical application, by printing personalized labels for different

12、bottles to expand its market share, well improve the corporate brand influence, was highly recognized by the market.It should be emphasized that Coca-Cola is just the beginning, and now the market has a lot of brands have begun to provide consumers with personalized packaging. Such as Absolut Vodka,

13、 wine labels chosen four million unique personalized design, making it the consumers love.Now, technological innovation in the packaging industry has had a tremendous impetus. Despite the current packaging industry is struggling to adopt new technologies, but still there will be something unattainab

14、le. For example, an online store selling merchandise packaging is very difficult to distinguish, the courier at the time of shipment is always difficult to discern the differences between the parcel. If brands can be sold in packaging and other packaging differentiated electricity supplier, the resu

15、lt would be quite different. How should we apply these innovative technologies to specific packaging into nostalgia will always exist, natural simplicity of design, rich green packaging concept will always win consumer recognition, emphasizing functionality also makes consumer packaging to gain surp

16、rise.China has entered a stage of rapid development, packaging machinery and tried to open the European and American markets. And to successfully enter the international market, on the one hand and the technical level of Chinas packaging machinery on the other hand also form the US packaging machinery market related. As a highly developed market liberaliza


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