Unit 2 Nine girls2.doc

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《Unit 2 Nine girls2.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2 Nine girls2.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Teaching design of Module 5 Unit 2 Nine girls?A.Teaching aim:1.Knowledge aim: (1.)Teach Ss grasp 5 new wordsnine, oh, ten, eleven, twelve. (2).Help Ss grasp 2 Everyday English.How many girls?/nine girls?2. Moral education aim: To grow Ss noble feelingnever care too much about how many you get or los

2、e.B. Teaching procedure.Step 1. warm up.1. Sing an English song “Please stand up”.2. pick pictures.3. Read the chant.Step 2. Presentation.1. Show pictures. Ask “How many girls?”Ss answer “Three girls.”Attention please “How many + plural forms .”Ask and answer“ How many dogs?/cats”2. Guess a riddle ,

3、 Teach “nine.” Play a game. Move to my opposite direction. Ask “How many chairs?” Ss answer “Nine chairs.”3. How many pandas?/ birds? Ss answer “nine pandas?/ birds” .4. 4.Show Ten cats. Teach ten. Play a game “Touch your nose.5. Show a picture of “eleven dogs ”, teach “eleven.” Play a game. “stone,

4、 scissors and cloth.”6. Show a picture of “twelve apples. ”, teach “twelve.” Play a Spelling game.Step 3Drill.1. Play a game.”How many, how many 有多少?”2. Rush to answer.”Who is the fastest?”3. Watch the text video, Answer questions.4. Read after the veio.5. Read by yourselves.6. Role-play. Ask Ss to

5、act out the text with the headwears.7. Make up a new dialog according to the text.8. Play a game. voice tube.9. Rorder sentences in the text.10. Blow windmill.11. Sing an English song “Ten little fingers.”Step 4 Sum up.What have you learned in this lesson?Step5 Homework.Bb design:M5U2 Nine girls? nine tenHow many girls? eleven twelve


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