Module 1-6单词.doc

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1、Module 1translate vtranslation ncorrect v adjmatch vnumber v. nrepeat vgrammar npronunciation n writing npunctuation nspelling nterm nadvice nwrite downmistake nnotebook n else adjadvradio nnewspaper nmessage npen friendeach pronother proneach otherexcellent adjorchestra nsend v language nimprove vb

2、asic adjwatch v n guess vjust advyourself pronenjoy yourself shy adj conversation ndeep adjbreath nsmile vnremember vforget v.piece nplace vcount vall the timeaccent nwish nvborrow vgroup nmark nclub nstart v.together advhear v. Module 2experience never advcompetition nairport ncabin nsteward ncapta

3、in n country n.take off before adv. prep&conjproblem nwonderful adjprize nreckon vsound v.brilliant adj.dream n v.somwone pronkind n.western adj. come trueabroad adv.fantaslic adj. anywhere adv.&pron.chinatown n Italian adj ndelicious adj Pizza sandwidl n. more than sell v sell outmusician n.dagger

4、 nbeside preptaste vonly advyet adv.stone n.climb vroast duckpalace n.another adj. pronseafood nentertainment ntime nname v Module 3Earth nMars nalready advjust advmodel nstation stationpanic vlatest adjseveral adj*month v recently adv space shuttle show v. over prepplanet n

5、solar also advnone pronenvironment nair ngrow v.part ngalaxy nbillion numuniverse n*light nbeyond prepalone adjentrance ncost vprefer vdiary neven advJupiter nsecret n adjreal adjtwice advexplore vmission n任务unmanned adjModule 4study vteach v.head teachersince prepconjget on(well)withget on withsame

6、 adjhear aboutpoor adjproject n*still advraise vtake partdescribe vdrop Vdrop out of schoolimportant adjill adjlook afterpay Vcountryside ntrain velectricity nhear ofperhaps advnearly advluckily advpoint n vorganisation nhealth ncare nleaflet nModule 5blues nclassical adj jazz npop nrock ntechno nbe

7、autiful adjdramatic adjfun nlively adjsad adjserious adjslow adj traditional adjsure adjGerman n adjAustrian adj ncomposer nfan nrap non earthnoisy adjcentre ndrum nguitar norgan ntrumpet nviolin nelder adjwaltz nyounger adjdie vaddition nin addition torest nmaybe advphone nactually advinstrument no

8、f course type n.loud adjgospel nstring npart-time adjmilkman nrecording studiorecord v nown adjartist nfigure ncentury n nModule 6suddenly advrabbit nparty nfall vhole nstrange adjcarry vtired adjnothing prononce advdaisy nchain adj nby preppocket nacross prepfield nunder prephedge ngo off storm noutside advjump Vscream vduring prepnoon nbookshop nstaff nwear v. clap v cheer vperform vgold nring nhall nfollow vstop vRevision module Awater skiing baby n.whale n.ocean n.amazing adj.miss v.


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