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1、东风西路小学四年级英语学科教学设计 课题:Lesson 17 Im lost!教材分析:本节课所教授的是关于Im lost! 的有关表达,内容包括日常生活中迷路、问路、指路的交流用语。本节课学生们将要学习 traffic lights 的相关知识,,并对旧知识Where is the restaurant? Go straight and turn right at the traffic lights. 加以巩固复习。学生分析:四年级的学生活泼好动,善于模仿,竞争意识强,有很好的团队精神。要通过小组讨论、游戏互动等形式进行英语学习,增强学生互动、合作的能力。关注学生兴趣和年龄特点,激发学生学

2、习英语的兴趣。教学目标: 1. 学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:light、red、yellow、green。2. 学生能够理解字母:tr、dr、ch、qu、ing 在单词中的发音及其规则。3. 学生能够辨认和正确安全的应对三种颜色的交通灯并做出反应。教学重点:学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:light、red、yellow、green。教学难点:学生能够理解字母:tr、dr、ch、qu、ing 在单词中的发音及其规则。教学方案:教学环节 教学互动一 Greeting: T: Are you ready? Ss: Yes, Im ready. T: OK, I will divide yo

3、u into two groups. Girls, you are red and boys you are blue . If you did a good job, a point for you. At last, if you are the winner, a gift for you , OK? Ss: OK. T: Today, lets learn Lesson 17. Now lets begin. All of you stand up, push you chair and stand well. ( one ,two, three) Good! T: Good morn

4、ing boys and girls. Ss: Good morning Miss Ma. T: How are you today? Ss: Im fine, thank you. And you? T: Im very happy, thanks. What day is it today? Ss: Today is Friday. 二Review: T: Now lets review something. (One person, one word and you can sit down. ) Look at the PPT. First, say something about r

5、oad signs. Ss: street、turn left、turn right、go straight. T: Very good. Then, say something about numbers. Ss: 20, 28, 29, 25 T: Good job! Last say something about vehicles. Ss: Car, bike, bus, taxi T: Wonderful! Now who can tell me what color is the car. What color is the bus 三Learning: This is red,

6、yellow and green.(Do you know, I have magic, magic, magic ) What is this? Ss: Its traffic lights. T: Clever! Letter “I” pronounces /ai/ Follow me. Light. This is red light. This is yellow light . This is green light. The three all are Ss: Traffic lights T: tr pronounces /re/ , a pronounces / , i pro

7、nounces /i/ Follow me traffic lights. Now can you try? traffic, train, tree, try, trip, truck T: Well done! Do you know whats the meaning of red/yellow/green? Red is . Yellow is. Green is. Lets chant! Listen to me,first. Now say the chant together. Red light, red light, stop, stop, stop! Yellow ligh

8、t, yellow light, wait , wait, wait! Green light, green light, go, go, go! T:Girls say the chant together, boys say the chant together. Look, whats this Ss: Its street T: I am here. Where is the traffic lights? Who can help me? S: let me help you. T: Excuse me, Im lost. Where is the traffic lights?S:

9、 Well, its not far/ near.Go straight and turn right/ left. The traffic lights is there.T: Thanks!S: Youre welcomeT: Listen, A woman is lost, too. Where does she want to go? Do you know?Ss: No.T: OK. Lets listen and answer. My question is where does she want to go? Who can answer my question? You ple

10、ase. Any answers?.Good. Then is the Happy Restaurant far from here?Ss: Yes, its far from here.T: Maybe. Listen to the video imitate and answer the question: Where is the bus shop?S:Go straight and turn right at the traffic lights. The bus stop is there.T: Great! Open your book. lets read together. G

11、irls you are the woman and boys you are the man. Ready, go! 四Role play: Discuss with your partner about the dialogue. Two minutes for you. A: Excuse me. Im lost. Where is the Happy Restaurant/ school/ library? B: Well. Its far from here. You can go there by bus. A: Wheres the bus stop? B:Go straight and turn right/ left at the traffic lights. The bus stop is there. A: Thanks. B: Youre welcome. T: OK, Stop here. Who can try? (clap your hands, good, good, good) I have some pictures for you. Look, I wish you can help the other people who need help and to be a helpful man. OK? Ss: OK. 五Hom


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