九年级英语下册 Chapter 2 Educational visits Reading 1重难点归纳 牛津沈阳版

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1、Chapter 2 Educational visits一. 教学内容:Chapter 2 Educational visits Reading 11、课文重点单词、短语、句子2、课文阅读理解二. 知识总结与归纳(一)课文重点单词、短语1. accept v. 接受 Our school has accepted two students from Singapore this term.2. affect v. 影响 The terrible accident affected many people and made them feel sad for the victims.3. con

2、fident a. 自信的 She is confident that she will win the long jump on Sports Day.4. culture n. 文化 Ancient Greek culture is very important in European history.5. educational a. 教育的 This is an educational book.6. even adv. 甚至 It never snows on Hainan Island, even in the middle of winter.7. foreign a. 外国的

3、Mary has many foreign friends.8. fund v. 提供资金 The trip was funded by his school.9. gap n. 缝隙 The cows escaped from the field through a gap in the fence. 10. host n. 主人 There were eight people at the dinner last night, including our host, Mr Smith.11. patient a. 耐心的 Patient drivers are better than dr

4、ivers who try to rush everywhere.12. give a talk13. the poor14. World Vision15. throughout the world16. the aim of the trip17. rubbish dumps18. a very valuable experience19. the art of tea-making20. go on sightseeing21. make many new friends22. as well as23. since than24. keep in touch with25. turn

5、out26. I gave a talk about China to some classes in school.27. There is a big gap between the lives of the rich and the poor.28. This enabled me to visit Japan for six weeks.29. Since than I have kept in touch with my new friends by writing letters.30. If I went abroad, I would make many new friends

6、.(二)课文阅读理解1、P18. A What do you know about?2、泛读课文,用时9分钟 A. 完成任务型阅读 P18 B Find the factsB. 简要回答下列问题(1)How many articles are there in this reading?(2)The writer of each article and their destinations?(3)Where did Tammy live?(4)What does AFS mean?(5)What did Tammy take with him?(6)What did Tammy do during his programme?(7)How many people were there with Edwin and who are they?(8)What did Edwin see?(9)What did Edwin learn from the trip?(10)What enabled Sylvia to visit Japan?(11)What did Sylvia do in the first five weeks?(12)What friends did Sylvia make except Japanese?


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