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1、SectionC能力提升训练、情景交际从方框中选择适当的选项补全对话(其中有两项是多余的)。A: Hi, Jim. 1B: Nothing much. Whats up?A: Id like to go shopping. 2B: Sure. We have the same idea. I want to buy some CDs. 3A: I was playing computer games at home. What about you?B: I was in the park with my parents. 4 My family goes to the park nearly(

2、几乎)every weekend.A: 5 I llalso go to the park next weekend.B: I ll call you then.A: OK.A. Would you like to go with me?B. That sounds very interesting.C. What are you doing?D. We were having fun.E. What were you doing at this time yesterday?F. Sorry to hear that.G. What did you do?1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 、完形

3、填空One Saturday afternoon two policemen sat in a car by a straight卷直的)road inAustralia. They 1 the traffic and looking for a stolen car. One of 2 was driving the car. He 3 a small plane flying over them. He followed it for a few4 becauseit was very slow (慢).When the plane flew near to the police car,

4、 the driver saw something 5 from it and land 降落)in a field by the road. He got6 the car and walked across the field. He saw a 7 on the ground and picked itup (捡起).Inside the purse there was a note and it 8 , “There is little oil (燃油).I9 land on the road. Please 10 the traffic. The policeman didn t k

5、now what to do.()1. A. were stoppingC. watched()2. A. the policemanC. policeman()3. A. sawC.sees()4. A. hoursC. minutes()5. A. dropC. to fall()6. A. outC. out of()7. A. bagB. stoppedD. were watchingB. policemenD. the policemenB.seenD. seeingB.secondsD. monthsB. droppingD. fallingB. inD. intoB. boxD. purseB. saidD. sawB. have toD. haveB. stopD. startC. letter( )8. A. wroteC. heard( )9. A. has toC. had to( )10. A. watchC. open1-5 CAEDB1-5 DDACA 6-10 CDBBB


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