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1、1.A person I love The person I love is my mother. She is kind and caring. The mothers love is warm and great. She gave birth to me and brought me up. She is always standing behind me in all that I do.I grew up lean on my mother, she is my first teacher, she taught how to read, how to write, how to g

2、et along with other people, how to be a positive and honest person.She does everything she can to make me happy and never asks for anything in return. Mother is a best friend as well. When we stay together, we just like my sister. If I have some problems, Ill ask her for help. And she will give me m

3、any advices. She is always there to encourage me to do the things I want to do. She is a good listener. She taught me the meaning of love. She will comfort when Im sad, love me when Im mad, pick me up when Im down, encourage me when I need a shove.2.The differences between motherly love and fatherly

4、 love if there are any?According to my personal experiences, mother loves the newborn infant. Both their love are unconditional and unselfish. But I can feel motherly love is direct, she may talk about some trifle again and again. Most is about the weather the food. And she always nag at me. In the

5、mothers eyes, we are always is a group of children. Let us feel warmFatherly love is deep but indirect. Father may not good at showing their loves or cares. They are annoyed, angry and disappointed because they are too worried about our life and future. Let us feel safe, at ease. I think it maybe be

6、cause female are perceptual while male are rational.3.What do you think makes a good heart?To be kind thoughtful forgiving caring and generous honestControl ones temper esay to get get along with other and be a good listenerKeep a calm attitudeA person with a good heart should be able to treat other

7、s equally no matter what she or he is, how she or he looks or what they are doing. And always be brave to face the difficult in life and love life. 4.The different attitudes of people towards disabled people. whats your attitude?Some people look down upon disabled people, thinking they bring many tr

8、oubles.Some people they are poor, felt much sympathy for themThe social attitudes towards disabled people are often too protection, thinking they are granted unconditionally protection. My attitude is that we cant look down upon disabled people, just treat them with the attitude towards ordinary peo

9、ple. we also need to fight for our right when conflict with them. We must face the problem5.What are the benefits of keeping pets? And what are the troubles? P23 Good: in your lonely time it will accompany you. It will always be with you. It will always stay by your side (except dead). It is a good

10、listener.bad: if pets are not often bathed, they may become dirty and smelled. Pets can be infected easily. Pets mess is another trouble. Sometimes it is too noisy to keep a dog.6.Make a short summary of the article Speaking Different Languages. P45Man and women languages had the same words but diff

11、erent meaning depending on the way they were used. Woman would tend to exaggerate the factors and men react in an unsupportive manner, because they mistakenly take these expressions literally. It is important to rethink or translate what people have heard.7.Find as many differences as you can betwee

12、n men and women. Give some examples.Man and women seldom mean the same thing even when they use the same words.Gender difference(性别差异)Man and women languages had the same words but different meaning depending on the way they were used. There expressions were similar, but they had different connotati

13、ons(含义) or emotional emphasis.Example: “I feel like you never listen.” Using the word “never” is just a way of expressing the frustration.Woman would tend to exaggerate the factor, men mistakenly take these expressions literally, react in an unsupportive manner. Men use speech as a means of conveyin

14、g only facts and information.Example: woman:“ we never go out.” Men respond” we went out last week.”8.What are the causes of misunderstandings in human communication? Give some examples.Reasons: pronunciationCultural differenceCharacter(outgoing introvert)性格差异Gender differenceEmotion (nervous excite

15、d)Communication Skill (gesture)Situation1英国人对家人的帮忙会说谢谢;而中国人认为帮助家里人是一种义务,所以无需言谢。Interactions: help between family membersConventions: politenessChinese Conventions: ones own obligation, no need to thank or be thankedBritish and American Conventions: Expect polite expressions like please, thank you, e

16、tc.Situation2外国人觉得中国人对待他们是十分友好的,但是有时候会问出一些令他们感到尴尬的问题,比如问他们的年龄和工资。Interactions: conversation between people meeting for the first timeConventions: conversational topics, privacy, taboo, openness, directnessChinese Conventions: Many Chinese people tend to ask about age, marital status, and even salary when first meeting one another. To them, these are open conversational topics.


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