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1、黑布林英语阅读a1 Can I play?教案 第一课时 Play Station1 (P2-15)教学目标: 1. 通过听力写人名和描红国家名复习字母。 2. 了解故事中出现的七个小孩以及他们所来自的国家。 3. 会说句型 My names和 Can I play? 4. 正确理解并有感情地朗读故事。 5. 教学过程: Step1 Warm up Say a rhyme: Hello, Hello! 1. Listen and say听录音,念出以下小诗 Hello, Hello! Whats your name? My names Billy. Pleased to meet you! H

2、ello, Hello! Who are you? Im Amita. Pleased to meet you, too! 2. Choose the best answer Step2 Presentation 1. Listen and draw lines 听录音,将人物与气球连线 2. Listen and write 听录音,写出你所听到的名字 Petro Nabila Lorenzo 3. Listen and match 听录音,将人物和国家配对 4. Listen, write and say5. 听一听,描一描国家名称并且说一说这些孩子来自哪个国家 6. Draw and w

3、rite在方框中画一画自己并在横线上写一写 This is me. Hi, my name is _. Im from _. Step3 Story time 1. Listen and read 2. Read and answer (1) Where are you? Im_ in _. (2) How many schoolbags can you see? _. (3) Where is Amita? Write the number. Shes on number_. 3. Practice Look at the picture. Find a kite, a koala and

4、a key. Draw them. 4. Read and complete the skipping rhyme. One, _, three. Skip with me. 5. Read after the teacher. 6. Read together. Step4 Homework 1. Read the childrens names on Page5. 2. Read the story from Page6 to Page15.第二课时 Play Station1 (P16-25) 教学目标: 1.了解故事中出现的七个小孩以及他们所来自的国家。 2. 会说句型 My name

5、s和 Can I play? 3. 正确理解并有感情地朗读故事。 教学过程:Step1 Revision1. Revise the rhyme: Hello, Hello!2. Read Part1 of the story.Step2 Story time1. Listen and read2. Read and answer(1) What colour are the crayons?(2) How many children are with Billy in the playground?3. Practice(1) Ask and answerA: Whats your name?

6、 A: Can you spell it?B: My names B:Yes. (2) Put the sentence in order.Is/ happy Billy/ now_.3. Read the whole story.(1) Read after the tape(2) Read after the teacher(3) Read togetherStep3 Say a rhymeCan I play?Yes! Yes!Yes, I can!Can you play?Yes! Yes!Yes, you can!Can we play?Yes! Yes!Yes, we can!Co

7、me! Come!School is fun!Step4 Look and write Use the code to read the message. BYE-BYE BILLY Step5 Homework 1. Read the whole story three times. 2. Read the Rhyme on Page22.第三课时 Play Station 2 教学目标: 1.了解故事中出现的七个小孩以及他们所来自的国家。 2. 会说句型 My names和 Can I play? 3. 能有感情地朗读故事。 4. 通过练习复习数字和颜色的单词。 教学过程: Step1 R

8、evision 1. Revise the rhyme on Page22. 2. Read the whole story. Step2 Play Station2 1. Listen and point.听一听,指一指。 2. Look and match.将问句与上面的图片配对。 3. Listen. Say the chant.听录音,念儿歌。 4. Look and match.看图,找出相应的句子。 5. Look, listen and say.看以下数字,听录音并读出这些数字。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6. Read and match. 读一读,将文字与图片

9、配对。 7. Listen and tick. 听录音,勾出相应的图片。 8. Listen and colour. 听录音,给书包涂色。 9. Match.将图片与文字配对。 10. Listen and colour.听一听,涂上颜色。 11. Look at exercise10.Think and colour.根据第 10 题,想一想并完成涂色。 Step3 Homework 1. Read the numbers and colours on Page33. 2. Read the whole story.初二下英语复习专题黑布林&津津有味课外阅读一、阅读理解(A)Six mont

10、hs pass and Dacty is very big now. During the day he sleeps in Aunt Eliabeths office and at night he flies around the one night something strange happens. At midnight Dacty sees lights moving inside the museum. He flies closer to see what is happening. There are two men with torches inside the museu

11、m. They are wearing masks and they are trying to open a case. Inside the case there is a mummy .Suddenly one man looks up and sees the pterodactyl. He is very scared.Look, Bert, he says to the other man. There is a huge bird up there.The other man looks up, but Dacty doesnt move. Shut up, Eric. Dont

12、 be slly. Its only a statue, the man says. Come on. Ill open the look for the gold medallions .While Bert tries to open the case, Dacty flies down and grabs thief is so scared that he cant say a thing. Dacty flies up and leaves him on top of a statue. Hes stuck.Bert is so busy opening the case that

13、he doesntsee what is happening.Hey, wheres the drill he says, but there is no answer.Eric Where are you, Eric he asks.Then he looks up and sees his friend high above on the statue. Just then Dacty flies down again and grabs the second thief. He lifts him in his beak and carries him up to the statue.

14、 The two men are very afraid. They start shouting, but there is nobody there to hear them.Surprise Taken from Thedoes Dacty live in the museumhe is afraid of darkness.Eliabeth makes him do so.is too big to fly at home.can help catch the thief.underlined word “medallion”means.A.惩罚B.鼓励C.奖章D.奖品of the f

15、ollowing is truegovernment cheers for him later for Dacty calls the police to catch the thieves.Eric and his friend wants to steal the statue for the medallions.is so afraid because he realizes the “statue”is a pterodactyl.the mummy is very valueable.will possibly happen nextran away.calls the police to ca


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