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1、新目标七年级下Unit 1 知识点归纳与复习单元知识清单一、重点单词: 1. Can d 加拿大 2. J p n 日本3. A stral 澳大利亚 4. c ntry 国家5. l ve 居住6. lang ge 语言 7. Jap n se 日语8. w ld 世界二、必会短语1. pen 笔友2. Paris 在巴黎3. write sb 给写信4. in 在多伦多 5. November 在九月 6. weekends 在周末三、应知语法和句式: 1. be from 的同义短语: 2. 提问地点用: 如:你的笔友来自那里? your pen pal from? 3. 表示语言的词是

2、不可数名词。 如:讲一点法语 speak French 4. 表示喜欢做某事,用like + v-ing。 如:喜欢看电影 知识点 1 词语运用. 根据句意和首字母完成下列单词。1. China is a big c in the world. 2. People in Singapore can speak C and English. 3. Jim lives in London, E .4. P in France is a beautiful city. 5. Can you write to me s ?6. I dont like math. Its too d .7. Pleas

3、e write about your likes and d .8. We know Sydney is in A .9. New York is a city of the United S .10. I like going to the movies w my dad.根据汉语提示及句意完成句子。1. Bob (住) in Toronto, Canada. 2. What (语言) does he speak? -He speaks English and French. 3. Shes from (澳大利亚).4. Please write to me about (你自己).5. O

4、ur (世界) is very big. . 用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。1. People from different (country) are all friends. 2. (Japanese) are China in Asia (亚洲)。3. I like (go) to the movies with my parents. 4. They are (China) teachers. 5. (be) your pen pal from New York?6. Please do it by (you).7. How many (subject) do you have thi

5、s year?8. Whats (she) favorite subject?9. My pen pal is from (French).10. What language does she speak? -She (speak) Japanese. 用适当的介词填写。1. Is Mary the United Kingdom? 2. My pen pal lives New York. 3. His birthday is November. 4. Her favorite subject school is art. 5. Paul tells us about his morning.

6、 6. This letter is Tom Bob.7. Whats this English? -Its a dictionary.8. He plays soccer weekends.9. I often help my mother the housework.10. Saturdays and Sundays we play baseball. 知识点2 语法演练. 按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。1. Their pen pals are from Singapore. (改为同义句) Their pen pals Singapore. 2. Her English teach i

7、s from the United States. (对画线部分提问) is her English teacher ?3. She is English. (改为同义句) She is . 4. My friend can speak English and French. (对画线部分提问) can your friend speak? 5. - ? (根据答语完成问句) -Yes. I have a brother. . 找出错误并改正。1. Where does your uncle live in? A B C D2. Sorry, I cant say English. A B C

8、 D 3. Are you to Tokyo, Li Ming? A B C D 4. New York is in Australia. A B C D 5. Its my new pen pal, Mark. A B C D . 连词成句。1. she, does, any, sisters, or, brothers, have ?2. does, live, where, she ?3. she, speak, language, what, does ?4. in, she, Toronto, lives .5. speak, I , English, can, a little,

9、French, and .知识点3 综合能力. 看图完成对话。 1. A: 1 you 2 England, Linda? B: No, I am not. I come from China. A: Where do you live? B: 3 , the capital of China. 2. A: 4 does your pen pal come from? B: Look at this photo. Can you guess? A: Yeah. Hes from 5 . Does he live there now? B: No, he lives in Beijing. He

10、 is learning 6 . He wants to study Chinese history.3. A: Hi, welcome to 7 . We are going to visit Eiffel Tower (埃菲尔铁塔). B: Thank you. A: 8 9 do you speak? Can you speak English or 10 ? B: Sorry, I only speak English and Chinese, but Ill try to learn it. . 完成下列对话,根据对话的语境及所给的信息,补全句子,使对话意义完整。A: Whats y

11、our pen pals name?B: 1 A: How old is he?B: 2 A: Where is your pen pal from?B: 3 A: What language does he speak?B: 4 A: What are his favorite subjects?B: 5 Name: Jack SmithAge: 12From: SingaporeLanguages: English & ChineseLikes: math & historyDislikes: science & PE. 阅读下面短文,用方框中的单词的适当形式填入文中的空白处。sport

12、want can speak have but England live Tina is from the United Kingdom. She lives in 1 . She speaks English and Chinese., but she doesnt 2 Japanese. Tinas favorite 3 is volleyball, and she also plays the guitar. Tina 4 a pen pal in China. His name is Lin Dan. He 5 in Beijing. He 6 speak Chinese and English. But his favorite sport is football. He cant play the guitar, 7 he can play the piano. Tina 8 to go to Beijing to watch the


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