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1、英美文化概论提纲Unit 1 a brief introduction to the united kingdom 1 一 a brief introduction1全称 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and northern Ireland-P17 III 12构成England London Scotland EdinburghWales CardiffNothern Ireland Belfast-P17 III23历史A公元43世纪RomanB公元7世纪An gio -sax ons安格鲁撒克逊人C 8世纪末阿尔弗雷德大帝King Alfred

2、北欧海盗D 1066年诺曼征服Norma nsWilliam of NormandyBattle of HastingsKing Harold4.英国内战civil war资产阶级革命二 Scotland1. Glasgow 最大城市-P16 II 82. 大学15世纪 ancient and international university -P17 III 11三 WalesUnlike England it did not fall to the Anglo-Saxon invaders of the 5th century -P16 II 11名词解释London:the larges

3、t city located in the south of the country .London is dominant in the UK in all fields ;government finance and culture.London is one of the top three financial centers in the worldUnit 2 a brief introduction to the united kingdom ii Northern Ireland1.宗教 爱尔兰人是天主教徒 Catholics 英国人是新教徒 Protestants-P33 I

4、6 2.1921年独立 Irish State (分水岭)3.爱尔兰南部26郡成立自由邦北部6郡仍属英国一P34 II 104 .Loyalist民族派希望加入爱尔兰共和国 Union ist联合派亲英国5. The official IRA倾向于政治手段解决-P34 III 4 The Provisional IRA 军事-P35 III 5“The Bullet and the Ballot Box”P35 III 106. 区分 Sinn Fein 是政党-P33 I 8/P35 III 11,12 1919 IRA是军事团体非政党7 .1973年 Power-Sharing mecha

5、nism 权利分享机制一P34 II 88.1972 “Bloody Sunday”P34 II 7 91985 Anglo-Irish agreement -P33 I 910 . Downing -Street Declaration 唐宁街宣言授权英军司令直接干预北爱治安事务 名词解释1.”Home-rule”:1914 年被签署成为法律。由于一战爆发,北 爱自治问题未决,1916年复活节起义,南爱不接受北爱自治。法案 was fin ally passed in 1944.the process overtake n by the WWI and was suspended(中止)fo

6、r the durationof the war.(战争 期间)2 .复活节起义(The Eastern Rising of 1916 ):反英起义占领 了都柏林邮局宣布成立爱尔兰共和国,5天后被镇压。Focing British, to retake,took over Dublins Post Office.3The Good Friday AgreementP35 III 13 141998 4 10 只有爱在大多数人赞同的情况下才能改变其政治地位 由爱尔兰政府英国政府北爱执行委员会共同管理The agreement approved on 10 April . Unless the m

7、ost people of Northern Ireland agree , Uk wont change its political status.It would be governed by the Republic ofIreland , Great Britain and its own elected executive governmentP33 I 11Unit3 The government of UK1. 君主制力量的来源是divine right of king (君权神授)-P46 I42. Magna Carta大宪章限制王权维护民权3. parliament the

8、 Great Council 大议会-P48 III 5/P46 I 64.1689 The Bill of Ri nghts 权利法案一P48 III 65.Cabinet内阁定期碰面6.1832公民选举为现代政治体制奠定基础-P48 III 117. Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.8. democracy are Australia,Canada,New Zealand (-head: Queen 总督 Govenor-General 代表女王权利)India9. Parlia

9、ment today consists of the Queen,the House of Lords and the House of Commons.-P48 III10. 君主的作用A. primarily to symbolise the tradition and unity of the British state象征英国的传统与国家统一B. legally head of the executive,an integral part of the legislature,head of the judiciary,commander in c hief of the armed

10、forces and “supreme governor”of the Church of England.-P47 II 8地位:most important job was to represent Britain at home and abroad;her second most important job was to set standards of good citizenshi and family life.11.The House of Commons 占 651MPs(席位)名词解释1. ConstitutionP49 IV 2The statute lawThe com

11、mon lawconventions2. parliame nt 议会的功能 3 点一P49 IV 3A. pass lawB. taxationC. srutinise government policyAdministration&expenditure&to debate the issure 总统班子 决定政事3. The House of Lords 组成P48 II 9/P49 IV 4Lords Spiritual the Lords TemporalThe lords mainly represent themselves instead of the in terests o

12、f the public地主阶级代表他们自己而不是公众的利益4. The House of CommonsP49 IV 5The real center of British political life.These MPs are elected in the General Elections and should represent in the interest of the people who vote for them.Unit 4 politics class and race1. vote 5年一次 P66 III 3A 特例 Vote of no con fide nee

13、不信任票P66 III 4in the House of CommonsPrime Minister decides P64 II 2B 时间限制 strictly l imited “party electoral brosdcasts” on TV按选票多时间多 P64 I 52. partiesA 三大党 Conservative party 保守党Liberal Democarts party 自由民主党(先与保守斗后来劣势)Labour party 工党(最新的和保守党斗) P66 III 7B 保守党 won 4 elections from 1979-1997 P66 III 9

14、其政策是 individual , patecting the individual s right to acquire wealth and to spend it how they choose eg : low taxes P 65 I 53.政治趋势A1979 Conservative leader Margaret Thatcher 玛格丽特撒 切尔B三个阶级Upper-classMiddle-classWorking-class4.种族South Asia,eg,India Pakistan and Sri Lanka;and Caribbean countries such a

15、s Jamaica and TrinidadUnit5 The UK economy1.历史1970s 通货膨胀 inflation1979 Thatcher privatisati on 私有化2.经济三大产业 PrimarySecondaryTertiaryUnit6 British Literature一 Early Writing1. Beowulf 贝奥武夫 P99 III 12. The Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷 Geoffrey Chaucer 乔叟 P99III 23. King Arthur 亚瑟王二 Elizabethan Drama1. 三大代表Marlowe 马洛Ben Jonson本琼森William Shakespeare2. 莎士比亚四大悲剧Hamlet哈姆雷特Othello奥赛罗King Lear李尔王Macbeth 麦克白 P99 III 4三 17世纪1. Essays of Fra ncis Bac on 培根2. John Milton 弥尔顿Puritan Revolution =资产阶级革命Areopagitica论出版自由Epic 史诗 Parad


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