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1、沪教牛津版(深圳用)六年级英语下册 Unit 12达标检测卷 时间:40分钟满分:100分+10分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二口语总分得分听力部分 (30分) 一、听录音,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(5分)()1. One by one, the peas flew into the sky. ()2. All my friends want to see the world in the future. ()3. The peas get bigger and bigger. ()4. That plant will be bigger and stronger. ()5. The fi

2、fth pea fell on the ground. It grew up. 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。(5分) () () () () ()三、听录音,选择正确的答语。(10分)()1. A. Ill be taller and stronger. B. Theyll be bigger and stronger. C. Shell be tall and beautiful. ()2. A. No,thank you. Ill try by myself. B. I dont know. C. Yes,I can. ()3. A. Fine,thank you. B. Youre we

3、lcome. C. Thats right. ()4. A. Yes,we mustnt. B. We will live together forever. C. No,we wont. ()5. A. I will be a teacher. B. I want to see the world. C. I will see the world. 四、听录音,填入所缺单词。(10分)Once upon a time,there were 1. _ stones. They were in different colours: black,yellow and blue. “I want t

4、o 2. _,”said the black stone. “I want to be 3. _,”said the yellow stone. The blue stone said,“I want to see the 4. _. ” The other stones laughed at him and said,“Youre a stone. You cant 5. _. ” A workman came and picked the black stone and the yellow stone up. They became a part of a house. One day

5、a woman saw the blue stone. She put it on her ring. She went to many places. The blue stone was happy. 笔试部分 (70分)五、选出每组中不同类的单词。(5分)() 1. A. fifth B. fourth C. fifteen() 2. A. roof B. bigger C. stronger() 3. A. bullet B. fell C. grew() 4. A. happy B. hit C. lazy() 5. A. pea B. forever C. carrot六、单项选择

6、。(5分)()1. “One day,you will _ me and see the world,” a mother said to her baby. A. Go B. leave C. love()2. You can get off at _ stop. A. Three B. third C. the third()3. The first pea fell on a roof, and a bird _ it. A. Eat B. eats C. ate()4. Andy is very _. He doesnt want to do anything. A. Lazy B.

7、busy C. hardworking()5. The boy says he will do _ in the future. A. anything interesting B. something useful C. funny something七、连词成句。(10分)1. Mr,yard,and,the,Mrs,in,Brown,chairs,are,on,sitting,the(. )_2. door,she,the,sat,of,on,out,the,looked,chair,and(. )_3. the,flew,the,one,peas,into,sky,by,one(. )

8、_4. world,Judy,the,always,see,wants,and,to,travel(. )_5. I,excited,see,Yao Ming,so,to,was(. )_八、森林运动会。以下动物参加了森林运动会的跳高比赛,你知道每个动物获得的名次吗?请看图完成句子。(10分)In the Jumping Race. 1. The mouse(老鼠) gets the _ place. 2. The bear gets the _ place. 3. The cow gets the _ place. 4. The monkey gets the _ place. 5. The

9、 duck gets the _ place. 九、补全对话。(10分)Sam: Jim,do you like the story “The five peas”?Jim: Oh,I think its funny. 1. _Sam: Me too. It helped others. It was useful. Jim: But I have the same dream as the first pea. Sam: What dream? 2. _Jim: See the world! Do you remember?Sam: Oh,I remember! 3. _Jim: So we

10、 have the same dream!Sam: Yes! 4. _Jim: I dont know. The Grimm brothers?Sam: Oh,no. Its Andersen. A great Danish writer. Jim: 5. _ I like “The ugly duckling” best. Sam: I love his fairy tales too! I can learn a lot from his stories. Jim: Tomorrow is Saturday. Lets go to the library to borrow some of

11、 his books. Sam: Thats a good idea!A. I love his fairy tales. B. Do you know who wrote this story?C. Can you tell me?D. I want to see the world in the future too. E. I like the fifth pea. 十、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)Five blind men lived in a small village. They knew elephants but they never saw an elepha

12、nt. One morning a farmer came into the village with an elephant. When the blind men heard this,they came to the farmer. “Can we touch your elephant? We really want to have a look. ” “Of course!” the farmer said. The first blind man put his hand on the elephants side. “Well,well,” he said. “An elepha

13、nt is like a wall. ”The second man put his hand on the elephants nose. “Youre wrong,” he said. “Its round and smooth. Its like a rope. ”The third one put his hand on the elephants leg. “Oh,how blind you are!” he cried. “The elephant is like a tree!”The fourth one was a very tall man,and he put his hand on the elephants ear. “Oh,dear! All of you are wrong,” he said. “Its like a large fan (扇子). ”The fifth man went to feel the elephant. He was old and slow. He put his hand on



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