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1、北师大版六年级英语上册期中试卷(完整版)题序一二三四五六七八九十总分得分(满分:100分 时间:60分钟) (听力部分40分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语,听两遍。(10分)1、( ) Ahot Bhome Chalf2. ( ) Alittle Blater Cloudly3. ( ) Aafter Bagain Cabout4. ( ) Alook like Bfall down Cbring back5. ( ) Aread a book Bwrite an email Cfly a kite二、听录音,给下列图片排序。每小题读两遍。(10分)1、.( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

2、 ( )三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子,读两遍。(10分)1、.( ) 1. AI want a hamburger. BI want a hot dog. ( ) 2. AIs it really a dog? BIs it really a cat?( ) 3. AHere you are. BEnjoy your meal. ( ) 4. AIts thirteen dollars. BIts three dollars. ( ) 5. AIm so sorry. BI dont know. 四、听录音,选出正确的答句,每小题读两遍。(10分)1、.( ) 1. AIts 10 doll

3、ars. BA sandwich for me, please.( ) 2. AAt eleven. BNear our school.( ) 3. AThey are crying. BThey laughed.( ) 4. AThats right. BThank you.( ) 5. ANo, I wont. BNo, I didnt. (笔试部分60分)五、单项选择,将正确答案序号填在括号里。(10分)1、_ your favourite season? ( )AWhatBWhatsCWhy2、Though he is rich, he has _ friend. ( )Aa litt

4、leBa fewCa lot ofDfew3、She is wearing _ red dress. ( )AanBtheC/4、Whats _ name? ( )AyourByouCyours5、There _ no ball or toys in the box. ( )AwasBwereCare6、Whos that woman? ( ) _is my mother. ASheBHeCIt7、Its time _ go to school. ( )AtoBatCfor8、I have _ English book. ( )AaBan9、Its hot and _ in summer. (

5、 )AsnowyBrainCsunny10、There are_minutes in an hour. ( )AsixtyBtwelveCtwenty-four六、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项,画_线。(10分)1、AwarmBliveCcold2A rabbitBpandaCpractise3AspeechBmessageClittle4AhomeBnothingCeverything5AChemistryBSaturdayCGeography七、 根据要求完成句子。(10分)1. We can cross the road now. (改为否定句)We _ _ _ _ now.2. Sa

6、m can swim and skate.(对画线部分提问)_ _ Sam _?3. There are some children in the street. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ children in the street?.4. Tom did his homework after school. (改为一般疑问句)_ Tom _ his homework after school?5. Cross the road now! (改为否定句)_ _ the road now!八、 用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1She _ (watch) TV with her sist

7、er yesterday.2I like _ (she). _ (she) is cute and quiet.3He _ (feel) better now.4He usually _ (help) me _ (move) the furniture.5Ann always _ (wash) her face.九、 给下列问句选择相应的答语。(10分).( )1. Does Mr Gao often call you? A. Yes, I was.( )2. Do you often help your parents? B. Yes, I did.( )3. Are you prepari

8、ng todays lesson? C. No, he doesnt.( )4. Were you in Cuangzhou last month? D. Yes, I do.( )5. Did you finish your English homework? E. Yes, we are.十、 看短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)My friend, Jack works hard in a factory during the weekdays. At the weekends he always does different things. On Saturdays he goes

9、 fishing and on Sundays he goes to a village with his family by car. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isnt a big one,but theres always much to do on the farm. The children help them with the animals and give them their food. Jack and his wife help them in the fields. At the end of the day, t

10、hey are all tired and Jacks aunt give them a big meal.1Jack works hard in a factory on weekdays. ( )2I usually does different things on the weekend. ( )3Jacks uncle and aunt live in the village. ( )4Jack goes fishing and to a village with his family. ( )5Jacks aunts farm is big. ( )参考答案 (听力部分40分)一、听

11、录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语,听两遍。(10分)1、 B A C B C二、听录音,给下列图片排序。每小题读两遍。(10分)1、 2 4 3 5 1三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子,读两遍。(10分)1、 A B B A A四、听录音,选出正确的答句,每小题读两遍。(10分)1、 B A A B B (笔试部分60分)五、单项选择,将正确答案序号填在括号里。(10分)1、B2、D3、B4、A5、A6、A7、A8、B9、C10、A六、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项,画_线。(10分)1、1B2C3C4A5B七、 根据要求完成句子。(10分)1、1、cant;cross;the;road2、What;can;do3、Are;there;any4、Did;do5、Dont;cross八、 用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)2、1watched2 her She3feels4 helps move5washes九、 给下列问句选择相应的答语。(10分)3、1. C 2. D 3. E 4. A 5. B十、 看短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)4、1T2F3T4F5F页码 / 总页数


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