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1、 英语口语8000句 走在街上问路鞋店在哪儿?Where is the shoe store?Where is the shoe store? (鞋店在哪儿?)Go straight for two blocks. (始终走,过两条街就有。)How do I get to the shoe store?对不起,我迷路了。Excuse me, but I”m lost. *lost表示“迷路”。I don”t know where I am.我在地图上的什么地方?Where am I on this map?Where am I on this map? (我在地图上的什么地方?)You”re

2、right here, near Central Park. (你在这儿,中心公园四周。)Where am I? (我在哪儿呢?)Where am I located? (我在什么地方呢?)Can you point to where I am on this map?这条街叫什么名字?What”s the name of this street?What street am I on? (我现在在哪条街上?)这四周有邮局吗?Is there a post office near here?Is there a post office near here? (这四周有邮局吗?)Yes, the

3、re is. Go straight. (有,在那儿。始终往前走)Where”s the nearest post office? (离这儿最近的邮局在哪儿?)Is there a post office close by?Is there a post office around here?Do you know of any post offices near here? (您知道这四周的邮局吗?)去樱花饭店怎么走?How do I get to the Sakura Hotel?Where”s the Sakura Hotel? (樱花饭店在哪儿?)Could you give me d

4、irections to the Sakura Hotel?What direction should I follow to get to the Sakura Hotel?从第一个信号灯往右拐。Turn right at the first traffic light. *turn right表示“右拐”,turn left表示“左拐”。洗手间在哪儿?Where”s the rest room?在右边。It”s on the right.It”s on your right.始终走到其次个街区。Go straight for two blocks. *block 是四周被道路围成的街区。在

5、左侧拐角那儿就能观察。You”ll see it at the corner on your left. *at the corner 的at也可以用on替换。对不起,我也是第一次来这儿。Sorry, I”m new here, too.Excuse me. Is Shinjuku far? (请问,新宿离这儿还远吗?)Sorry, I”m new here, too. (对不起,我也是第一次来这儿。)I”m a stranger here, too.I don”t know either. (我也不知道。)在那家咖啡馆的旁边。It”s next to the coffee shop.It”s

6、 beside the coffee shop.It”s just before the coffee shop. (就在那家咖啡馆的前边一点儿。)在市政厅的对面。It”s across from City Hall.It”s opposite City Hall.It”s on the opposite side of City Hall.正对着市政厅。It faces City Hall. *face 表示“(建筑物等)正对面,正冲着”。在书店和药店之间。It”s between the bookstore and the drugstore.在教堂的这一边。It”s on this si

7、de of the church.*用this side表示“这边”。It”s before the church.在这条路的终点。It”s at the end of this street. *at the end of.“最靠后的,到头的”。这儿离新宿近吗?Am I near Shinjuku?Is Shinjuku close to here? (这儿离新宿近吗?)Am I close to Shinjuku?这儿离新宿有多远?How far is it to Shinjuku? *How far is it to.? 是就时间和距离详细要花多少所问。“到有多远(需要多长时间)?”。I

8、s Shinjuku far? (新宿还远吗?)How close are we to Shinjuku?要多长时间?How long will it take? *用来询问到达目的地需要多长时间。5分钟左右。About five minutes.到那儿远吗?Is it far?Will it take long? (费时间吗?)Is it far from here? (离这儿远吗?)不远。Not far.It”s not far.It”s not that far. (不太远。)到新宿哪条路走?What”s the easiest way to get to Shinjuku?Could

9、you give me the simplest directions to Shinjuku?坐出租车去最简单找到。The easiest way is to take a taxi.The easiest way is to catch a taxi.到新宿哪条道最快?What”s the quickest way to get to Shinjuku?What”s the quickest way to get to Shinjuku? (到新宿哪条道最快?)You can go by express train. (你可以坐快车。)在哪儿可以发信?Where can I mail th

10、is?在哪儿可以打电话?Where can I make a phone call? *“打电话”可以用make a phone call或make a call来表示。Where can I make a call?这是条近路吗?Is this the shortcut? *shortcut 表示“近路”。乘坐交通工具请给我一张地铁图。A subway map, please.Could I have a subway map, please? *比拟礼貌的说法。售票处在哪儿?Where”s the ticket counter?到新宿多少钱?How much is the fare to

11、Shinjuku?How much is the fare to Shinjuku? (到新宿多少钱?)I”ll find out for you. (我看一下。)What is the fare to Shinjuku?How much does it cost to get to Shinjuku?What”s the price of a ticket to Shinjuku?How much do I pay to go to Shinjuku?150日元。It”s one hundred fifty yen.到新宿,我该坐哪趟车?Which train should I take t

12、o Shinjuku?Which train goes to Shinjuku? (哪趟车到新宿?)Which train stops at Shinjuku? (哪趟车在新宿停?)Which train is going toward Shinjuku? (哪趟车开往新宿?)我该在哪站换车?Where am I supposed to change? *be supposed to.“应当做”。Where am I supposed to change? (我应当在哪站换车?)At Shinjuku. (在新宿。)Where do I change trains?Where should I

13、 change trains?Where am I supposed to transfer?At what station should I change?我要到荻洼在哪儿下车?Where am I supposed to get off for Ogikubo?到新宿换乘JR的中心线。You can change to the JR Chuo Line at Shinjuku.在哪儿能坐上快车?Where can I catch an express train? *特快是a limited express, 每站都停的车是a local train。到其次站台。Go to track number two.Go to track two.Take this train. (坐这趟车。)Take the orange train. (坐那辆黄色的车。)Take the Chuo Line. (坐中心线。)电车多长时间来一趟?


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