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1、Module 10 Australia Unit 1学习目标一、掌握本单元central,hate,according to,cut off等单词和短语。(重点)二、掌握并灵活运用下列句子:(重点)1. Here we go.2. Whats its height ?3. Does it lie off the northeast coast of Australia ?三、能听懂介绍有关澳大利亚饮食、历史、文化知识的对话,并能辨别所描述的细节。自主预习一、新词自测读写单词或短语并熟记看谁记得快。1.中心的 adj. central 2.剪刀(复数) n. scissors 3.剪掉;切掉 c

2、ut off4.羊毛n. wool 5.写日记 keep a diary 6.憎恨;讨厌v. hate7.蚂蚁n. ant 8.刷子n. 刷v. brush 9.把某物从某物上刷掉 brush sth. off sth. 10.在东北的adj. northeastem 二、根据汉语意思完成句子1.按照当地人的说法,它是一个特别的而且神奇的地方。 According to the local people , its a special and magical place.2.他们戴着特殊的能赶走苍蝇的帽子。They wear special hats that keep the files a

3、way .课堂导学1. This is a rock called Ayers Rock , in central Australia.这块岩石叫艾尔斯岩,在澳大利亚中部。语法1:过去分词作后置定语called是过去分词,在本句中作后置定语,意为“被叫作”,相当于named,过去分词与它修饰的名词之间是被动关系。Ten years ago , he lived in a beautiful village called Huaxi.十年前他住在一个名叫华西的美丽村庄里I have a pen pal called Joe. 我有一个叫乔的笔友。即学即练一用所给词的适当形式填空。Do you k

4、now the girl called (call) Lucy ?2.According to the local people , its a special and magical place.据当地的人们所说,这是一个特殊而神奇的地方。短语1:according to根据;按照according to,意为“根据;按照”。一般according to引用的都是出自他人或他处的消息。 According to him , it is not true.据他所言,这不是真的。 According to the writer , more and more kids become fat in

5、 China.根据作者所写,中国有越来越多的孩子们变胖。即学即练二单项选择 B the instructions , you must take the medicine after meals.A. Because ofB. According toC. Thanks toD. Instead of解析:句意为“根据说明书,你必须在饭后吃药”,Because of意为“由于,因为”,According to意为“根据”。Thanks to意为“多亏”,Instead of意为“而不是,取代”。故选B。3. They wear special hats that keep the files

6、away.他们戴着能把苍蝇赶走的特殊的帽子。短语2: keep sth. away (使)避开;(使)不靠近keep sth. away,意为“(使)避开;(使)不靠近”。Youd better keep the polluted water away in order to keep healthy.为了保持健康,你们最好能远离受污染的水。拓展:keep的用法keep为动词,意为“保持”,“keep sth. +介词(短语)/副词”,意为“使某物处于某种状态”;keep后还可接形容词或介词短语作表语。常用短语keep sb./sth. doing,意为“让某人/某物一直做”,强调动作的持续性

7、。Its hot here. Lets keep the window open.这儿太热。我们还是让窗子开着吧。Im so sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.非常抱歉让你等我那么长时间。即学即练三根据汉语意思完成句子在夏天空调可以让热空气远离。The air conditioner can keep the hot air away in summer.4.The scissors that theyre holding are used to cut the wool off the sheep.他们拿着的剪刀是用来从羊身上剪羊毛的。短语

8、3:cut off 剪掉;切掉;割掉cut off是固定词组,意为“剪掉;切掉;割掉”,后跟名词或代词作宾语。当宾语为代词时,代词应放到cut与off之间;当宾语为名词时,名词放在off的前后都可以。He had his finger cut off in an accident at work.他在一次工作事故中切断了手指。归纳:含cut的其他常用短语cut down 砍倒;降低;缩短cut out 切掉;突然停止cut ones hair 理发cut in 插嘴即学即练四单项选择With electricity B because of the road repairs , the who

9、le building was completely dark.A. cut upB. cut offC. cut outD. cut down解析:cut up,意为“切碎”,cut off意为“切断”,cut out意为“剪掉”,cut down意为“砍倒;减少”。句意为“由于修路电被切断后,整个大楼一片漆黑”。故选B。5. I hated the ants that were all over the place.我讨厌蚂蚁,那里到处都是。单词1: hate憎恨;讨厌hate作及物动词,意为“憎恨;讨厌”,hate不用于进行时态,其后可接名词、代词、动名词和动词不定式作宾语。My sis

10、ter hates the smell of smoke. 我妹妹讨厌烟的气味I hate lying and cheating.我讨厌说谎与欺骗辨析:hate to do sth.与hate doing sth.的区别hate to do sth多表示具体的一次性的动作,而hate doing sth.多表示习惯性的、经常性的、一般性的动作。I hate to do some chore after school 我讨厌放学后做家务当。Lucy hated eating meat when she was a child.露西是个孩子的时候,她讨厌吃肉。即学即练五单项选择- What do

11、you think of action movies ?- They re OK . I dont B them.A. love B. hate C. mindD. stand解析:句意为“你认为动作电影怎么样?”“还行。我并不讨厌它们。”A项意为“喜欢“;B项意为“讨厌”;C项意为“介意”;D项,意为“站立;忍受”。故选B。Unit 2学习目标一、掌握本单元period,spirit,relationship,be surprised at等单词和短语。(重点)二、能读懂介绍旅游的文章理解语篇主题和细节三、能运用课文中的重点单词及短语等按事情发生的先后顺序描述旅游经历。自主预习根据句意及汉语

12、提示完成单词。1. Mary felt much better after a period (阶段) of medical treatment.2.Cancer destroyed (破坏) her body but not her spirit (精神).3.The relationship (关系) between the police and the local people has improved.4.A distant(远距离的) relative (亲戚) is not as good as a near neighbour.5.I surf (冲浪) the Internet

13、 two hours a day。课堂导学1.At the moment , we are staying near Ayers Rock.此刻,我们在艾尔斯岩附近。短语1: at the moment现在,此刻at the moment是介词短语,意为“现在,此刻”,常与现在进行时或一般现在时连用。 moment是名词,意为“片刻,瞬间”。The Smiths are having dinner at home at the moment 史密斯一家人此刻正在家里吃饭.。 At the moment I am not hungry.我现在不饿即学即练一单项选择The thief was ca

14、ught stealing money from the shop opposite the school and C by the local police at the moment.A. was questionedB. had questionedC. is being questionedD. has been questioning解析:句意为“小偷被抓住在学校对面的商店偷钱,现在正在被警察询问”。由时间状语at the moment(现在)可知要用现在进行时,且the thief和question是被动关系,应用现在进行时的被动语态。故选C。2and I was surprise

15、d at how big it was : 3.6 kilometres long and 348 metres high!我对它如此之大感到惊奇:长3.6千米,高348米。短语2:be surprised at对感到惊奇/吃惊be surprised at,意为“对感到惊奇/吃惊”。surprised为形容词,意为“感到吃惊的”,一般用来修饰人,be surprised后还可接动词不定式或that引导的宾语从句。I am very surprised at his great progress.我对他取得的巨大进步感到惊讶。He was surprised to hear the news.听到那个消息他很吃惊They were all surprised that we really went to the deser


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