人教新目标八年级下Unit 3What were you doing when the UFO arrived分课时练习

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《人教新目标八年级下Unit 3What were you doing when the UFO arrived分课时练习》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教新目标八年级下Unit 3What were you doing when the UFO arrived分课时练习(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?第1课时一、根据汉语完成句子1、他正站在图书馆前面。 He is standing the library.2、昨晚我很晚才睡的。 I last night.3、我叔叔从小汽车上下来,然后进了一家超市。My uncle his car and a supermarket.4、当我敲门时,你在干什么呀?我正在洗衣服。What you when I knocked at the door?-I my clothes.二、用所给词的适当形式填空1、What they (do) at 5:00 yester

2、day? 2、I often follow my teacher (visit) the farm.3、While he (listen) to music, the bell rang. 4、Are you (kid)?5、My mother (buy) me a new computer yesterday.第2课时一、根据句意及首字母写出单词1、Excuse me, is there a b near here? I want to have my hair cut.2、The door was open w I left the shop.3、Luckily, the plane l

3、safely.4、Wheres Li Ping?Hes standing r in front of you.5、You can f Uncle Wang to visit his factory.二、用when和while填空1、He knocked at the door we were cooking dinner.2、 I arrived in Beijing, it was already ten oclock.3、 I was watching TV, I fell asleep.4、 my father was reading a newspaper, my mother was

4、 doing some sewing.5、It was raining hard they got off the train.6、 Li Ping was playing computer games, the phone rang.第3课时一、词语翻译1、浴室 2、卧室 3、厨房 4、经历 5、想象 6、在前面 7、给电视台打 8、沿街散步 9、在大约十点钟 10、感到惊奇地 二、根据汉语完成句子1、从这儿出去! Get here!2、大象是陆地上最大的动物。 Elephant is the largest animal on .3、你想象不到我是多么地快乐。 You cant I was

5、.4、他回来时我正在看电视。 I TV he came back.5、如果你的麻烦,你可以给警察打 。 If you are in trouble, you may 。三、用when或while填空1、 I came in, she was writing a letter. 2、 I was sleeping, a thief went into my house.3、He was singing I was writing. 4、 I got to Beijing, I called up Lucy first.5、After a , the boy woke up.第4课时一、翻译词汇1

6、、起飞 2、大约在上午11点 3、登上月球 4、跟某人干某事 5、从飞碟里出来 6、报警 7、感到惊讶 8、坐在教室(内)的前面 9、在上周三下午4点 10、沿街散步 二、根据句意及首字母补全单词。1、What are you doing?Im having a bath in the b .2、While he was taking a p with his camera, the cat went up the tree again.3、What did you do just now? -I borrowed some books from the l .4、Helen had a ve

7、ry unusual (经历)on Sunday.5、The station was (拥挤)when I got there.三、汉译英 出来 4、跑开 5、电视台 6、住院 7、在诊所 8、起飞 9、理发 10、睡得晚 11、在 上交谈 2、思考;考虑 3、在车站附近走动 4、步行去学校 四、根据汉语意思完成句子1、当我看到飞碟时感到很惊讶。 I was very see the UFO.2、昨天晚上在园子里发生了奇怪的事情。 Something in the yard last night.3、老师进来时,你在干什么? What you when the teacher came in?

8、4、并非所有的年轻人喜欢京剧。 young people like Beijing Opera.5、我看到老师从小汽车上下来了。 I saw our teacher the car.第5课时一、翻译词汇1、事故 2、飞机 3、现代的 4、明亮的 5、关闭 6、像一样 7、寂静 8、tell(过去式) 9、become(过去式) 10、fly(过去式) 二、根据提示完成句子1、我到处都没有找到我的钥匙。 I cant my keys .2、那个女孩跟我打招呼时我想不起他的名字了。I couldnt her name when the girl greeted to me.3、当我经过时,我看到树

9、上有只猫。 When I passed by, I saw a cat .4、如果你遇到了自己解决不了的问题,你可以给警察打 。If you meet something that you cant solve, you can .5、别跑,我有重要的事要告诉你。 Dont . Ive something important to tell you.三、用所给动词的适当形式填空1、There (be) an orange tree and some pear trees here last year.2、What Davy (do) when Linda saw him?3、Before th

10、e police (arrive), the alien left the shop and then (visit) the Museum of Flight.4、What Jack (do) from 2:00 to 4:00 yesterday afternoon?5、If it (not rain), I (go) shopping with you tomorrow.6、While I (talk) with my friend, she came in.7、When we (arrive), the train had left. 8、What you (do) when he arrived?9、Jim (sleep) when I came in. 10、Last week he (rid


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