旅游经济学考试题型 英语.doc

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1、一、 填空(102)1、 Classify of tourist products(旅游产品分类): destination: inbound tourism, domestic tourism, outbound tourism fashion: group tour, small package tour, single service 2、 Basic indicator of tourism(入境旅游指标体系中文P184): the person-time of inbound tourism(人次) overnight stay and length of stay(过夜天数和停留时

2、间) the expenditure of inbound tourism(旅游者消费指标)3、 Tourists travel for different purpose: such as religion, health, commerce, adventure, quest for fortune, politics 4、 classify of tourist resources(旅游资源分类):free, scarce(特征:not renewability, not interchangeability)P565、 Tourists face a 5 stage decision

3、process(出游的五个阶段):P102 participation decision参与决策 tourism budget constraint旅游预算约束 frequency and length of stay频率和停留时间 kind of destination目的地类型 destination and transportation made choice目的地和交通的选择6、 Tourism and supply chain management 5个基本内容:planning, procurement, manufacturing, distribution, toretrnof

4、goods7、 旅游供给指标体系:(中文版P92)8、 旅游供应链中主体的地位: Travel agency is the core of supply chain Tourist is the subject of supply chain Tourism resource and environment is the basis of supply chain9、 Problem of tourism transportation: Carbon emission P12910、 concentration(集中度) 分类:industrial(行业), industry(产业), mar

5、ket(市场)11、国际货币基金组织,股份不低于25%12、financing(资金融通)方式:direct(直接融资),indirect(间接融资)13、tourism demand forecast: change(旅游投资预测) trend forecast of population, economic and political, tourism product price, tourism supplies14、tourism investment efficiency: economic. environmental, social15、decision-marketing ty

6、pe: Certainty decision (information complete) Uncertainty decision (all information is uncertain completely) Risk type decision (incomplete information) 16、tourism multiplier model(旅游乘数模型):input-output model, economic base model, “certain” model(特定模型):唯一针对旅游产业的模型 17、the development of marketing idea

7、(市场营销理念):product-oriented, sales-oriented, customer-oriented 18、Marketing mix(市场营销整合):4PS:product, place(process of delivery), price, promotion (P257也可能是简答)二、名词解释(45)1、 Free resources: they are in such abundance that there is no need for any mechanism to allocate them to users.(P56)Scarce: their sup

8、ply in general is limited in respect to their actual or potential demand.2、 Tourism Demand: Tourism Demand is in a certain period of time, certain price ,tourists are willing and able to purchase quantity of tourism products, a certain amount of demand on tourism destination for tourists. (P102)3、 P

9、rice Discrimination: Price discrimination normally implies a degree of monopoly and hence the chance to make “supernormal” profits, but in travel and tourism it is more a function of non saleable services and the ability to segments market. (P150)4、 Integration(一体化):Integration refers to multiple or

10、iginally independent sovereignty entity gradually combine a single entity in some way. (P159)5、 Tourism Investment: Refer to people put into a certain quantity of capital on a tourism projects for the gains, according to the needs of development on tourism enterprise in a certain period of time. (中文

11、P232)6、 Tourism Multipliers: are used to capture the secondary effects of visitor spending in a region. (P220)7、 Tourism Marketing: is the sum of all the decisions and activities that sellers undertake to convince buyers to commit to a particular product or service instead of to the many other produ

12、cts and services available. (P241)8、 Marketing strategy: a marketing strategy lays out the path to follow to reach the stated marketing objectives. (P254)三、 简答(中文48)1、 The success of tourist destination 旅游目的地成功的条件:P10 attractions吸引物 amenities(facilities)便利设施 accessibility for tourists可进入性分析重庆成为旅游目的地

13、成功的条件:三都(会展、美食、温泉)、购物场所(解放碑、江北)、交通(高速公路、高铁2、 旅游企业经营的目标:(理解,描述)P150 Profit maximization Sales revenue maximization “Empire building” or prestige Output maximization “Satisfying” A quiet life(profit minimization)3、 中间商的主要作用:P157 Improve circulation efficiency提供流通率 Adjust the contradiction between prod

14、uction and consumption调节生产和消费的矛盾 Effective share enterprise marketing function4、 一体化 (图描述,理解) P1595、 从80年代起,中国旅游产业的集中度分析描述6、 non-investment management arrangements(非投资管理)p1657、 后悔值决策法具体做法(描述,理解,中文版P257) 先将在各种自然状态下的最大损益值减去其他方案的损益值,得出各个方案在各种自然状态下的后悔值 然后找出每个方案的最大后悔值 再从这些最大后悔值中选择一个最小值。即可能出现的后悔值是最小的,这个最大

15、后悔值中的最小值所对应的方案就认为是最优方案8、 立足于市场:旅游市场过度价格竞争问题(材料)原因:宏观:行业 微观:企业9、 市场营销周期(文字描述+图)P24210、市场细分:P246人口统计学细分法:变量有年龄、收入、职业、家庭规模、生命周期、受教育程度地理位置细分法:国内,国外消费心理细分法:消费者的价值观、态度、生活方式、兴趣、活动、个性 消费行为细分法:旅游习惯 个人偏好 旅游目的 从旅游中获得的利益11、在市场中的角色特点:P255 Market leader:高高在上,遥遥领先。必须持续进行市场研究,来调整他们的生产和更新市场战略。面对两个挑战:A保持领导的地位B扩大市场份额。 Market challenger: 不安现状,跃跃欲试。价格竞争:以低价格来直接和领导竞争;非价格竞争:提供更好的服务Market follower: 安于现状,寻求自保。Marker Miche player(市场利基者):专业经营,夹缝生存。四、计算(6 11 13) 1、生产函数:Q=f(X1,X2Xn) Q=f(L,K)


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