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1、保持大脑年轻化的七种方法保持大脑年轻化的七种方法 来源7 Anti-Aging Tips to Keep Your Brain Young译者中燕7 Anti-Aging Tips to Keep Your Brain Young保持大脑年轻化的七种方法William Speed Weed威廉姆?斯彼得?维德1. Move It1. 让大脑动起来Quick whats the No. 1 thing you can do for your brains health? Differential calculus, you say? Chess? Chaos theory? Nope, the

2、best brain sharpener may be sneakers? Yup. Once theyre on your feet, you can pump up your heart rate. “The best advice I can give to keep your brain healthy and young is aerobic exercise,” says Donald Stuss, PhD, a neuropsychologist and director of the Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest Centre fo

3、r Geriatric Care in Toronto.速答 为了维护大脑健康,你首先要做的是什么?你是说做微积分吗?下棋?研究混沌理论?都不对,锻炼大脑的最佳利器难道是运动鞋?对啦。一旦穿上运动鞋,你就可以为心脏加速了。多伦多贝克雷斯特中心罗特曼老年保健医学研究所主任及神经心理学家唐纳德?斯达斯博士说,“要保持大脑年轻而健康,我能给你的最佳忠告就是做有氧运动。”Mark McDaniel, PhD, professor of psychology at Washington University in St. Louis, agrees, but adds, “I would suggest

4、 a combined program of aerobics and weight training. Studies show the best outcomes for those engaged in both types of exercise.”华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校的心理学教授马克丹尼尔博士表示同意这一观点,但他补充到:“我建议将有氧运动和举重训练结合起来,研究结果表明这两种运动结合起来训练的效果是最佳的。As we age, our brain cells, called neurons, lose the tree-branch-like connections betwee

5、n them. These connections, or synapses, are essential to thought. Quite literally, over time, our brains lose their heft. Perhaps the most striking brain research today is the strong evidence we now have that “exercise may forestall some kinds of mental decline,” notes McDaniel. It may even restore

6、memory. Myriad animal studies have shown that, among other brain benefits, aerobic exercise increases capillary development in the brain, meaning more blood supply, more nutrients and a big requirement for brain health more oxygen.随着衰老,连接我们大脑细胞,即神经元之间的树杈状连接组织就会消失。这些连接组织,或叫神经元突触,对思维是起关键作用的。毫不夸张地说,久而久

7、之,我们大脑的重量就会有所减轻。麦克丹尼尔指出,当前有关大脑研究的最突出的成果大概就是我们已经获得了充分的证据证明“运动可以防止某些类型的智力衰退”。运动甚至可以帮助恢复记忆。大量的动物实验研究表明,在各种健脑方法中,有氧运动促进了大脑内毛细血管的生长,也就是意味着更充足的供血,更多的营养以及 大脑健康所大量需求的 更多的氧气。The preeminent exercise and brain-health researcher in humans is Arthur Kramer at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In a

8、dozen studies over the past few years, with titles such as “Aerobic Fitness Reduces Brain Tissue Loss in Aging Humans,” Kramer and his colleagues have proved two critical findings: Fit people have sharper brains, and people who are out of shape, but then get into shape, sharpen up their brains. This

9、 second finding is vital. Theres no question that working out makes you smarter, and it does so, Kramer notes, at all stages of life. Just as important, exercise staves off heart disease, obesity, diabetes and other maladies that increase the risk of brain problems as we age.在运动与大脑健康方面最卓越的研究者当属伊利诺大学

10、香槟分校的亚瑟?克雷默。在过去的几年里,克雷默和他的同事们在以“有氧健身减少老年人脑组织损失”为题的系列研究中验证了两项关键的研究成果:健康的人大脑更敏捷,身体状况不佳的人再回到健康状态时,大脑也变得敏捷。第二个研究成果尤为重要。克雷默指出,毫无疑问,健身使你更加聪明,而且在人生的各个阶段都是如此。同样,运动可以避免心脏病、肥胖、糖尿病及其它随着衰老而容易引起大脑疾病的因素。2. Feed It2. 给大脑养分Another path to a better brain is through your stomach. Weve all heard about antioxidants as

11、cancer fighters. Eating foods that contain these molecules, which neutralize harmful free radicals, may be especially good for your brain too. Free radicals have nothing to do with Berkeley politics and everything to do with breaking down the neurons in our brains. Many colorful fruits and vegetable

12、s are packed with antioxidants, as are some beans, whole grains, nuts and spices.另一个改善大脑的途径就是通过胃。我们都听说过抗氧化剂是抗癌的克星。食用含有抗氧化分子的食物,能够中和有害的自由基,对你的大脑是尤其有益的。自由基与伯克利的政治毫无关系,但与大脑神经元的损害却是息息相关的。许多颜色鲜艳的水果和蔬菜都富含抗氧化物,也包括一些豆类、全麦食物、硬果及调味香料。More important, though, is overall nutrition. In concert with a good workout

13、 routine, you should eat right to avoid the diseases that modern flesh is heir to. High blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and high cholesterol all make life tough on your brain, says Carol Greenwood, PhD, a geriatric research scientist at the University of Toronto.但是更重要的还是营养的全面性。配合良好的健身习惯,你还要有合理的饮食习

14、惯来防止现代人易患的疾病。多伦多大学致力于老年病研究的科学家卡罗尔?格林伍德博士说,高血压、糖尿病、肥胖症、高胆固醇都会使你的大脑倍受煎熬。If your diet is heavy, then youre probably also heavy. The same weight that burdens your legs on the stairs also burdens your brain for the witty reply or quick problem solving. The best things you can eat for your body, Greenwood

15、 notes, are also the best things you can eat for your brain. Your brain is in your body, after all. Greenwoods recommendation is to follow the dietary guidelines from the American Diabetes Association (available at diabetes.org).如果你的饮食量很大,那么你的体重也会很重。你上楼梯时腿上承载的负担与你在机智应答或快速解决问题时脑力所承载的负担是一样的。格林伍德指出你为身体

16、所食用的最好的食物也是对大脑最好的食物。毕竟你的大脑是你身体的一部分。格林伍德推荐遵循美国糖尿病协会提供的饮食指南。(在diabetes.org网站上可以找到)3. Speed It Up3. 给大脑加速Sorry to say, our brains naturally start slowing down at the cruelly young age of 30 (yes, 30). It used to be thought that this couldnt be helped, but a barrage of new studies show that people of any age can train their brains to be faster and, in effect, younger. “Your brain is a learni


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