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1、四年级英语下册期中测试卷一、 选出下列单词中不同类的一项。(10分)( ).A.war B.cld Csno ( )2. .hury u B.ot be Cgo hme ( )3. A.Londn B.Se C.hina ( ) . A.et up B.gohm C.breakfa( ). A.ren B. read C. yelow( )6A.old B.ibrar C.plgound ( ) 7. A.eght B. seven C. fist ( ) 8.A. arden .bue . tahesofice ( ) 9 A. pictr . arroom C musi room ( )

2、1. . compuer .innr Clunch 二、 判断下面每组单词划线部分发音,相符打“”,不相符打“”。(10分) ( )1. sier brotherwatr () 2.now how no ( ) hur nu aburge ( )4. f bok loo ( ) 5 rm cad cr 三、 将下列单词归类,将序号填在横线上。(15分) warm maths English Beijing London rainy New York P.E. cloudy Moscow sunny Chinese windy Sydney music天 气: _科 目:_城 市: _四、选择正

3、确的答案,将序号填在题前括号里。(分) ( ) 1. Whats the wather lk in Knm? Its_ A warm B.lud C.wind ( )2. _aout ydney? A.here B.Wih What( )3. Theeches ofce _floor. A. efirst B. frst . on hfirst( ). n you sm? . e,you an. B. No, cant. C.No, you ant.( )5.Ittie_hav Englh class A.for B. C. o( ) .Tht is_clasroom A.m my I ( )

4、7. Doou ve ibrary? -_. .Yes,it is. B. Yes, wedo. C.o, it isnt. ( ) 8 It 9:45Its tim _musicclas. .to . fo C of ( )9. -Wts theeater lie tody? -_. A. I ar t dek. B. t co. C. ts redad ylo.( )1. Is ttth_ ffie? . teachrs B tachers C.teacers 五、选择正确的答语。(分) ( ) 1. re tey shep? I n t themuic room. ( ) 2. I ik

5、e toatoes BNo, I ont.( )3. o yohave an at oom? C.e to( ) 4. hee is h libry? D. Yes, it is. ( ) 5. s that your coputer? E.s, theyare六、 选词填空,将序号填在横线上。(1分)A. Who B. Where C. What D. What time E.How many1. _s the eacherffic? Its ontefirs lor2. _is umathteache? Mr Wag.3. _i it? Its 3:0.4. _tdes ae ther i

6、n our lass? re re 4.5. _is our name? Mynameis n七、选择适当的单词或词组填空。(分)A.on B.is C.Put on D.for E.to 1. Its col toay._ou jacket,ike2. Hre _ heweate epor3. Is time _un.4. It time_e u.5. Te compter om s _he secnd for八、 连词成句。(10分)1. do ibrar you a have (? )_2. ather t wats lik oday (?)_3. s hat tie it ( ? )_

7、4. go nw canoutside ( ? )_5. time go its be to ( )_九、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10分) Im Mike. It clock. I g an pt on y lueans and puplejkt.At7:3,o to scool. olock, o o Engishlas. Atte olok,I g t rt oom andda soe turs. t 12 lo, I have unch atsholt 3:1, ave .E.class . fivolok,Ig home. ( )1.ies acket i bu. ( )2. Mike gets p t seven clock.( )3 ke has Enlih clas atnie oclo.( )4.Mke ha lnchat me.()Mike goshme at 5:30.


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