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1、上海市高三英语关键词汇复习:第28课时(be strict with -come to )I. 单项选择1. He thanked the nurses who him he was sick.A. cared forB. cared about C. had cared for D. had cared about 2. Youll have an accident if you driving like that.A. catch upB. carry onC. catch onD. carry out 3. I want to be a teacher when I grow up. G

2、reat! But it much patience. A. calls for B. calls up C. calls in D. calls off4. The film three Oscars; the director had never thought it would win so many prizes. A. changed into B. cleared up C. came across D. carried off5. You will come to like him when you are all together. A. by accident B. by a

3、nd day C. by the way D. by day6. Owls (猫头鹰)usually sleep and bunt during the night. A. by day B. by the day C. on the day D. in their day7. How did it that a pretty girl like her married an awful man like that? A. come on B. break out C. come about D. break down8. You need to two hours before the fl

4、ight, so you should set off for the airport early. A. check in B. bring across C. check bring out D. bring out9. I cant think of the title at the moment, but itll to me. A. come back B. come across C. break in D. bread to 10.Ann is fluent in Japanese; she can speak write Japanese. A. either . . . or

5、 B. not . . . but C. neither . . . nor D. both . . . andII. 词组填空 be strict with break away from break down break in break off break out break up bring in bring on bring up 1They the national union and set up their own local organization.2She was late for the meeting because her car .3Over 20,000 wor

6、th of damage was caused when a fire in the firm.4The government will a new law t deal with the serious problem.5Johns parents were killed in the war, and he was by his grandpa.6Mom and Dad always very us kids. We must do as they say.7I was sorry to his conversation with Margaret, but I had to leave.

7、8There are plans to the big company into several smaller independent companies.9Thieves and stole 10,000 worth of computer equipment.10What the sudden change in his attitude?III. 介词、副词填空1We chose to take a train to Paris, for it cost much more to go air.2Many soldiers were called to deal with the di

8、fficult situation.3James often asks us over for a cup of coffee, so I want to call him on the way home.4 Im going to call and cancel the appointment. Make the telephone call as soon as possible.5I dont mind you using the kitchen as long as you clear afterwards.6We checked at noon and left the hotel

9、for the airport.7Will the government carry its promise t o reform the law?8 I failed in the exam a third time. Come , cheer up!9The poor families hoped the high prices of food would soon come .10A wheel had come a car, and rolled to the side of the road.V. 句子翻译1我在机场碰巧遇见了她。(accident) 2快点开!他们快追上我们了。(c

10、atch) 3她把青蛙变成了一种英俊旳王子。(change) 4顺便问一下,你旳地址是什么? 5要强健身体,你需要补充更多旳蛋白质。(build) 6我在抽屉里偶尔发现了某些旧照片。(come) 7这首诗出自他旳新书。(come) 8这款连衣裙有三种颜色。(come) 9这些婚礼照片中有某些冲洗旳效果非常好。(come) 10我历来没有想过就那么几件东西加起来会花这样多钱。(come) 第28课时答案I. 单项选择1 5 CBADB6 10 BCAADII. 词组填空1. broke away from2. broke down3. broke out4. bring in5. brought

11、 up6. arestrict with7. break off8. break up9. broke in10. brought onIII. 介词、副词填空1. by 2. in 3. on 4. up 5. to 6. out 7. out 8. on 9. down 10. offIV. 句子翻译1. I met her at the airport quite by accident.2. Drive faster theyre catching up with us.3. She changed the frog into a handsome prince.4. By the way, whats your address?5. You need more protein to build you up.2. I came across some old photos in the drawer.3. The poem comes from his new book.4. The dress comes in three colors.5. Some of the wedding photos have come out really well.6. I never expected those few things would come to so much.


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