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1、八年级英语下册期中考试题英 语 试 题一、听力 (共25分)I根据所听到的句子,选择正确答语。(5分)1AYes, it is.BIts new.COn the bed.2ABananas.BTomatoes.CDumplings.3ANot creative enough BThats all right.CNot at atll.4AThank you.BIts a pleasure.CSorry to hear that.5AHelp yourself.BGood idea.CHere you are.II根据所听到的对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(5分)6AHer father B

2、Her mother CHer brother7ADancing BSinging CDrawing8AWarm and cloudy BCool and windy.CHot and sunny9AInteresting.BDangerous.CWonderful.10ASaw a film.BWent to a match CLooked after the baby.III根据所听到的描述,选出与其相符的图片。其中有一幅图片是多余的。(5分)11_ 12_ 13_ 14_ 15_IV根据所听到的对话内容,完成下面表格。每空一词。(5分) Kates Birthday Party Day1

3、6next _ Time17_am PlaceLondon 18_ Address 19_ Street Things to take Some 20_V根据所听到的短文内容,选择正确答案。(5分)21How long was MrBrown away? AFor a weekBFor two weeksCFor three weeks.22Where did MrBrown write the words?AOn the paper.BOn the wall COn the door.23Why did the boy burn(烧) the paper? ABecause the pape

4、r was dirty BBecause his father had come back. CBecause he thought it was useless.24Who knocked(敲) at the door the next day?AHis fatherBA womanCA man25Was MrBrown burnt? AYes, he was.BNo, he wasnt.CYes, but he ran away.二、基础知识(共25分)VI根据句意及所给首字母补全单词。(5分)26The old man lives in the house a_, but she doe

5、snt feel lonely.27He doesnt like the book, I dont like it, e_.28My father b_ me a bike in a shop as my birthday present.29My mother told me not to c_ others homework.30Are there many trees and f_ in the garden?VII用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)31There will be less pollution and _(few) people.32He does _ (well)

6、in math than me33Its a fine day, why dont you _(go) to the park with me?34There are many national _(hero) in Chinas history.35While we _(wait) for the bus, a girl ran up to us.VII单项选择。(15分)36Peter was ill in hospital last monthNow he is _ to come to school.Awell enough Benough good Cenough well Dgoo

7、d enough37Can you tell me _ at that time? Awhat were they doing Bwhat they were doingCwhat are they doing Dwhat they are doing38If you watch TV now, you _ the homework tonight.Adont finish Bwont finish Cdidnt finish Darent finish39I am surprised _ that you wont go to college.Ahearing Bto hear Chear

8、Dto hearing 40_ in a space ship must be much fun to you.ATo flying BFlied CFlying DFly41-How was your weekend? -I _ a good time.Ahave BhadCwill haveDhas42Does her foreign friend _ our language?Asay Btalk Cspeak Dtell43I had _ unusual experience last year.Aa Bthe Can D/44Mary _ on the phone when her

9、friend went into her room.Atalked Btalk Cwas talking Dis talking45-I think you should get a part-time job if you dont have enough money -_I agree with you.AThats nothing BOh, no CI dont think soDThats a good idea.46-Everyone passed the test _me. -Dont be upsetI believe youll do better next time. Abe

10、sides BlikeCexceptDas47He didnt feel very well yesterday, so mother told him _a rest.AhavingBhasChad Dto have48In the United States, youre not supposed _ with your hands.AateBeatingCeatsDto eat49Dont _ jeans to the party.Aput on BdressCwearing Dwear50_ you please give him some advice?ACouldBDo C Mus

11、t DCan三、交际运用 (共15分)IX根据对话内容及方框中所给的句子补全对话。(有两个多余选项)(5分 )Tom: Hi! Alice, you look so sad 51Alice: I failed the English exam.Tom: 52 But you dont need to worry about it all the time.Alice: I really dont know how to study English well 53 Tom: I think youd better study with a group.Alice: Oh, thats a goo

12、d idea 54 Tom: CertainlyAnd we can learn from each other.Alice: Sounds goodWhen can I join you?Tom: 55 Alice: Thats very kind of you.AWhat should I do?BIts wonderful.CCould I join your group?DWhats wrong?EIm sorry to hear that.FHow do you learn English?GTomorrow if you like.X根据对话内容在空白处填写适当话语。(可能是句子或

13、短语或词)(10分)Jack: Hello, Lucy!Lucy: Hello, Jack!Jack: 56 _?Lucy: Fine, thanks! And you?Jack: Im fine, too. Um, Lucy, would you like to go out to dinner on Saturday night? Theres a new restaurant near the station.Lucy: Yes, Id love to. But Im sorry 57 _. I have to visit my grandparents.Jack: Oh, thats too


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