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1、Unit 1Warming up: Liste n to a con versati on and markthe followingstatements T(true), F(false) orNG(not give n).1. The doctor has not called yet to tell themabout the woman s being pregnant.2. The woma n is more excited about havi ng a baby tha n the man is.3. Both of the speakers are looking forwa

2、rd to teaching their child to be a loving person.Un dersta nding short con versati ons.1. A. She s much too cold and distant.B. She s not loving toward her own family.C. She s lovi ng, but does nt know how to show it.D. She s never expressed her love to him.2. A. Her father is much too tough.B. Her

3、father is crazy about guns.C. Her father has provided for the family.D. Her father is admirable.3. A. Love requires one not to give up on apers on.B. Her brother s nature keeps him from lovingothers.C. Her pare nts have reas ons for not quitt ingon her brother.D. She always gets a second chanee to d

4、o thingsright.4. A. Let them know they are important to her.B. Make sure they have eno ugh mon ey.C. Buy them only what s necessary.D. Go and see them more ofte n.5. A. What we can lear n from love.B. What love means.C. How we can find love.D. How our ideas of love bega n.6. A. The importa nee of le

5、ar ning about love.B. The people we love in our lives.C. The age we find love in our lives.D. The gratitude we owe our pare nts.7. A. The man retur ns home late every day.B. The man does nt un dersta nd the woma n.C. The man does nt love the woma n anymore.D. The man loves the woman though he is lat

6、eaga in.8. A. Shared all the love she had.B. Stayed with them and helped.C. Said she was disappo in ted in her daughter.D. Felt happy to look upon her childre n.9. A. Teacher and stude nt.B. Mother and son.C. Father and daughter.D. Gran dmother and grandson.10. A. Wife and husba nd.B. Employer and e

7、mployee.C. Father and daughter.Un dersta nd a long con versati on.1. A. The woman s attitude toward her childre n.2. B. The impact of pare nt s relati on shipontheir child.3. C. Things a pare nt can lear n about beco ming lovi ng.4. D. The differe nces betwee n the woma n andher pare nts.5. A. She d

8、oes nt care about her kids.6. B. She acts un like other pare nts.7. C. .She treats her kids rudely.8. D. She leaves her kids alone.9. A. To be polite to others.10. B. To act lovingly toward others.11. C. To raise children with good discipline.12. D. To follow her parents example.13. A. Her children

9、worry too much.14. B. Her children are able to show love.15. C. She knows eno ugh about pare nti ng.16. D. She has taught her kids about being lovi ng.17. A. Brother and sister.18. B. Father and daughter.19. C. Mother and son.20. D. Husband and wife.Un dersta nding a passage.1. A. Becoming a happy,

10、successful, and loving pare nt.2. B. Rais ingchildre nto be happy,successful, and lovi ng.3. C. Trying differe nt methods of pare nti ng.4. D. Child-raisi ng at differe nttimes inhistory.5. A. The best way to raise childre n.6. B. The importa nee of being happy.7. C. The n eed fordiffere ntpare nti

11、ngmethods.8. D. The goals they have for a child.9. A. Because all methods have positive andn egative poin ts.10. B. Because parents succeed in different areas of pare nti ng.11. C. Because parentshave differentideasabout a child s nature.12. D. Because parents show differentexamplesof success.13. A.

12、 He will be more loving toward the child.14. B. He will tend to take more control.15. C. He will give the child more room.16. D. He will encourage the child to succeed.17. A. Parenting that includes lessons in loveguara ntees success.19. C. Children18. B.Differentmethods should be triedbecause they

13、all have positive and negativepoi nts.have a better cha nee to become for most of us, though we are told to dema nd more from lives.3. The speaker says she is a happy person mainly because she is hon est with herselfloving if they re loved.20. D. Successful parenting will make yourchild the pers on

14、you want him to be.Un dersta nding a radio program: Complete thefollow ingsentences with the word groups4. When you are unhappy, you should askyourself whether it is because you dont havewhatyou n eed,or becauseprovided. Each word group willbe used no morethan once. Note:There are two extraword5. On

15、e of the good points about the speaker s husba ndisthatheisgroups.New words:about what she hasabout accepta neearejerk莽撞的人n ewsletter通讯,简报toxic有害的Word groups:as a writerprotective of hisfamilypretty good you just want morea journ alism degree1 The speaker is a life longliberal withwhile her husba nddoes ntcare for journ alists.2. The speaker thinks that livesSupplementary Listening: A long conversation.1. A. He is look ing for help with his jo


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