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1、工作的英文自我介绍汇总5篇 当进入一个陌生环境,我们时常会需要作自我介绍,自我介绍是我们重新认识自己的开始。那么自我介绍应该包括什么内容呢?下面是帮大家整理的工作的英文自我介绍5篇,希望对大家有所帮助。 goo monng, eveyn i am zao i, e25.sincem radution in 23, e been workingninane udtn. w my 2-year experiencingovrnment audting,1ea n eteal audig, 1-yer i intenl udiing, many ears infinane andmgement, i

2、 a vey exrinei fincial analyis and anmt. am aplying fothe ositio f finanal anlyst. hmy erences ibelievehat i fulyquaii forhispsiion andsure i would ban asseto your copny if iwehosen 工作的.英文自我介绍篇2 Hl eeroeI would ik to nduce myslf to ou .My name i ,and itws my 23th bthda yesteday.I raduated from *unve

3、sity s no.Mymjr is English. I can speagish with luencynd ccracy.You know , Englihplays n morantrl intworld ,s th te hilre in kigderatenshould ler topeangis i avnce.In additn,wiming nd ayin bsketalli myfvoitspors.nd I anas od t playnguitar and pian.I am a oing persn Ibelievthat will g log elwi chlden

4、,Iil be patiet wih themAnd ybt to lvthIwuld be yur betchoe.HNK YU. 工作的英文自我介绍 篇 Hllo! I mXX ,I fe Iwlfitfor e jo ndedinour company. I yars oldandi god healthAfte grduatin fro XXa mileshool,av tudiedIT fr manyyeas. I m bett anDowel in pernl resonsibt ,I am od at both oerting a PC, like palyin baskebal

5、. coputr listening oemuscImintersein tepsin. I want ver h o acceptedby our companyIl wrkhadifIan a eer n o comny. 工作的英文自我介绍 篇4 Eebd is god, eyhonordo attend tisinterview. I a anacotinprofioa feshgrduats, ourars of rofssionl learning o me to hav alid gra e profsinl knoledge. Cn e familia wih ord, exc

6、el, ufida U8nacal oftwre and ERmagement sstm. I am mn of sable chrcter nd have he paientoo hins, th steadfs dligen, bears rdshis an stands hard wor, positive ttude. Accounting profeial stuy mor cultivated y crefl, rigor lrning atitd life.Th schoo with a go relationship been te andstuens,gootem coope

7、rati spiit,asthtrnglgical hning abiliandston sense of resobility, a wi contiue t be in h aterwok. It i ase of thisnd fpersonai fatrs, I lkeit vry mch acntng wrk. races, infinanci sotwe pctice clas,we moif employe data npu othe csomer,bsiness ress, ocmentsdraw u, andmnt ofrductin otpthsdone a lot of

8、rctice Trouhpactce accountigaccountingprocs simlation,learne from colcting riginal voucher, filii couing vouchers, rgitation books, invoicn,to th hlercesf mking teet.Thog ofessina lenn,Imore etiedth ice of the aoin f hsndust, I tik i fit for th b, d hoehat in he ourseof acouing cree acievement! I is

9、no i thejno aoutn adcrfid pubic accountat, hoe to nrih ccounting expert, eors todeelo t becm qualiied acounant. he to fin a finncial job, a t I ill gi ful pla o th ledeship, imov e bility oftheacountingbusine, contrbte astrngt fo the ompan. Pasonfor th fnaa wr extrely and the itof prssenc is thebige

10、 ftor thathae coence doao jb of acounting! 工作的英文自我介绍 篇5 Myame is -I ws bor in (alia, iaong)- roice in ebruary 194 Imverage heih, mium bild.(我中等身高,不胖不瘦) Ihaelong black hir nd wer a pear glasses. I usua war a rd ca and a blackrouser.Bcus y favit lours arblack a ed .My father s ker,and he worksry hd y

11、moterisnElih tcr ,nsh knd to he students. I have a sall room . Tere is a d an a dski Thmain ubets studed athol included Chinese, math, Enish, physic, hmityand cmuter.I have anyois ,fo -mple, I likEngih dcomut be adIam very odatthem.LastyerIn prize n thhoo coputer compeitio. I m pare tiI ejylistenng opulrmsicn ollectingaps. My favorite sorts ae ming in smer adsktingi winter That is m ,a llygir.第 1 页 共 1 页


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