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1、杨浦区2008学年度第一学期期末质量调研初三英语练习卷 (满分100分) 2009.1(完卷时间:90分钟,答案一律写在答卷纸上)Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力). Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (5%) A B C D E F.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear on the tape (根据你所听到的对话和问题, 选择最恰当的答案): (8%)6.A) Jane.B) Pete

2、r. C) Mary. D) Tom.7.A) Beijing.B) Tianjin.C) Taiwan.D) Guangzhou.8.A) For two days.B) For two weeks.C) For Two months.D) For two years.9.A) An astronaut.B) An engineer.C) A professor.D) A judge.10.A) The red one.B) The green one.C) The white one.D) The yellow one.11.A) Stay inside.B) Find his umbre

3、lla.C) Look outside.D) Go out with an umbrella.12.A) A fifty-minute walk.B) A three-block walk.C) Five miles.D) A five-minute walk.13.A) A basketball match.B) An American film.C) The TV news.D) A football match.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子

4、是否符合你所听到的短文内容。符合的用T表示, 不符合的用F表示): (6%)New words: interest 利息, condition 条件14. The businessman went on a two-week trip to Europe to visit his family there. 15. He asked to borrow 1 million dollars from the bank. 16. He borrowed the money because he really needed it. 17. While he was away, his car was

5、 parked in the banks underground parking lot. 18. He in fact paid 15 dollars for parking his expensive car for two weeks. 19. It would cost him a lot more if he parked his car somewhere else in the city. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks (根据你听到的内容,完成下列表格,每空格限填一词): (6%)Australian Animal Sh

6、owPlace: Shanghai ZooTime: May 5th to 20 2ndAnimals: koalas; kangaroos; turkeysAnimal Corners: Australian; American; 21 New grouping: BirthplaceOld grouping: Plants or 22 Traffic: Buses leave from Peoples Square dailyThe earliestAt 23 a.mMeals: Served in the 24 part of the ZooTickets: Adults 60 yuan

7、 each; Children - 25 yuan eachPart 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分 词汇和语法). Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (17%)26.In our school, every student has to wear _ uniform on Monday. A) aB) anC) theD) / 27. I dont spend much on clothes since my parents buy _ for me.A) theyB) theirsC) themD) themselves28

8、. Nowadays paying _ credit card is easier and safer than carrying a lot of “real” money.A) forB) byC) withD) on29.If a kid has some pocket money, he can buy _ necessary.A) everythingB) nothingC) anythingD) something30.Everyone agrees that owning a car is _ expensive than taking the underground.A) fa

9、r lessB) much moreC) many moreD) more and more31.You _ water the flowers today. It is going to rain.A) cantB) shouldnt C) needntD) mustnt32.The teacher asked us to download as much _ as possible for the survey.A) informationB) questionsC) ideasD) thing33. Look! The workers from Shanghai _ houses for

10、 the victims in the earthquake-stricken area.A) are rebuildingB) rebuiltC) had rebuiltD) will rebuild34.In half a year you _ a senior high school student. Isnt it exciting!A) becomeB) will becomeC) becameD) have become35. _ I saw the flag rising at Beijing Olympic Games, I really felt proud of China

11、. A) BeforeB) UntilC) WhenD) If 36. _ important work the scientists are doing! Lets learn from them.A) What aB) HowC) What anD) What 37.Father asked me _.A) what I had done in schoolB) what had I done in schoolC) what I have done in schoolD) what have I done in school38.If you are not _ the style of

12、 uniforms, you can design them yourselves.A) careful withB) tired ofC) satisfied withD) afraid of 39.If you keep _ hard, you will make progress day by day.A) to workB) workingC) workD) worked40.A: May I take your luggage?B: _ Here you are.A) No, thanks.B) Thank you all the same.C) Oh, thanks.D) No,

13、you neednt.41. In my opinion, friends should be ready to help each other. The underlined phrase means “_”.A) I thinkB) I believeC) I guessD) I suggest42.Your allowance will be reduced from a pound a week to fifty pence. The underlined word means “_”.A) taken downB) pulled downC) put downD) cut down.

14、Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms(用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空):(6%) 43. I think its important for boys and _ to learn how to manage money. (girl)44. We are going to conduct the _ survey on our classmates spending habits. (three)45. Many people were saved though they were _ injured. (serious)46. PLA soldiers were sent to Wenchuan soon after the _ disaster occurred. (nature)47. Our school organized a charity _ for the homeless in that area.


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