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1、-市2017年中考英语试卷总分值:120分考试时间:120分钟第一局部选择题共60分一、单项选择从以下每题所给的选项中,选择一个最正确答案。15分( )1.Dangal捧跤吧!爸爸,_ Indian film,has bee oneof _ most popular films in China.A.a; /B.a;theC.an;theD./;the( )2. -Wow, an iPhone 7,what a big surprise!Thanks,darling!-Its your birthday present.But please read the _ carefullybefore

2、 you use it.A.information B.instruction C.invitation D.instrument()3.My little sister is a(n) _ girl and she always asks medifferent kinds of strange questions.A.curiousB.creativeC. energeticD.attractive()4.He got up to get some hot water but found there was _ leftin the bottle.A. a fewB. fewC. a li

3、ttleD.little()5.Neither Jim nor Tom _ Australia before,but they know thecountry very well.A. has gone toB. has been toC. have gone toD.have been to()6.-Mum,Ill take an important test tomorrow.-Dont be nervous. _,Sandy!A. Good luckB.Good ideaC. Well doneD.Have a good time( )7.-If someone is _ your wa

4、y,what will you do-I will wait until he or she moves instead of pushing past.( )8.-Was it necessary _ John _ some photos beforehelping the old man-I think so.In this way,he could protect himself later.A.of;takingB.for;takingC.of; to takeD.for;to take()9.-Did you hear the strange noise ne*t door arou

5、nd 10 oclock lastnight-No,I _ my favourite TV programme in my bedroom.A. watchB. watchedC. was watchingD.am watching( )10.Now most young people like shopping online because they _ spend a lot of time going from shop to shop.A. needntB. cantC. mustntD.shouldnt( )11.-What do you think of my article,Mr

6、.Andrew-Er,it is wonderful _ there are some spellingmistakes.A. sinceB. thoughC. ifD.while( )12.Last Saturday,I got to the station late because of the heavy traffic,but _ the train was still there.A. e*actlyB. mostlyC. luckilyD.slowly()13.Diana used to _to work,but now she is used to _ because the r

7、oad is crowded and she wants to keep fit.A.drive; walkingB.drive;walkC.driving; walkD.driving;walking()14.Before you choose a book,youd better _ the first few pagesto know whether it is too easy or too difficult for you.A. look outB. look afterC. look throughD.look for( )15.-Could you please tell me

8、 _The Reader,a TV programmehosted by Dong Qing-Well,it is fun and teaches us a lot of knowledge.A. how do people likeB.how people likedC.why do many people likeD.why many people like二、完形填空阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。15分Not long ago,I arrived at a meeting earlier.So I walked into a room,andthere I s

9、aw some volunteers were busy with handouts(手册) of the meeting.I went over and asked if I could16.Seeing I was lame(腿,one of the ladies 17 said,Oh,no,thank you.and offered me a chair to just sit whilethey 18.Then,19 volunteer came into the room,saw me20 there doing nothing and said,Hey,young man,came

10、 on over there.Theres work to do,and you can help.He put two chairs together, placedtwo stacks(摆) of handouts and 21 me,OK,the left piece goes on top of the right one.Fine,I can do that.I said.And just like that,I was now happy to bepart of the 22.This member of the group saw that my disability did

11、not mean an inability(无能)to help.Later,I 23 him and asked why he invited me to help.Well,I considered wed finish more quickly with more 24.Of course youcan.he 25.The kind lady 26 my offer of help,but I know that she didnt mean togroup because of their 27 but not because of their inability.Its import

12、ant for all of us to feel part of a group.And when we are28 , we feel that we are accepted, respected and considered as a full and 29 member of a group.It sends a 30 that says,To us,your abilitiesare more important than your disability.( )( )17.A.rudelyB. politelyC. loudlyD.coldly( )18.A.workedB. re

13、stedC. chattedD.laughedyB.otherC.anotherD.the other( )24.A.headsB. handoutsC. legsD.hands( )26.A.wantedB.refusedC.acceptedD.considered( )27.A.abilityB. disability( )29.A.secretB.differentC. equalD.simple( )30.A,messageB. giftC. decisionD.suggestion三、阅读理解 阅读以下短文,根据短文容选择最正确答案。(30分)AWant to enjoy some

14、e*treme sports (极限运动)Here are a small number of the e*treme sport clubs across universities in the UK. Octopush (水中曲棍球) O*ford, York, Aberdeen ad Warwick are only some of the universities that offer this rather unusual sport. Anyone who is able to swim can play. It is played by two teams of si* players. Everyone wears a mask and carries a small wooden stick.Skiing and snowboarding Nearly every university in the UK has a skiing and snowboarding club. For e*ample, Brumski&Board Club of Birmingham University has run for 30 years and has about 500 members.


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