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1、甘肃省武威市七年级英语上册Unit7Howmucharethesesocks(第3课时)教案(新版)人教新目标版Unit 7 How much are these socks章节(课题)名 称Unit7 How much are these socks?学时7-3总课时61三维目标知识技能掌握单词:clerk, help, want, here。日常用语here you are, you are welcome。过程方法Listening reading speaking and writing情感态度与价值观通过练习shopping,学会简单的购物交际项目内容解决措施教学重点重点词汇和句型结

2、构反复的读,听写教学难点shopping的习惯交际用语设置情景进行会话练习教学过程设计教学内容及问题情境学生活动设计意图教学札记1 Greet and review Ask Nice to meet you to each other Then have a dictation 2 . Lead in.3 . Watch the play about shopping.4 Listen carefully and then fill in the blanks in the conversation.3aLearn the following while Listening.New words

3、: clerk, help, want, Sentences: (Please give more examples such as the following)-I want a new sweater. -Here you are. (new)-Thank you. -You are welcome. (new)5. Practice the conversation above. Then talk about these things.You want a blue T-shirt. How will you do in the store? Please act it in pair

4、s.6 Play a gameWrite a sentence. Then play a memory game.Example: The blue sweater is seven dollars.-The blue sweater is seven dollars.-The blue sweater is seven dollars. The red socks are two dollars.-The blue sweater is two dollars.7 HomeworkWrite the words about 10 times T: Hello, everybody. Woul

5、d you like shopping?S: Yes, wed like to.T: Ok. This class we will go shopping together.Let Ss make a dialogueKnow how to want something in a store and how to buy something you need.根据游戏巩固所学知识点个性化教学为学有余力学生所做的调整布置一些拓展性的问题,使其更加熟练运用所学内容为需要帮助的学生所做调整布置一些基础性的题目,帮助过关。板书设计Unit7 How much are these socks?T:They are sweatersT:What color are they?Ss:They re red.T:How much are the red sweater? Ss:They are eighty dollars.教学反思2


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