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1、 英语听力材料资料:整改指向快餐业Business;The changes facing fast food;Good and hungry;More than menus need to be revamped if fast-food firms want to keep growing; 商业;整改指向快餐业;美味与饥饿并存;假如快餐业想要持续的增长所要做的远不止转变一下菜单这么简洁。 Fast-food firms have to be a thick-skinned bunch. Health experts regularly lambast them for peddling f

2、ood that makes people fat. Critics even complain that McDonald”s, whose golden arches symbolise calorie excess, should not have been allowed to sponsor the World Cup. These are things fast-food firms have learnt to cope with and to deflect. But not perhaps for much longer. The burger business faces

3、more pressure from regulators at a time when it is already adapting strategies in response to shifts in the global economy.安康专家因其向人们兜售令人肥胖的食品而不断猛烈抨击快餐业。因而快餐业不得不成为一个厚着脸皮生存的群体。评论家门甚至埋怨到有着代表超高热量金色拱形标志的麦当劳不应当被允许赞助世界杯。虽然有些事情快餐业已经学会去处理和转移。但是他们的手去无法伸得更长。当汉堡经济在全球经济条件下正在做出适应性的战略部署作为回应来扭转局势的时候,却要面临着来自监管者方面更多的

4、压力。Fast food was once thought to be recession-proof. When consumers need to cut spending, the logic goes, cheap meals like Big Macs and Whoppers become even more attractive. Such “trading down” proved true for much of the latest recession, when fast-food companies picked up customers who could no lo

5、nger afford to eat at casual restaurants. Traffic was boosted in America, the home of fast food, with discounts and promotions, such as $1 menus and cheap combination meals.快餐一度被认为是经济衰退的证据。规律上,当消费者要削减开支时,巨无霸和特大型汉堡等廉价的食物会变得更有吸引力。当快餐商家攥住了那些在便利餐厅也付不起钱的消费者时,这样的低消费观在最近的经济衰退中被和好的证明白。在美国,这个快餐的发源地,伴随着快餐业的打折

6、活动以及促销活动,例如推出1美元菜单和廉价的什锦饭,快餐店客流也变得兴盛起来。As a result, fast-food chains have weathered the recession better than their pricier competitors. In 2022 sales at full-service restaurants in America fell by more than 6%, but total sales remained about the same at fast-food chains. In some markets, such as Ja

7、pan, France and Britain, total spending on fast food increased. Same-store sales in America at McDonald”s, the world”s largest fast-food company, did not decline throughout the downturn. Panera Bread, an American fast-food chain known for its fresh ingredients, performed well, too: its boss, Ron Sha

8、ich, claims this is because it offers higher-quality food at lower prices than restaurants.结果,快餐业比那些贵一点的同行们要更好的度过了这次经济危机。在2022年美国外乡那些全效劳餐馆业的营业额与以前同期相比有超过了6%的降幅,但是快餐连锁企业的营业额却依旧保持不变。在其他国家的市场上,如日本,法国和英国,在快餐上的消费整体上是增长的。在美国同行业的营业额中,世界上的快餐企业麦当劳在没有下滑的状况下度过了经济衰退期。以其新奇的原料以及良好的效劳着名的美国快餐连锁运营商Penera Bread的首席执行官

9、罗恩 夏奇声称这些现象的消失是由于他们一更低廉的价格供应了更高质量的食物。But not all fast-food companies have been as fortunate. Many, such as Burger King, have seen sales fall. In a severe recession, while some people trade down to fast food, many others eat at home more frequently to save money. David Palmer, an analyst at UBS, a ba

10、nk, says smaller fast-food chains in America, such as Jack in the Box and Carl”s Jr., have been hit particularly hard in this downturn because at the same time they are “slugging it out with a global powerhouse” in the form of McDonald”s, which ramped up spending on advertising by more than 7% last

11、year as others cut back.但并非全部的快餐企业有如此好的运气。例如汉堡王等很多企业的营业额就有所下滑。相对有一些人低消费投向快餐,很多人更多的时候为了省钱在家里吃饭。瑞士联合银行的分析师大卫帕尔曼表示,在美国,一些小型的快餐连锁店,如玩偶匣和卡乐星,在这次经济衰退中受到了特殊严峻的冲击。由于与此同时它们还要与像麦当劳,去年在其他企业都在下滑时,它却向广告宣传投入了超过了7%的财力,这样的的全球性的大集团进展竞争。Some fast-food companies also cannibalised their own profits by trying to give cu

12、stomers better value. During the recession companies set prices low, hoping that once they had tempted customers through the door they would be persuaded to order more expensive items. But in many cases that strategy backfired. Last year Burger King franchisees sued the company over its double-chees

13、eburger promotion, claiming it was unfair for them to be required to sell these for $1 when they cost $1.10 to make. In May a judge ruled in favour of Burger King. Nevertheless, the company may still be cursing its decision to promote cheap choices over more expensive ones because items on its “valu

14、e menu” now account for around 20% of all sales, up from 12% last October.一些快餐企业不惜削减自己的利润试图给顾客们更好的优待。在经济危机期间,许多商家实行一系列的促销手段,盼望顾客们哪怕一次穿过大门,从而能够劝告他们购置稍贵的产品。但是在多数状况下,这些打算实施之后反而事与愿违。去年汉堡王的特约经销商就由于双层起司汉堡的促销活动而控告了公司。并声称以1美元出售这些1.10美元本钱价的产品对他们是不公正的。最终五月份法官裁决表示支持汉堡王。尽管如此,这家公司依旧咒骂汉堡王做出的增加可供选择的廉价产品并超过价格高的产品的数

15、量的打算。由于这些产品在它的“有价值菜单”所占比例从去年10月的12%升到了现在的20%。Analysts expect the fast-food industry to grow modestly this year. But the downturn is making them rethink their strategies. Many companies are now introducing higher-priced items to entice consumers away from $1 specials. KFC, a division of Yum! Brands,

16、which also owns Taco Bell and Pizza Hut, has launched a chicken sandwich that costs around $5. And in May Burger King introduced barbecue pork ribs at a hefty $7 for eight.分析人士对今年快餐业的适度增长有所期盼。但是衰退的形势却不容乐观,他们重新考虑了他们的分析结果。现在很多商家推出一些稍高价格的商品试图将消费者从1美元的特价商品中吸引回来。拥有塔可钟和必胜客的百胜餐饮集团,其旗下品牌肯德基已经推出了一款售价约5美元的鸡肉三明治。五月份汉堡王适时推出了7到8美元的烤猪排。More cheeseburgers 更多的起司汉堡 Companies are also trying to get customers


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