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1、牖報兼:l笨耙怅膝 班嵌那+!膝湘曲外y理沖鏗蒸履L题号一一二三四五总分评阅人得分2011-2012学年第一学期2011级期末大学英语考试B卷 适用11本科非英语专业命题人:刘天宇Part I Fast Reading(10% 2x5)Directions: Read the following passage, and then select the best choice for each of the questi ons or stateme nts.Millions of American students take part in service programs. They he

2、lp people in their communities as part of their education. They work on projects like improving the environment and feeding homeless people. Many school systems in the United states now require stude nts to do some ki nd of com mun ity services as part of their studies.Students involved in service p

3、rojects help themselves as well as their communities. They learn about the needs of people and aid organizations. Some college administrators (事务管理人)say public service may also help high school graduates gain accepta nee to the college of their choice.Many schools in the United States offer courses

4、in what is called service-learning. These educati onal programs teach methods to aid the com mun ity.For example Nicholas Senn High School in Chicago, Illi no is, is one of these schools. It has received national honors for its service-learning program. Students here were not doing well in their stu

5、dies back when the program began in 1997. Teachers say doing community service has led many students to work harder in school. School officials say mathematics and read ing skills have improved.Wilkinson Junior High School in Middleburg, Florida, also has received national honors for its service -le

6、arning program. Its twelve-and-thirteen-year-old students work on two major projects. They are helping to find the best ways to restore (使复位) trees to an area of land that was used for mining titanium (钛).They also test water from the n earby Sai nt Joh ns River and report the results to local water

7、 officials.Teachers try to link their classroom material with current community needs. For example, a history teacher talked about the issue of hunger in some American com mun ities. After that, stude nts helped at a food cen ter for poor people.Students at some schools come from many other countrie

8、s. They speak different languages. Even students who have just arrived from other national perform com mun ity service.Public schools are not the only ones that require community service. Bishop Ireton High School is a private Romam Catholic school. In one project, students there orga ni zed program

9、s for people who lived in a retireme nt cen ter n ear the school.1. What is the main idea of the passage?A) American service programs are gaining popularity now.B) Service programs help American students win college acceptanee.C) American schools involve students in community service.D) American ser

10、vice programs have helped many people.2. The example of Nicholas Senn High School mai nly suggests that.A) It offers the best service-lear ning program n ati on wide.B) Stude nts there did nt work hard back in 1977.C) Stude nts there have improved their maths and read ing.D) Service in volveme nt co

11、n tributes to study improveme nt.3. How do America n schools help stude nts bett er serve their com mun ities?A) They call on stude nts to improve the en vir onment.B) They train students to aid the community.C) They provide stude nts with extracurricular activities.D) They link school courses with

12、stude nts n eeds.4. Stude nts from Wilk inson Junior High School help to.A) restore trees to an old tita nium-mining landB) test water from a local riverC) report test results to local water officialsD) all above5. Which of the following claims would supporters of service-learning programs in school

13、s make?A) It is good for growing youths to be physically active.B) Stude nts should lear n how to make a livi ng.C) Stude nts should con tribute to the com mun ities in which they live.D) Stude nts should help pay for school taxes.Part II Read ing Comprehe nsionA. Read ing in Depth (15% 1.5x10)Fill

14、in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the Word Bank given below. Each choice in the Word Bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words more tha n on ce.William Johansson is not like most people. At the age of 19, when most young people are hav ing

15、 a hard time of 6_ their future, pla nning which college to go to or which subject to study, he made a differe nt choice. He chose a life at sea. Now n ear ing retirement, William gives talks to high school students, encouraging them to consider 7_ choices that few young people give any thought to.

16、Forget college!”Mr.Joha nsson shouts, his voice risi ng loudly before a group of 1,000 stude nts who paid to liste n to him speak. He talks of the members - the $ 34,000 a year that is made by the average university graduate and the other 8_of completing university studies. He says that this amount and more can be made without such


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