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1、太 阳 中 心 学 校 七 年 级 英 语 导 学 案年级 七年级 课题 Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball? SectionA_ 课时: 第一课时 主备教师 陈 梦 _ 时间 _【学习目标】1.单词及短语: have, tennis racket, pingpong ball, soccer ball, volleyball, TV, ping-pong bat, computer game,basketall,let,us,play,sound,good,we,many,class,club,sport,more.2.掌握动词have的一般疑问句式的构成及其回答

2、。3.掌握Lets 开头的句式。【学习导航】一、预习感知 写出球类名词的英文名称并翻译下列动词短语篮球_ 棒球_ 排球_ 足球_ 乒乓球_网球_打乒乓球_ 打篮球_ 踢足球_打棒球_打网球_打排球_ 参加运动_二、合作探究1.do的用法 作助动词无意义,翻译下列句子并能用have造出相似的句子.Do you have a basketball? Yes, I do. Do they have a soccer ball? No, they dont Does she have a computer? No, she doesnt Does he have a ping-pong ball? Y

3、es,he does./No,he doesnt.句中的do和does都是构成疑问句和否定句的助动词 do not的缩写形式_ does not的缩写形式_ dont/doesnt+动词原形. 如,I dont _(have) a soccerball. (我没有足球) He doesnt _(have) a ping-pong ball.(他没有乒乓球) 作实义动词,意为_,它的第三人称单数形式是_ . 如,I do my homework every day.(我每天做作业) 改为否定句:I _do my homework every day2. Lets play volleyball

4、lets=let us, let的意思是_,let+人称代词的宾格,us是_的宾格 lets +动词原形,如,Lets _(play) soccer.3. many many+复数名词,如,We have many _(club).4. classsports 作名词,意思是_,如,I am in Class 6(我在6班).作名词,意思是_,如,I have 7 classes every day.(我每天上7节课)【学习检测】一.用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.I dont_(have) a soccer ball. 2,He doesnt _(have) a tennis racket.3

5、.Do you _(have) a dictionary? 4.Lets _(play) volleyball. 5.That_(sound) good. 6.Please call _(we) at 495-3935. 7._(Do) she have a sister? 8._(Do)Alan have an eraser? 二.翻译下列句子 1.你有乒乓球吗? 2.他有排球吗? 3我爸爸没有电脑。 4.让咱们去踢足球吧。 5.我有许多朋友。 6.那听起来不错。三.据上下文,写出句中所缺的单词。 1. _ _ have a banana ? Yes , I do . 2. Do you h

6、ave a basketball ? No , _ _ . 3. _ Mary have a sister ? Yes , she _ . 4. _ go to play football . That sounds interesting . 5. _ _ have a computer ? Yes , they do .6. _ you have a bat? 7 _ he have a basketball?8. _ play volleyball.9.My brother _ have a notebook. 10.He_ sports every day. 11 That sound

7、s _. 12 My sister _ five baseballs.13.-Does Tom _ a computer? -Yes, _ _太 阳 中 心 学 校 七 年 级 英 语 导 学 案年级 七年级 课题 Unit5 Do you have a soccer ball? SectionB_ 课时: 第二课时 主备教师 陈 梦 _ 时间 _【学习目标】1、掌握单词及短语: 六个形容词(interesting,boring,fun,difficult,relaxing,great),watch, has,but,only,them,every day,watch TV,play bask

8、etball,play volleyball,play computer game.2、动词have 的第三人称单数has的用法。3、掌握规则动词三单形式的变化规则:如,watch(三单)-watches, play(三单)-plays【学习导航】一。预习感知:翻译下列短语Every day_watch TV_,play basketball_play volleyball_play computer game._二、合作探究1. sound 作系动词,意思是听起来,后面接形容词,如,That sounds _(有趣的); That sounds _(无聊的); That sounds _(令

9、人愉快的); That sounds_(困难的);That sounds_(轻松的)2. interesting 形容词,在句中作表语,位于系动词后面,如,This book is _. That sounds _. 形容词,在句中作定语,后面接名词,修饰名词,如,This is an _book. interseting 的反义词是_.3.has: has是have的第三人称单数形式,当主语是第三人称单数的时候,动词用has,如,肯定句:My friend has many story books.否定句:My friend doesnt have many story books.一般疑问

10、句: Does your friend have many story books?My cousin doesnt have a computer(正确的). My cousin doesnt has a computer(错误的). 因为doesnt+动词原形改错: His brother dont have a computer game. _.原因是当主语是第三人称单数,否定句中的助动词用_.3. watch 它的三单形式是_,当主语是第三人称单数时,动词形式的变化规(1) 一般动词在词尾加_,在清辅音后读/s/,在浊辅音后或元音后读/z/,在t后读/ts/,在d后读/dz/。(2)以

11、字母s,x,ch,sh结尾的动词加_读/IZ/; (3).以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y为i再加es。 do(三单)_ play_ study(三单)_5them:它是they的宾格形式,动词后面若接人称代词必须是宾格形式,如,He only watches them on TV. we(宾格)_ you(宾格)_【学习检测】一.词汇1. She likes _(体育运动)very much. 2. _(让我们) play tennis. 3. Sue has two _ (篮球). 4. My mother _(看) TV every day. 5. I have a computer game. Its _(有趣的). 6. My mother _(有) a nice book. 7. That music _(听起来) good. 8 To play soccer is _(困难的). 二.用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.It _(sound) like a bird. 2.We only_(have) one earth. 3.Mr Zhang _(be) very busy. 4.Mary _(watch) TV every day. 5.I have two _(basketball). 6.H


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